Author Topic: Any old Air Warriors out there?????  (Read 180446 times)

Offline Goner

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1005 on: November 22, 2017, 09:27:26 AM »
Talking about old Air Warriors ; I was reading thru Brooke's accounts of the Longbow scenario in AW. Even came across a 'Goner  plane crashed' ;-) in a screenshot of radio comms. Then I noticed the handle 'earl' and remembered that Earl actually flew P-39's over North Africa and Italy !! So I searched around and came upon this :

« Last Edit: November 22, 2017, 09:41:52 AM by Goner »

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1006 on: November 22, 2017, 12:21:53 PM »
Talking about old Air Warriors ; I was reading thru Brooke's accounts of the Longbow scenario in AW. Even came across a 'Goner  plane crashed' ;-) in a screenshot of radio comms. Then I noticed the handle 'earl' and remembered that Earl actually flew P-39's over North Africa and Italy !! So I searched around and came upon this :


Thanks, Goner.  We all learned a lot from Earl.

- oldman

Offline Brooke

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1007 on: November 22, 2017, 05:53:22 PM »
<S> Goner!

Come join us in scenarios here.  The tradition of scenarios continues!  :aok

Offline adriano

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1008 on: November 22, 2017, 06:00:53 PM »

Offline Brooke

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1009 on: November 23, 2017, 04:25:21 PM »
Talking about old Air Warriors ; I was reading thru Brooke's accounts of the Longbow scenario in AW. Even came across a 'Goner  plane crashed' ;-) in a screenshot of radio comms. Then I noticed the handle 'earl' and remembered that Earl actually flew P-39's over North Africa and Italy !! So I searched around and came upon this :


Longbow, part 3, frame 3:

Goner, come fly with us in the February scenario!  :aok

Offline Kanth

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1010 on: November 23, 2017, 07:10:21 PM »
I miss Lugsy.
Gone from the game. Please see Spikes or Nefarious for any admin needs.

Offline Hajo

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1011 on: November 23, 2017, 10:21:54 PM »
<Lugs and <Lt  good people.
- The Flying Circus -

Offline PH-1

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1012 on: August 01, 2018, 10:31:03 PM »
Wow. So many familiar names in the above 60+ pages of posts. Some were before my time, but many were not. Back when I first started flying AW2 on AOL in 1997, I kept sloppy notes (forgive me, I was all of 11-12 years old at the time) of some of the experiences, so maybe I can add a few names that I didn't see already mentioned. In hindsight, they may not have been as critical as others so they may have been lost to history. From those notes, I've cobbled together some highlights:

As stated, I started flying AW2 on AOL back in 1997. I had the game for quite some time and never really understood the whole multiplayer thing but from the first day I successfully joined, I was hooked. Reading the other posts about the bill also brings back a lot of memories. At the time, I believe running AW on AOL was $1.99/hr. My dad gave me free range since I never wanted the latest video game system or anything like that, but those summer months were brutal on the bill and he'd get some sticker shock from time to time.

From the beginning, I was a member of the Bz under the CPID PH-1. If there are any veterans of <AirStrike> or the BlackWidows, they probably remember as the immature, pre-pubescent pain in the butt, mainly because that's what I was at the time. I conned my way into <AirStrike> first through begging and then through exploiting a bug in the AW code that allowed a person to invite random members they'd see in the Officers' Club into their squad and then accept the invitation on their behalf without their knowledge. <AirStrike> had been formed a few months after I established my own squad and the <AS> CO, SPIN*, started poaching my best pilots. Unbeknownst to them, I was "recruiting" them back to my squad for days before they realized the switch had occurred. After this happened multiple times, SPIN* acquiesced and invited me to be part of <AS>.

SPIN*'s XO was AceV* and like SPIN*, he hailed from Great Britain. Both were phenomenal pilots, especially in P-38s. Another memorable pilot was bah9*, who had been part of my squad before moving over to <AS>. Bah9* was able to exploit a bug in the A-26 model that allowed him to flame just about any fighter - Spitfires, Me109s, 190s; to see him fly an A-26 was to see a masterclass in dogfighting (mainly because the physics of the plane were broken!)

SPIN* and AceV* would conduct training seminars away from the RR theatres trying to get all of their squadmates to perfect the P-38. I tried as much as I could to pick up on it, but I was more used to the Spitfire 5 with its 75% cannon ammo. But the fact that they took the time to actually train their pilots, I think, was unusual at the time; I don't know of any other squadron that did that.

Once AW moved to GameStorm, SPIN* and AceV* disbanded <AS> and became Cz. They became prime antagonists on the Cz while EBOLA was over on the Az. I respected EBOLA immensely. He would fly a 190 (if I recall) at about 10-15K, above the fray, looking for serious dogfighters, as if he was Bobby Fischer looking to checkmate a serious contender. He flamed me constantly but those were always worth the challenge.

With SPIN* and AceV* gone and <AS> gone, OHIO* headed up the BlackWidows. When I saw <AS> was gone, I left the Bz to join the Az, but a day or so later, OHIO* saw me in the Officers' Club, told me to get back to the Bz and rejoin him and a number of other <AS> alum (NwBie, Gonz, teufl, DieAz all come to mind.) Looking back, they all deserved medals for having to deal with an annoying teenager like myself; I sure didn't make it easy on 'em.

The big note I have after that was the capture of White Cat, the Az main base. If memory serves, it was BW's designated squad "night" which was actually on a Sunday afternoon. We had a pretty good turnout and we had just captured Grok when someone suggested we attempt to gather as many of the Bz as we can and try to take WC. It hadn't been done before but we did have the strength in numbers. It took about an hour to finally close the base down. We had bombers leaving from Scragg and Monk, flying up to 20K just to avoid the action down below before descending to 11K (just outside of ack ack range) and drop their payloads. It was a real sight to see. I remember taking a 30-second recording of the map at the time and that was when there was a "video library" on AOL you could upload any media to, and I posted it there for posterity.

From there, my CPID changed multiple times due to a spat that occurred with the BWs; my immaturity finally wearing thin on the squad. Ergo, it's possible you flew with me when I was AOD, HAWC, BUFF3, JGI, or a number of other CPIDs that I didn't have written down. Each CPID managed to successfully infiltrate the BWs until I was sniffed out and kicked out again! This ridiculous exercise continued to AH when I rejoined the BWs as KAL007 in the Fall of '03. Upon being kicked out yet again (darn that Vox!) I joined the JBs as JB43 until, and this is the kicker, I was recruited to join the BWs about four months later (they didn't know who JB43 was!) I can't remember what I changed my name to from JB43 but I flew with my old squad for about four months before college and work ended my AH career for more than a decade.

Fun times.

Offline Brooke

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1013 on: August 01, 2018, 11:40:03 PM »
Welcome, PH-1!  :aok

Ah, the pay-by-the-hour days . . . Folks don't now how great they have it today!  :aok

I hope that you can join us in the October Scenario "Pantelleria, 1943".

Offline BBQsam

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1014 on: August 02, 2018, 12:26:10 AM »
Welcome, PH-1!  :aok

Ah, the pay-by-the-hour days . . . Folks don't now how great they have it today!  :aok

I hope that you can join us in the October Scenario "Pantelleria, 1943".
In 1997 and first part of 1998 AW was free on AOL.....   FREE!   Those were the days.......

« Last Edit: August 02, 2018, 01:06:25 AM by BBQsam »
"I have really only one simple rule,
Give more to the game than you take away."
Zoney  December 23, 2009  ahbbs
<Salute> Pipz    September 27, 2017   RIP

Offline Brooke

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1015 on: August 02, 2018, 03:28:37 AM »
Oooooh yeah!  I remember those AOL days. :aok  I was also there on the day it all ended -- anniversary of Pearl.

I was sad at the time, but that's what made me (and other Air Warriors) come over to Aces High, which is AWESOME!  :banana:

Offline PH-1

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1016 on: August 02, 2018, 12:28:10 PM »
In 1997 and first part of 1998 AW was free on AOL.....   FREE!   Those were the days.......

Maybe I have my years a bit off. I remember I started flying just as I was completing 6th grade which would have been in the Spring of 1997.
The first page is scribbled with base names and scrib notes ("twr controls radar"; "AA limit is 10,000ft.") The next page, presumably just a short while after I started flying had "$103.79!" scribbled alongside it, presumably whatever that summer month's bill was.

I just remember my father breathing a sigh of relief when the flat $9.99/month rate was instituted (not sure if that started at AOL before it was started at GS.)

Looking back on some additional notes, I thought the transition from AOL to GS was quite interesting, mainly because I noticed a switch in people's allegiances on a pretty widespread scale. SPIN* and AceV* bolted to be independent pilots on the Cz, while, another pilot (it's either Nuch or Nuck, I can't decipher my handwriting) left BWs to "rejoin" his original squad that I guess he played with on another host pre-GS. Maybe it was just me, but there was a lot of confusion as people bounced around a lot.

By any chance, does anyone have a screenshot or map of the AW2/3 RR European Theatre map? The bases I've written down are:

Twist Aerodrome (neutral at map resets)
Moggy (A)
Assassin (A)
Grok (A)
White Cat (A)
Sly (?)
Scragg (B)
Monk (B)
Fencer (B)
Naughton Memorial (B)
Winchester (B)
Shaky (B)
Holmes (B)
Green Heart (C)
ANG (not sure what the full name was, but it was the C base north of GRE and west of SHA)
Centurion (C)

So the ones I never wrote down were the ones that usually bounced back and forth between Az and Cz and rarely fell into Bz hands. Also, if anyone remembers the names of the three garages. I remember one was called DOOM's GARAGE (I think it was the Bz.)

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1017 on: August 02, 2018, 02:18:46 PM »
Maybe I have my years a bit off.

Well, who doesn't?

I got onto AW when they released a version that didn't require Win95.  That was around October of 1995.  At that time AW was free, and it remained so for about another year.  Then they started charging the flat fee, which was fine.  The Genie people all have stories of spending $300 or more each month - in early-1990s dollars!

- oldman (a/k/a Oldma, from FR)

Offline hitech

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1018 on: August 02, 2018, 02:24:54 PM »

Well, who doesn't?

I got onto AW when they released a version that didn't require Win95.  That was around October of 1995.  At that time AW was free, and it remained so for about another year.  Then they started charging the flat fee, which was fine.  The Genie people all have stories of spending $300 or more each month - in early-1990s dollars!

- oldman (a/k/a Oldma, from FR)

$300 was a month a small month when I started. Had some months $600 or more.
Kesmei had a good deal going for a while with AOL, AOL paid them per hour and gave it free to users.


Offline Mister Fork

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Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
« Reply #1019 on: August 02, 2018, 02:34:49 PM »
$300 was a month a small month when I started. Had some months $600 or more.
Kesmei had a good deal going for a while with AOL, AOL paid them per hour and gave it free to users.

It's what kept me from play AW too bloody expensive and I was a broke army soldier. I had some of my army buddies spending almost $1000 on genie to play it. And I didn't understand what was all the fuss was about this MMS (mass multiplayer sim)...then I saw Warbirds... :x
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