As far as I know, she still is

Mighta flown with .... ummm ... her .... once or twice. No vox exchange. Flew mostly with BigHog, Lotel and Narn. Whoop*** was there when I signed on but he (cawd, I think he was a he) didn't stick around when we transitioned to FR. Narn and Streak were on again, off again. Numbers dwindled til it was just Lotel and me (Lotel was a he). Then me. I flew as a one man squad for awhile. Then i joined the Groverats. When AW was backstabbed by EA I wandered over to WB (low res) and immediately looked for JRs. Then AH .... same thing. Felt very lucky when I found a branch here.

My earliest memory of AW (it was transitioning from II to III at the time) was my first squad night with the JRs. We were still RR then. John 'BigHog' Felsted was leading 5 other JRs on our first sortie of the night. We were perched probably 17-18k and there was a whole swarm of bad and good guys dogging it out below. I'd yet to have a kill to my name. BigHog called for us to drop in, kill what we could, and zoom out. Once we made our BnZ run he asked who all got a kill. We all did, even me. He proclaimed us a worthy squad. Seemed pretty neat. Later we got into sticking around in furballs then FR.
What really seemed fortunate, to me, was finding the BigWeek newsgroup. The game developers and old sticks practically lived there. It was through that group I discovered and fell in love with scenarios. I was even lucky enough to help in the design of one (a Korean event ... 'Fire over the Yalu' or something like that - Brooke could tell us). I got to skin B-17s to look like B-29s and P-47s to look like Yaks. I'm glad AH has so many models.
Now I'm just going on .....