Author Topic: Vote Landslide Bush or You're Fired!  (Read 1177 times)

Offline Nash

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Vote Landslide Bush or You're Fired!
« Reply #45 on: August 23, 2004, 12:55:03 AM »

and no... sorta...

I'm kinda interested in this "anger".

The anger that would lead someone to pull rank to get some peon fired just 'cuz he doesn't share the same political view.

I happen to think that's huge.... and new. At least I've never heard of it before. At least so blatently. If you have other examples please do correct me.

It's not only a question of why that seemed to be an acceptable move to them... but... Why is the climate such that this lameness is defended by citing all these 'employers rights' laws or whatever, here in this forum?

It represents a shift... the variety of which hardly seems to get noticed and then passes into some weird sort of common acceptability... Inch by strange inch.

Same as it ever was.... but wasn't.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2004, 12:58:38 AM by Nash »


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« Reply #46 on: August 23, 2004, 01:03:02 AM »
You really think this is the first time a client pulled rank on some company to hurt somebody for persoinal reasons or the first time a person got fired for some political bs.

Nash I'm curious, why not just say that you think this is some evil Bush thing and be done with it?

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« Reply #47 on: August 23, 2004, 01:11:43 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Nash I'm curious, why not just say that you think this is some evil Bush thing and be done with it?

Because it's not an evil Bush thing.

It's the dumbing down of everything. It's reducing things to absurd levels and debating from 2000 feet underground, pretending as if it were actually above ground.

It's the stoopid watermelon that happens, the stoopid reasons for it happening, and our stupid justifications for why it happened.


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Vote Landslide Bush or You're Fired!
« Reply #48 on: August 23, 2004, 01:29:23 AM »
I'm curious have politics ever been intelligent?

Not in the memory of my lifetime.  Cerainly not in the 1990s, all of them behaved like children...

In fact I'm personally insulted by almost every stump speach, certainly every one so far thast I heard from the two presidential candidates..

For example Kerry says he will create new jobs by taxing the "rich" (those making over $200,000 by his definition)  well since many small businesses and entrepreneurs  are sole proprietorshis I guess that  will really help their hiring. Or that he will save manufacturing jobs by stopping compaies from shipping their paper headquarters to Bermuda - thus incresing their tax burden..  Guess where they will cut expenses?
Its as ridiculous as saying that you will save jobs in california by stopping firms from enjoying the advantages of incorporating in delaware..

Anyway thats what I thought as I drove through Silicon Valley today and saw all the empty office bulidings with proprety for lease signs on them. Yea Kerry will bring all those jobs back...

Only an idiot would buy that...

I'd complain about the bush soundbites too but I usually change the channel cuz I cant stand listyening to him speak so badly...

And people are surprised as to why I dont bother votiong..

Offline oboe

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Vote Landslide Bush or You're Fired!
« Reply #49 on: August 23, 2004, 07:07:04 AM »
WTF?   There's something backwards in this whole story.    Isn't it usually the COMPANY who curries favor with the CLIENT by providing gifts, e.g., tickets to see the President speak?   Why should a CLIENT be providing gifts to a COMPANY?

And does not a West Virginia school district have better uses for it's money than a hiring public relations firm and paying it enough that it can go around gifting the companies it choose to do business with?    I wonder how many teachers this district was forced to layoff last year for lack of funds?

Finally, at the bottom of the story, did you notice that two event goers were ARRESTED for wearing T-shirts that opposed the President?    Say what you want, that is straight out of Germany in the 1930s.   (I am not insinuating the Bush campaign had anything to do with the arrests, I am just dumbfounded that it occurred)

Offline Tumor

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Vote Landslide Bush or You're Fired!
« Reply #50 on: August 23, 2004, 07:44:06 AM »
Originally posted by oboe
WTF?   There's something backwards in this whole story.    Isn't it usually the COMPANY who curries favor with the CLIENT by providing gifts, e.g., tickets to see the President speak?   Why should a CLIENT be providing gifts to a COMPANY?

Kinda makes poking your client in the eye all the more stupid don't it? Hmmm... what did Mr Bonehead have to say:
"To some degree I can see her point of view," Hiller said. "Advertising is all about having the perfect tan and driving a cool car. It's all about image."

And does not a West Virginia school district have better uses for it's money than a hiring public relations firm and paying it enough that it can go around gifting the companies it choose to do business with?    I wonder how many teachers this district was forced to layoff last year for lack of funds?

Lets get the story first.

Finally, at the bottom of the story, did you notice that two event goers were ARRESTED for wearing T-shirts that opposed the President?    Say what you want, that is straight out of Germany in the 1930s.   (I am not insinuating the Bush campaign had anything to do with the arrests, I am just dumbfounded that it occurred)

Heh... a fine example of lefty spin.  Pay attention, different (4th of July) event. Fine, arrest was too extreme, but then given the left's attitude of pure hatred, why might authorities not want people showing up with the sole purpose of pissing people off?  I wonder (wait, I know... so they can "express themselves"
« Last Edit: August 23, 2004, 07:47:03 AM by Tumor »
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Vote Landslide Bush or You're Fired!
« Reply #51 on: August 23, 2004, 08:38:07 AM »
Neither BS or Fubar.

It is however the way it is.
I have a buisness.
The ONLY reason to have an employee is to help increase my profits.
Im not in buisness to break even Im in buisness to make money.
I dont hire people just to be a nice guy. I hire people to help me make more money.
If you intentionaly do things to annoy  one of my customers Your going to cost me that cutomers buisness and possably any buisness that  that cusomer might have refered to me to other people in the future.
And just as sure as a  happy and satisfied customer is the best form of advertisement.
A Dissatisfied customer is sure to tell everyone "dont use this guy because..."
In fact an unhappy customer is far more likely to spread the word about how unhappy that person was with  you then a happy one.
One only needs to look at these boards to see how true that is.

I never once said anything about doing anything illegaly or unacceptable to make me money. In fact I never even hinted at it
What I said is what I said.
Your job and sole reason for being an employee is to help me make money(Legally)
And when the time comes when you cost me more money to have you as an employee, or through your actions cost me  current and potential future buisness the therfore money.
Then you have outlived your usefullness. And you will be fired. and I will find someone else who does not do that and who does make me money.

You dont have to like it. but thats the way it is.
Originally posted by Nash

Well.... true... but.... simplistic.

Because there's lotsa ways to make your company money. It's clear that not all of them fall within acceptable boundries. Some are downright illegal, as we're well aware.

So your logic is completely FUBAR, if it is in fact in the service of trying to make a point.

This is what I'm saying... Because again this is exactly the kinda thinking brought to bear on such issues over and over again and it is mind numbingly.... what word can I use?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2004, 08:45:45 AM by DREDIOCK »
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Offline rpm

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Vote Landslide Bush or You're Fired!
« Reply #52 on: August 23, 2004, 09:44:11 AM »
Originally posted by oboe
WTF?   There's something backwards in this whole story.    Isn't it usually the COMPANY who curries favor with the CLIENT by providing gifts, e.g., tickets to see the President speak?   Why should a CLIENT be providing gifts to a COMPANY?

And does not a West Virginia school district have better uses for it's money than a hiring public relations firm and paying it enough that it can go around gifting the companies it choose to do business with?    I wonder how many teachers this district was forced to layoff last year for lack of funds?

Finally, at the bottom of the story, did you notice that two event goers were ARRESTED for wearing T-shirts that opposed the President?    Say what you want, that is straight out of Germany in the 1930s.   (I am not insinuating the Bush campaign had anything to do with the arrests, I am just dumbfounded that it occurred)

They were 2 different events, but it shows a pattern of behavior by the police.

Originally posted by Tumor
Heh... a fine example of lefty spin. Pay attention, different (4th of July) event. Fine, arrest was too extreme, but then given the left's attitude of pure hatred, why might authorities not want people showing up with the sole purpose of pissing people off? I wonder (wait, I know... so they can "express themselves"

All this reference to "lefty hate" baffles me. It is the right that practices the politics of your post demonstrates.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2004, 09:50:14 AM by rpm »
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Vote Landslide Bush or You're Fired!
« Reply #53 on: August 23, 2004, 12:07:00 PM »
Yes.  Obviously these two incidents prove that there is a well documented patter that the police are nothing more than Gestapho-like militia bent on their own secret agendas.

Vote Kerry or we will all suffer a fate worse than death.

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Offline lazs2

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Vote Landslide Bush or You're Fired!
« Reply #54 on: August 24, 2004, 08:59:01 AM »
yes.. it is evident that rpm is coming unraveled... he will soon move to san francisco taking nothing with him but his puter and tinfoil hat.



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Vote Landslide Bush or You're Fired!
« Reply #55 on: August 24, 2004, 09:10:17 AM »
A classic example of the essentially flawed liberal form of thinking.  one cannot blame RPM, he is the product of a philosphy that espouses irrationality and irresponsibilty without consequence.  his outrage is justified to anyone one of his and Ms. Hiller's political leaning.  they don't see that behavior as wrong.