I have little humor, tollerence, or respect for this old cheap tactic of crying bigot whenever a conservative speaks out.
Anyone can google a transcript of Zells speach, and anyone can see there is absolutely nothing at all relating to race in that speech. This thread was about Zells performance as the key note speaker.
There is no call for throwing Sen Miller in with the KKK in the related discussion. Criticizing what he said, why he said it, the validity of his statments, thats cool. So why bring up the KKK? He wasnt a Robert Byrd or a David Duke. Even if he was, what does that have to do with what he said in his speech? Absolutely nothing. What does that have to do with the validity of his claims? Absolutely nothing. I wonder what the next tact will be when that generation that lived through the civil rights changes eventually die off. Mabey at one time I wouldnt bat an eye when I seen stuff like this. That was before I seen a man trying to say some nice things to a 100 year old be turned into a circus.
What is the point of judging a persons life in an extict social standard based on the standards of today? My dad used to break yard stick on my arse, until he swithed to the belt. Try and do something like that in Wal-Mart today, and see how long it takes for the men in blue to have a conversation with you. Does that make him a child abuser today? Not to me. Unless you want to bring some recent examples of what a bigot Zell is today then the whole deal is irrelevent. Even if you did what is your point? Bush is the bigots canidate?
You poped in here with links later stating they prove the bush campaign is spreading lies about kerry. The hypocritical part is lumping Bush supporters in with the Bush campaign, while turning a blind eye to all the bs that anti-Bush/Kerry suppoters have pumped out for the last year, but not giving them the equivelent "Kerry campaign" blanket. If I miss read that, and you view both the same way, Id be happy to retract the hypocritical statment since it is at least consistant.
Also, I did not go after an individual with my earlier comment, I threw out a blanket (albeit it only fell on 2 people). I cant explian the basis for my expressed view any more clearly than I already have. If that makes me a jerk, that is fine with me. Take it however you wish.