Author Topic: CT needs more pilots...  (Read 4311 times)

Offline Slash27

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CT needs more pilots...
« Reply #135 on: September 02, 2004, 12:26:28 AM »
Thats insane. Ready for that damn hurricane? Looks like one bad ***** on the way.

Offline Grits

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« Reply #136 on: September 02, 2004, 12:27:44 AM »
There are Confederate flags and stickers all over the place here in Pensacola, but we are really Alabama, the "real" Florida starts east of Tallahasse. :)

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #137 on: September 02, 2004, 12:30:42 AM »
You still owe me a beer Grits. I was 10 minutes away from you and never saw you:mad:



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« Reply #138 on: September 02, 2004, 12:30:54 AM »
Originally posted by TequilaChaser
is here in Jacksonville, Florida  we all know florida, it is the united little state/capital of  Cuba  nowadays hehe....

I'm Cuban but this isn't Cuba It's Florida.  We just improved parts of it and we're working on the rest.  After all it was discovered by Juan Ponce de Leon.  We want it back.  We will out breed you for it :D

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« Reply #139 on: September 02, 2004, 12:43:54 AM »
the cuba remark was al injest storch....every time me and my Ex father in law go out to eat somewhere he has the nerve to call me an yankee because I am orginally from North Carolina, which  there you cannot wear a confederate flag shirt to school if your a student, but  can have the flag flying or even a bumper sticker of it anyhow  

I always reply with well I sure am glad I am not from Lil cuba,  and I don't look like castro hehe......:D

I told him I was gonna turn him in for the Saddam Hussein reward money back when they were looking for Saddam too....:D

please don't think I was  expressing any ill feelings toward Cuba or the cuban nationality
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline Grits

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« Reply #140 on: September 02, 2004, 12:53:45 AM »
Cuban women are HOT.

Offline Grits

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« Reply #141 on: September 02, 2004, 01:01:26 AM »
Originally posted by Slash27
You still owe me a beer Grits. I was 10 minutes away from you and never saw you:mad:


Yeah...I had a former-wants to be current again-girfriend meltdown on me and it got really ugly.

Of course if I didnt go for the "Bad" girls I'd be OK, but they are so much more fun than the "good" girls. :)

Offline Bear76

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CT needs more pilots...
« Reply #142 on: September 02, 2004, 02:02:25 AM »
Originally posted by memnon
#1 Number balance
The biggest load of crap in the CT.  Those of you who switch sides to balance the numbers how many YEARS have you been here. EX: 12 Allies V 3 Axies Total combined years of experience of the Allies (depending on who might be flying on the Allies side for the moment) maybe 3 or 4 years give or take. Total combined years of experience of the Axies 12 or 15 give or take. Now don't give me that Allies have ubber this and ubber that crap because i have seen some of you take an inferior plane and fly it like a high performance jet.

#2 Attitude
Self absorbed (I pay my fifteen bucks i can do whatever I want)
You are so right you can and you do and because of that attitude the CT will never gain anymore numbers. EX: A suggestion was made to have CT Ambassadors (Great idea by the way) and so i set out to try and help the new face's. I helped a few and was ignored by a few and i also watched to see if anyone else would help the new face's but what i say was just so typical of the CT mentallity. I saw countless people enter the CT sit in the tower, or takeoff fly over to the fight be blown away and then be ridiculed by the one who just shot them down that they suck. Shortly there after that person would leave and never come back.
:aok That certainly is the way to get people into the CT.

#3 Help and Training
"What are you crazy i come in here to furball,gang bang,pork,vulch, and milk run i don't have time to talk to someone who is new and might be a potential CT regular".
I know that it is not always possible to teach to take someone aside at there very moment and teach them to be an ACE in one hour but time could be scheduled to explain to that person the basic's at first then move on from there. The CT is entirely different from the MA or at least it was. Those difference's are what need to be explained to new face's along with ACM and tactics.

#4 Base Captures
"Beat the dead horse some more"
This ties in with #1 as far as experience. Some of you are pin point marksman with bombs and manned ack and even fighters. Why should i even try to explain to you people it's going to go in one ear and out the other.

I guess by "you people" you're refering to the axis side. Two and a half years ago the CT was a wasteland. There where 3 or 4 allied squads and no axis squads at all. You were lucky to see 10 people in the arena and squad night was the allies chasing Shane, Eagler and a few others around. Lowe and Jester formed a dedicated axis squad so there was someone to fight and the arena would grow. And it did. In those 2 1/2 years the axis was outnumbered 95% of the time. We never had to switch. Now the numbers are fairly even most of the time. There may be an hour or two when it's skewed either way. They usually balance.

Attitudes are not exclusive to one side or the other. If you think they are you're kidding yourself. We're alpha males here. We get mad about stuff and trash talk. If you take it personal, yes, you will get jaded. I get pissed and forget about it. I think most do.

Help and training, well I know I've worked with you in the TA. Grits and Truekill have worked with you too. I've logged a lot of TA time with my squadies and many others that fly here and the MA. Many others here do too.

Base captures, well I don't know what the problem is there. Sometimes people want to do it. Sense of accomplishment? I don't know. As long as the arena can be reset, what's the harm? No one's losing anything. One thing to keep in mind. There are others who come into the arena and just take bases. They aren't regulars. They just come in to pass the time or whatever. I saw some guy trying to pork the neutral bases yesterday morning. He didn't know better.
I learned from my mistake not to "assume" anymore.

Memnon, do what I do when the arena frustrates you. Take a few days away. Trust me bud, it helps.


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« Reply #143 on: September 02, 2004, 02:42:17 AM »
Originally posted by Grits
Cuban women are HOT.

Ya, but that won't work in the overall "we're taking over Florida" scheme of things if any were to mate with you.  So sorry, no hot cookies for you.  try slash he's miffed cus you stood him up.  :D


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« Reply #144 on: September 02, 2004, 02:45:29 AM »
Originally posted by Bear76
I guess by "you people" you're refering to the axis side. Two and a half years ago the CT was a wasteland. There where 3 or 4 allied squads and no axis squads at all. You were lucky to see 10 people in the arena and squad night was the allies chasing Shane, Eagler and a few others around. Lowe and Jester formed a dedicated axis squad so there was someone to fight and the arena would grow. And it did. In those 2 1/2 years the axis was outnumbered 95% of the time. We never had to switch. Now the numbers are fairly even most of the time. There may be an hour or two when it's skewed either way. They usually balance.

Attitudes are not exclusive to one side or the other. If you think they are you're kidding yourself. We're alpha males here. We get mad about stuff and trash talk. If you take it personal, yes, you will get jaded. I get pissed and forget about it. I think most do.

Help and training, well I know I've worked with you in the TA. Grits and Truekill have worked with you too. I've logged a lot of TA time with my squadies and many others that fly here and the MA. Many others here do too.

Base captures, well I don't know what the problem is there. Sometimes people want to do it. Sense of accomplishment? I don't know. As long as the arena can be reset, what's the harm? No one's losing anything. One thing to keep in mind. There are others who come into the arena and just take bases. They aren't regulars. They just come in to pass the time or whatever. I saw some guy trying to pork the neutral bases yesterday morning. He didn't know better.
I learned from my mistake not to "assume" anymore.

Memnon, do what I do when the arena frustrates you. Take a few days away. Trust me bud, it helps.

Or.....go get laid :D

Offline Grits

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« Reply #145 on: September 02, 2004, 10:04:40 AM »
Hey, I like the Cubans, they know first hand about Socialism, a Control Economy, and a Facist state and it evils we need more folks in this country who see that danger.

Offline eta32

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Response to Storch comment
« Reply #146 on: September 02, 2004, 11:59:52 AM »
It is obvious to me when Storch made the following statement:

Hello Tex,

The CT can be a place of some very intense fight irrespective of the overall numbers you may see when you log on.

The skill level of the average player in the CT is somewhat higher than that of the average MA player.

CT players generally take their gameplay seriously.

... indicates that he does not spend much time in the MA.  
I used to fly CT exclusively... but honestly.. got tired and bored stiff with the same ole, same ole thing, week after week after week after week.
I have been spending time in the MA.. and let me share with you MR. Storch... there are some incredible pilots and players in MA... that are highly skilled in fighters, bombers as well as ground vehicles.

in fact some are even better than anyone that I have encountered in the CT.

MA is put down because of furballers.. base captures.. and their "arcade shootem up stuff"
Well spend time there and you will see the only difference between the two arenas are:
3 countries instead of 2 (which I do not care for by the way).
and fantasy type maps.. instead of historic and real life type maps..
But believe me.. each country is working hard on trying to "win" the war... by performing missions. Of course you will have a few players... just as in CT.. that all they want to do is up and find a quick fight so they can furball.
I remember time after time  in the CT when whiners would whine about taking a base because it would cause them to have to fly further to fight, etc. etc.

CT lost me due to the crap on Ch1 , whiining name calling etc.. and the same old boring crud week after week.

See ya storch come over to MA sometime.

Offline Bear76

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« Reply #147 on: September 02, 2004, 12:13:12 PM »

I think you missed the point. The average CT pilot will do better in a one on one because that's what happens more more in the CT. Yea some, I repeat, some MA pilots are awesome. Several of us from the CT formed a MA squad some time ago and when we fly together, we dominate an engagement because we use wingman tactics and ACM.


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« Reply #148 on: September 02, 2004, 03:30:39 PM »
Originally posted by Grits
Hey, I like the Cubans, they know first hand about Socialism, a Control Economy, and a Facist state and it evils we need more folks in this country who see that danger.

I like Cubans too,  I only sample the female variety and I prefer her raw.  

(I heard you don't discriminate though) :D

Offline Grits

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« Reply #149 on: September 02, 2004, 07:15:52 PM »
You are correct, I dont  discriminate, I like any color/race of women. I havent found a flavor yet I didnt like.  :)