Author Topic: Arena Settings Info?  (Read 1146 times)

Offline DoKGonZo

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Arena Settings Info?
« on: August 23, 2004, 05:21:29 PM »
Is there a doc file or web page some place that lists what each of the arena settings does, including how different values actually affect things?

Offline Seeker

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Arena Settings Info?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2004, 05:54:22 PM »
Best place to ask is in the H2H forum; there's quite a few very experienced hosts in there.

Offline Easyscor

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Arena Settings Info?
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2004, 12:49:45 AM »
Check with the CM team...

This should get you started.  It’s based on information gathered in AH1 and may not be complete.

Put it into Word and replace all the >>> with a tab and format as usual.  Hope it helps produce a good event.

Arena Setup descriptions:

Icon range is a dot command: .icon #   0=6K,1=3K

Arena Setup
BadWordFilterCnt=0>>>0=off, 1=on
BoatWarningRange=52800 >>>Distance to flash base in feet
BomberWarningRange=50000 >>>Distance to flash base in feet
ChangeCountryTime=0.000000>>>Player Changes... Instant = 0
ColorCloud = 0>>>[Day 0/Dusk 1/Night 2]
ColorDuskFog = 0>>>[Day 0/Dusk 1/Night 2]         NEW
ColorFog = 0>>>[Day 0/Dusk 1/Night 2]
ColorLight = 0>>>[Day 0/Dusk 1/Night 2]
ColorSky = 0>>>[Day 0/Dusk 1/Night 2]
ColorSun = 0>>>[Day 0/Dusk 1/Night 2]
CountryCanFly[Bish]=1>>>Bish can fly (0=no, 1=yes)
CountryCanFly[Knit]=1>>>Knights can fly
CountryCanFly[Rook]=1>>>Rooks can fly
DeathMaxCount=100>>>Stop reup after max death count
DownTimeMult=1.000000>>>Global. Tweeks all the down times.
EnemyMidAirsOn=1>>>0=no, 1=yes=die
Evening=18.000000>>>Range Noon to 6am
ExitInFlight=1>>>0=no, 1=yes
FighterWarningRange=15000>>>Distance to flash base in feet
FlightModeFlags=192>>>Advanced and help features.
_ Stall Limit On>>>=1
_ Stall Limit Off>>>=2
_ Stall Limit New User>>>=4
_ Precision Bombsight>>>=8
_ Dive Bombsight>>>=16
_ Lead Computed Gun Sight>>>=32
_ Air Show Smoke>>>=64
_ Formations Enabled>>>=128
_ Country Perk Enabled>>>=256
FogVisibilityMiles=10>>>New 0 to 17 miles
FriendlyMidAirsOn=0>>>0=no, 1=yes=die
FuelBurnRateMult=1.500000>>>MA=2. CT & most SEA = 1.5.
GroundAutoLethality[Armored 0]=0.5>>>These three are similar
GroundAutoLethality[Hard 1]=0.5>>>MA=1 most CT & SEA may be 0.5 etc.
GroundAutoLethality[Soft 2]=0.5>>>? different types of guns?
KillMessagesDisabled=1>>>_ 0=off, 1=on=No Kill messages
KillShooter=0>>>_ Kill friendly people (0=no, 1=yes)
Locked=0>>>_ 0=not locked, 1=yes)
ManGunnerAmmoMult=1.000000>>>? not used?
ManuverKillRange=1000.000000>>>? Distance for proximity kill?
Morning=6.000000>>>Range Midnight to Noon
MuteTime=3600>>>Mute for # seconds
PerkPointsDisabled=1>>>0=perks on, 1=perks off
PlaneAutoAmmoMult=1.000000>>>? not used?
PlaneGunAmmoMult=1.023000>>>Higher adds more bullets
PlaneGunLethality[Armored 0]=1.0>>>plane GUNS vs players vehicle
PlaneGunLethality[Hard 1]=1.0>>>plane GUNS vs hangers etc.
PlaneGunLethality[Soft 2]=1.0>>>plane GUNS vs ???
PlayerResupplyTime=180>>>Minutes of building resupply
ProtectObjects=0>>>Kill friendly objects (0=yes, 1=no)
RadarAlt=500>>>Tower based dot setting in feet (AGL)
_ Full Friendly>>>=1>>>See Friendly dot all the time
_ Tower Friendly>>>=2>>>Friendly dot within Tower range
_ Full Enemy>>>=4>>>See Enemy dot all the time
_ Tower Enemy>>>=8>>>Enemy dot within Tower range
_ Disable Friendly Bar Dar>>>=16>>>Can’t see Friendly Bar Dar
_ Disable Enemy Bar Dar>>>=32>>>Can’t see Enemy Bar Dar
_ Plane Counters Only>>>=64>>>No dot dar
_ Counters above Radar>>>=128>>>When above Radar Altitude
_ Range Based Counters>>>=256>>>When within Tower based range
RadarMode[Knit]>>>=42 = Tower friendly + Tower enemy
RandomRotate=0>>>Country placement on reset
SectorCounterAlt=0>>>Bar Dar feet above ground (AGL)
SectorCounterRange=0>>>Bar Dar range in feet from tower 0=everywhere.
StratDisabled=1>>>Factory damage affects field downtimes
TaskGroupCommandCnt>>>Host or CM=0, Player=1
TaskGroupRespawnTime=10>>>Minutes of down time
TowerBasedRadarRange>>>Dot dar radius from tower in feet
VehicleWarningRange=10000 >>>Distance to flash base in feet
ViewModeFlags=63>>>Set External views.
_ Fighter>>>=1
_ Bomber>>>=2
_ Ground Vehicles>>>=4
_ Boats>>>=8
_ Field Guns>>>=16
_ Gods Eye>>>=32
WarningFlags[Bish]=#>>>Turn on base flashing
_ Fighter>>>=1
_ Bomber>>>=2
_ Ground Vehicles>>>=4
_ Boats>>>=8
WeaponLethality[Armored 0]=1.0>>>? Bombs & Rockets vs players?
WeaponLethality[Hard 1]=1.0>>>BOMBS & ROCKETS vs hangers etc.
WeaponLethality[Soft 2]=1.0
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____
WindSpeed[0]=0,0,0>>>Wind parameters for 2,000 feet bands
WindSpeed[1]=0,0,0>>>Values: heading, speed, rise/fall all in mph
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____
Object Hardness
Object Type>>>Down Time Minutes>>>Hardness
Barge>>>600>>>0.1562 = _156 lbs
Barrier>>>_45>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Boat Entry>>>_15>>>2.7812 = 2781 lbs
Bomb Ent>>>_30>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Bomb Hgr>>>_15>>>2.7812 = 2781 lbs
Bombable>>>_30>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Bunk Ammo>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Bunk Barr>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Bunk Fuel>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Bunk Radar>>>180 = 3 hrs>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
City>>>360 = 6 hrs>>>0.2812 = _281 lbs
Convoy>>>600 = 10 hrs>>>0.0781 = __78 lbs
Fact AAA>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Fact Ammo>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Fact Barr>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Fact Fuel>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Fact Radar>>>180>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Ftr Entry>>>_30>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Ftr Hgr>>>_15>>>2.7812 = 2781 lbs
Ground Gun>>>180>>>0.0031 = __31 lbs
Gun Bat>>>_15>>>3.9062 = 3906 lbs
Hanger>>>_30>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
HQ>>>180>>>18.7500 = 18750 lbs
Map Room>>>_30>>>0.0015 = ___1.5 lbs
Officer Club>>>_30>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Rearm>>>_30>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Runway>>>__1>>>125.0000 = 125000 lbs
Ship>>>_60>>>1.5625 = 1563 lbs
Station>>>_15>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Structure>>>_45>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Tower>>>_30>>>125.0000 = 125000 lbs
Town>>>_45>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Train>>>600>>>0.1562 = _156 lbs
Veh Ent>>>_30>>>0.3125 = _312 lbs
Veh Hgr>>>_15>>>2.7812 = 2781 lbs
VOID>>>_30>>>0.0312 = __31 lbs
Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001

Offline DoKGonZo

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Arena Settings Info?
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2004, 01:22:45 AM »
Ah ... cool ... this helps

Offline Tilt

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Re: Arena Settings Info?
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2004, 05:11:56 AM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
Is there a doc file or web page some place that lists what each of the arena settings does, including how different values actually affect things?

Dok please feel free to email me with any questions..either about specific settings and their functions or regarding any thing you would like  to achieve but  unsure how..........
Ludere Vincere