Check with the CM team...
This should get you started. It’s based on information gathered in AH1 and may not be complete.
Put it into Word and replace all the >>> with a tab and format as usual. Hope it helps produce a good event.
Arena Setup descriptions:
Icon range is a dot command: .icon # 0=6K,1=3K
Arena Setup
BadWordFilterCnt=0>>>0=off, 1=on
BoatWarningRange=52800 >>>Distance to flash base in feet
BomberWarningRange=50000 >>>Distance to flash base in feet
ChangeCountryTime=0.000000>>>Player Changes... Instant = 0
ColorCloud = 0>>>[Day 0/Dusk 1/Night 2]
ColorDuskFog = 0>>>[Day 0/Dusk 1/Night 2] NEW
ColorFog = 0>>>[Day 0/Dusk 1/Night 2] TEST ALL ?>
ColorLight = 0>>>[Day 0/Dusk 1/Night 2]
ColorSky = 0>>>[Day 0/Dusk 1/Night 2]
ColorSun = 0>>>[Day 0/Dusk 1/Night 2]
CountryCanFly[Bish]=1>>>Bish can fly (0=no, 1=yes)
CountryCanFly[Knit]=1>>>Knights can fly
CountryCanFly[Rook]=1>>>Rooks can fly
DeathMaxCount=100>>>Stop reup after max death count
DownTimeMult=1.000000>>>Global. Tweeks all the down times.
EnemyMidAirsOn=1>>>0=no, 1=yes=die
Evening=18.000000>>>Range Noon to 6am
ExitInFlight=1>>>0=no, 1=yes
FighterWarningRange=15000>>>Distance to flash base in feet
FlightModeFlags=192>>>Advanced and help features.
_ Stall Limit On>>>=1
_ Stall Limit Off>>>=2
_ Stall Limit New User>>>=4
_ Precision Bombsight>>>=8
_ Dive Bombsight>>>=16
_ Lead Computed Gun Sight>>>=32
_ Air Show Smoke>>>=64
_ Formations Enabled>>>=128
_ Country Perk Enabled>>>=256
FogVisibilityMiles=10>>>New 0 to 17 miles
FriendlyMidAirsOn=0>>>0=no, 1=yes=die
FuelBurnRateMult=1.500000>>>MA=2. CT & most SEA = 1.5.
GroundAutoLethality[Armored 0]=0.5>>>These three are similar
GroundAutoLethality[Hard 1]=0.5>>>MA=1 most CT & SEA may be 0.5 etc.
GroundAutoLethality[Soft 2]=0.5>>>? different types of guns?
KillMessagesDisabled=1>>>_ 0=off, 1=on=No Kill messages
KillShooter=0>>>_ Kill friendly people (0=no, 1=yes)
Locked=0>>>_ 0=not locked, 1=yes)
ManGunnerAmmoMult=1.000000>>>? not used?
ManuverKillRange=1000.000000>>>? Distance for proximity kill?
Morning=6.000000>>>Range Midnight to Noon
MuteTime=3600>>>Mute for # seconds
PerkPointsDisabled=1>>>0=perks on, 1=perks off
PlaneAutoAmmoMult=1.000000>>>? not used?
PlaneGunAmmoMult=1.023000>>>Higher adds more bullets
PlaneGunLethality[Armored 0]=1.0>>>plane GUNS vs players vehicle
PlaneGunLethality[Hard 1]=1.0>>>plane GUNS vs hangers etc.
PlaneGunLethality[Soft 2]=1.0>>>plane GUNS vs ???
PlayerResupplyTime=180>>>Minutes of building resupply
ProtectObjects=0>>>Kill friendly objects (0=yes, 1=no)
RadarAlt=500>>>Tower based dot setting in feet (AGL)
_ Full Friendly>>>=1>>>See Friendly dot all the time
_ Tower Friendly>>>=2>>>Friendly dot within Tower range
_ Full Enemy>>>=4>>>See Enemy dot all the time
_ Tower Enemy>>>=8>>>Enemy dot within Tower range
_ Disable Friendly Bar Dar>>>=16>>>Can’t see Friendly Bar Dar
_ Disable Enemy Bar Dar>>>=32>>>Can’t see Enemy Bar Dar
_ Plane Counters Only>>>=64>>>No dot dar
_ Counters above Radar>>>=128>>>When above Radar Altitude
_ Range Based Counters>>>=256>>>When within Tower based range
RadarMode[Knit]>>>=42 = Tower friendly + Tower enemy
RandomRotate=0>>>Country placement on reset
SectorCounterAlt=0>>>Bar Dar feet above ground (AGL)
SectorCounterRange=0>>>Bar Dar range in feet from tower 0=everywhere.
StratDisabled=1>>>Factory damage affects field downtimes
TaskGroupCommandCnt>>>Host or CM=0, Player=1
TaskGroupRespawnTime=10>>>Minutes of down time
TowerBasedRadarRange>>>Dot dar radius from tower in feet
VehicleWarningRange=10000 >>>Distance to flash base in feet
ViewModeFlags=63>>>Set External views.
_ Fighter>>>=1
_ Bomber>>>=2
_ Ground Vehicles>>>=4
_ Boats>>>=8
_ Field Guns>>>=16
_ Gods Eye>>>=32
WarningFlags[Bish]=#>>>Turn on base flashing
_ Fighter>>>=1
_ Bomber>>>=2
_ Ground Vehicles>>>=4
_ Boats>>>=8
WeaponLethality[Armored 0]=1.0>>>? Bombs & Rockets vs players?
WeaponLethality[Hard 1]=1.0>>>BOMBS & ROCKETS vs hangers etc.
WeaponLethality[Soft 2]=1.0
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____
WindSpeed[0]=0,0,0>>>Wind parameters for 2,000 feet bands
WindSpeed[1]=0,0,0>>>Values: heading, speed, rise/fall all in mph
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____
Object Hardness
Object Type>>>Down Time Minutes>>>Hardness
Barge>>>600>>>0.1562 = _156 lbs
Barrier>>>_45>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Boat Entry>>>_15>>>2.7812 = 2781 lbs
Bomb Ent>>>_30>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Bomb Hgr>>>_15>>>2.7812 = 2781 lbs
Bombable>>>_30>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Bunk Ammo>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Bunk Barr>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Bunk Fuel>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Bunk Radar>>>180 = 3 hrs>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
City>>>360 = 6 hrs>>>0.2812 = _281 lbs
Convoy>>>600 = 10 hrs>>>0.0781 = __78 lbs
Fact AAA>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Fact Ammo>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Fact Barr>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Fact Fuel>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Fact Radar>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Ftr Entry>>>_30>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Ftr Hgr>>>_15>>>2.7812 = 2781 lbs
Ground Gun>>>180>>>0.0031 = __31 lbs
Gun Bat>>>_15>>>3.9062 = 3906 lbs
Hanger>>>_30>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
HQ>>>180>>>18.7500 = 18750 lbs
Map Room>>>_30>>>0.0015 = ___1.5 lbs
Officer Club>>>_30>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Rearm>>>_30>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Runway>>>__1>>>125.0000 = 125000 lbs
Ship>>>_60>>>1.5625 = 1563 lbs
Station>>>_15>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Structure>>>_45>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Tower>>>_30>>>125.0000 = 125000 lbs
Town>>>_45>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Train>>>600>>>0.1562 = _156 lbs
Veh Ent>>>_30>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Veh Hgr>>>_15>>>2.7812 = 2781 lbs
VOID>>>_30>>>0.0312 = __31 lbs