Goner here ... was thinking of the good old days and visited to check if my account survived (which it did!).
I started flying Air Warrior in the Compu$erve days and stayed until the end. Was in a 2-man squad with Immel, called D.U.T.C.H (Drinking Umpteen Tasty Cool Heinekens, I think ... ?)
Never was much of a fighter pilot, but I flew Kates, Shturmi's, B-25's, B-17's in every scenario (Kursk, Pearl Harbor, Big Week etc) I could (had to get out of bed at 3 AM because of the time difference). When EA murdered AW, I flew AH for some time, but something went wrong with my connection and after some time I quit.
Only playing on-line shooters these days, Call of Duty series (not Moderrn Warfare 2), Enemy Territory:Quake Wars and Battlefield Bad Company 2 ... maybe I should buy a joystick and see if I still suck at SA and ACM

OMG!!! I just found a link to
http://www.look-at-ewe.org/ ... my hair was still black then !!!