Originally posted by zorstorer HT is there any way to maybe have a contest for the skinners / sounds guys togive the winners some free AH2 time? I think it could be a cool way to have the community thank them for their efforts?
Originally posted by hitech And exactly how is the "Community" giving them free time?HiTech
Originally posted by JB73 i like the idea, maybe put up a pop uo survey on entering the arena, liek the surveys you have done in the past.1 vote for sound pack...then maybe a few votes for skins. have each submitter choose the single one they want in the competition. then have those the choices, allow 2 or 3 votes in all.offer a "do next time" so people can go look in case they forgot which skin was their favorite,maybe the "prize" could be 1 month free subscription. that would only be $29.90 out of HTC profits, but a great fun morale booster IMHO.oh well my 2¢
Originally posted by zorstorer Seemed to be a good way to give some recognition for a tough job done well.