Author Topic: Zell Miller ROCKS!  (Read 1835 times)

Offline Murdr

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Zell Miller ROCKS!
« Reply #75 on: September 04, 2004, 10:20:23 AM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
If it wouldn't matter if Zell was wearing a white hood in the 1970's, why does it matter so much that Kerry was speaking out about the war at the same time? Look at the last line of your post that I quoted. Oops. Yeah.

The answer is they both matter, but they must be taken in context and in degree.


DoK, mabey you were speaking retorically, I dont know.  My point is that Miller was not wearing the white hood.  As governor he actually has a good record of being fair with minorities, with judicial appoitments, MLKjr day, the state flag.

It is a stereo type.  An old white southern uppity man = KKK.  I argue that tapping that stereo type is no differnet that any other ratial stero type.  While evoking a black stereo type will get you filleted, doing it on Zell yeilds a "hmmm thats plausible".

I agree with your point to a degree.  Kerrys past should also be viewed in historical perspective.  There is the difference that Miller is a retiring senator, and Kerry wants to be president.  If the situation was reversed I would want to know about a stance on segregation, and I would expect to see a record afterwards that reflected a change of heart on the issue.

Offline DoKGonZo

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Zell Miller ROCKS!
« Reply #76 on: September 04, 2004, 12:27:22 PM »
Originally posted by Murdr
DoK, mabey you were speaking retorically, I dont know.  My point is that Miller was not wearing the white hood.  As governor he actually has a good record of being fair with minorities, with judicial appoitments, MLKjr day, the state flag.

It is a stereo type.  An old white southern uppity man = KKK.  I argue that tapping that stereo type is no differnet that any other ratial stero type.  While evoking a black stereo type will get you filleted, doing it on Zell yeilds a "hmmm thats plausible".

I agree with your point to a degree.  Kerrys past should also be viewed in historical perspective.  There is the difference that Miller is a retiring senator, and Kerry wants to be president.  If the situation was reversed I would want to know about a stance on segregation, and I would expect to see a record afterwards that reflected a change of heart on the issue.

I agree that "political correctness" has become very 1-directional to the point of idiocy.

I was speaking rheotically about Zell and the KKK. The point was that *if* someone has an affiliation with the KKK, it does matter - it taints anything the person says or does. Whethere or not he in particular belongs wasn't an issue I cared to debate.

As for Zell v. Kerry ... what was one of the things he said: "It is the soldier, not the agitator, who has given us the freedom to protest." How can he so glorify the US soldier *and* the right to disagree with policy by protest in his speach one minute, and then in the same breath rip to shreds a decorated war hero and an activist for peace? I think you can see how some folks - regardless of party affiliation - see this as something less than "statesmanlike."

The fact that Zell is on his way out and Kerry is running for Pres makes NO difference. Either you respect the uniform and those who served in it - even those you may disagree with - or you don't. You can't wave the flag and at the same time spit on someone who bled for it. The personal attacks - direct and implied - were completely uncalled for and I felt tarnished the convention.