Author Topic: Attn: Waffle BAS  (Read 922 times)

Offline Fruda

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Attn: Waffle BAS
« on: August 31, 2004, 01:06:22 AM »
Would it be ok with you if I used some of your sounds as source material for the next version of my sound pack?

Just wanting to know, 'cause you have some really good stuff in your latest one.

Offline Waffle

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Attn: Waffle BAS
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2004, 04:18:30 AM »
Not sure on that one....

We'll just end up with a bunch of basterdized soundpacks floating around if everyone starts pulling sounds from various sound packs and calls it their own.

When I was doing mine, I thought it would be "easy" to borrow from Mitsu's sounds, but I didn't. Hence the lack of JP voices, my pack.

Now I do know that we have some of the same files in (tiger engine start for one) But I can honestly say that I got that from the tamiya website, as well as some of the pt sounds from an earlier pack (found off of a PT boat website with the v12 starting)
So, we are using the same source. But i respected his work in compiling and editing and decided to undertake my own work.

As far as the recent versions of the pack - I'm editing together sounds from different sources. This is very tedious work.

researching the sounds - sifting through footage/audio...finding a base sound that can be modified into an assimilance of the original. Also I have spent numerous hours doing audio restoration on files - cleaning them up and de-hissing, ect...

All  on personal time.

Granted, the files are not soverign, as I discovered and even lifted them from other software titles and SFX websites. So honestly, I can't be nitpicking about "who took what from what pack". But I can ask to be respectful of the time editing and compiling from sources to create the pack.

I honestly think it would be tacky if someone lifted sounds from my pack, Mitsu's, yours or spades and put it together and called it "so and so's soundpack" It would be like someone taking a skin that you spents hours drawing, just to have them come along and change an identification number and call it theirs....if you get my drift.

Pretty soon we'll end up with sound packs that don't have any personality of the editor/compiler, which takes away from the "artistry" of someone putting in their personal time for the benefit of the community and enjoyment.

Hope that makes sense....

Offline Fruda

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Attn: Waffle BAS
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2004, 02:47:19 PM »
I agree completely.

In my packs, I'm just trying to get the greatest level of realism possible. I've downloaded some actual recordings of various plane sounds, and they're much better than the WB2004 sounds.

You can use any of my sounds from v2.0. I just want people to hear what a P-51D (or any other plane) really sounds like.

Offline Blixen

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Attn: Waffle BAS
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2004, 03:24:29 PM »
waffle i sent u mail:)

Offline AaronM2

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Attn: Waffle BAS
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2004, 08:31:48 PM »
I never said it was fine i just said i got some sounds from every ones sound pack and save every one the time but i cant host it any where :(