Author Topic: Aus TV prog:The Big Picture: Soundtrack To War  (Read 103 times)

Offline -tronski-

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Aus TV prog:The Big Picture: Soundtrack To War
« on: September 01, 2004, 07:03:44 AM »
Anyone in Aus catch this excellent show on the ABC tonight?

Soundtrack to War

CNN: Soundtrack to War

Amazing stuff...from US soldiers/tank crews talking about their fav music (flipping through the CD's) - showing how they set up their own personal space in their Humvee/tank/apc to listen, to a teenage Iraqi heavy metal Iraqi BeeGees cover band doing New York mining town disaster, a unit describing defending a bridge against 11 seperate suicide bomber vehicle attacks, a group of blacks soldiers singing gospel on top of a building over the sounds of automatic gunfire and mortar explosions, soldiers singing their own songs ( about lost comrades, soldiers (black and white) rapping about being in iraq...soldiers talking about how what music they play in Iraq consols them, amps them for their missions, represents their disillusionment about being in Iraq, reminds them of home, represents their faith, their love of country, their belief in their mission... the whole spectrum

« Last Edit: September 01, 2004, 07:17:51 AM by -tronski- »
God created Arrakis to train the faithful