Author Topic: Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY  (Read 8195 times)

Offline Zazen13

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Re: Chitownflyer
« Reply #315 on: September 09, 2004, 11:43:03 AM »
Originally posted by Chitownflyer
I have been using that handle since AW 1996  

Zazen your flame is weak and with out any imagination.  Ad homium is so out of date.

Since your not one of the "olde onez" you would have trouble understanding the nature of the game.

You seem to  advacate a "gamming the the game" aproach rather than playing with in the "spirt of the game"l.

For the others at large... I may not be the best but  all the times I have been in the DA, I have only lost twice, one to a numb nut that I was having a bad night that night  (sharkee) and some guy named
(Morphous (Sp))  The latter just GD good.

The other 15 or so that I remeber going to DA I kicked their fuzzy 6

Now not there are some that can out fly me, there is, but IMHO  there is only a hand full that can... about  a dozen or so.

Now Zazen I very much doubt you are in that dozen.  Especially since you spend much of your flying time huddled in a GV or flying inside a large dark cloud or rook...

now go deal...


Chi, no offense but if you're so good, why do you get your butt kicked in the MA? Is it because you're actually not as good as you say you are or everyone else is cheating? :rofl As for myself, I never claimed to be a superior pilot, I can't fly worth a damn actually, I freely admit that. Any success I enjoy I owe entirely to an uncanny alacracrity for good timing and the ability to circumcise a gnat at 400 yards with my gunnery. I don't 'game' anything. I just do what I enjoy doing how I enjoy doing it, any 'stat'istical bonus that affords me is nothing more than an incidental by-product of this.

As for my pointing out HT's mispell, you bring that sort of thing upon yourself with your rediculously 'out of line' posts and your childish antics on channel 200 in the MA. Everyone in this thread was aghast that you even had the audacity to post such mindless blather. If you don't want to be the subject of jokes, don't play the fool.

« Last Edit: September 09, 2004, 11:49:32 AM by Zazen13 »
Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Offline Roscoroo

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #316 on: September 09, 2004, 12:55:57 PM »
"I don't 'game' anything."

Cough cough...
Roscoroo ,
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Offline 4510

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #317 on: September 09, 2004, 11:33:08 PM »
Originally posted by GuyNoir

The eny-limiter goes in effect for one reason only:  you are being unfair to the other sides.  Don't then complain about it being unfair to you.

It isn't always a one sided ENY issue....  Seen many a night where two countries are in ENY hell while one is not.  So it gets late.. and one country logs a bunch of fliers and suddenly two countries are in an ENY pinch.

Also ENY doesn't care how many bases anyone side controls.  Let  us not forget.... AH is really about grabbing land... not fair fights in the air etc.    So you can have far fewer number of bases AND have the plane set limited as well.

There are too many dynamics involved in the numbers fluctuations.  ENY can't address them all.

Offline 4510

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #318 on: September 09, 2004, 11:33:16 PM »
Originally posted by GuyNoir

The eny-limiter goes in effect for one reason only:  you are being unfair to the other sides.  Don't then complain about it being unfair to you.

It isn't always a one sided ENY issue....  Seen many a night where two countries are in ENY hell while one is not.  So it gets late.. and one country logs a bunch of fliers and suddenly two countries are in an ENY pinch.

Also ENY doesn't care how many bases anyone side controls.  Let  us not forget.... AH is really about grabbing land... not fair fights in the air etc.    So you can have far fewer number of bases AND have the plane set limited as well.

There are too many dynamics involved in the numbers fluctuations.  ENY can't address them all.

Offline 4510

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #319 on: September 09, 2004, 11:51:46 PM »
Originally posted by Hornet
Except the demographic of the community has fundamentally changed from the type that populated AW's arenas.  

There is too much emphasis in AH about "winning" the reset and less on creating good fights. What is very obvious is the overall degradation of the average individual's technical skills. This combination results in clumping, people don't want to achieve balance..they just don't want to die.


Good points Hornet but I disagree that folks don't want to die so they clump up.  I think they clump to take territory.  Last night I managed to find just about every uneven fight going.  In each case I didn't find very many nme that were focuses purely on A2A fighting.  Most were just trying to get over the airfield, strafe or bomb and then hang around shooting at anything that moved until they died.  Not a clump together to survive sort of thing.  As soon as things evened out at that point on the map... the horde just moved someplace else.  It started all over again.

It is the land grab mentality that drives this.

Also.. A2A AH is more difficult than AW.  So while in AW you might have average or less pilots trying to duke it out A2A... I don't think a lot even bother now.  They just take off for the ground attack and vultch fest.

Offline 4510

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #320 on: September 09, 2004, 11:58:17 PM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo

To folks who played through that and overcame it, to now see other sides given a "free ride" when it's their turn in the pit will trigger the natural reaction to dig in. Why are these other people so special that they need to be spared, right?

We're talking human dynamics here.


Rock on DOK !

I would hazard a guess on the answer.  Back when Rooks were in the pit... not enough people voted with their feet... thus not enough impact on the "bottom line".  Apparently this time around enough folks did.. or threatened to do so.

Are there any numbers anywhere that show how many people we lost in the migration to AH2?

If there was a loss of players... added to that loss would the loss or threatened loss of other accounts have a bigger impact?

Offline 4510

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #321 on: September 10, 2004, 12:16:47 AM »
Originally posted by vorticon
actually, the easiest route would have been to simply throw in code that blows everyone up and locks them in the tower everytime the sides are uneven, and keep em there till it even outs.

That or you log in... and get assigned a side... when you get shot down or land... you get assigned a side...etc.

Offline DoKGonZo

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #322 on: September 10, 2004, 01:02:15 AM »
Originally posted by 4510
Rock on DOK !

I would hazard a guess on the answer.  Back when Rooks were in the pit... not enough people voted with their feet... thus not enough impact on the "bottom line".  Apparently this time around enough folks did.. or threatened to do so.

Are there any numbers anywhere that show how many people we lost in the migration to AH2?

If there was a loss of players... added to that loss would the loss or threatened loss of other accounts have a bigger impact?

Dunno about all that ... but we've now got a situation which isn't likely what was expected. That is, odds haven't changed much and the Rooks are adapting to the ENY-restricted rides on Sundays (ph3ar the d11 and sbd!).


Offline Grits

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #323 on: September 10, 2004, 01:32:43 AM »
Yup, the D-11 is da bomb-diggity.

Offline SlapShot

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #324 on: September 10, 2004, 11:51:40 AM »
Back when Rooks were in the pit... not enough people voted with their feet...

Yes they did ... they did not leave the game, but major squads and other took the initiative to move to the Rooks to help make a balance.

'Twas not the case this time ... why ? ... I can't figure it out, but had some taken the intiative again, the ENY disabler would not be in existence.
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Offline Grits

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #325 on: September 10, 2004, 12:13:12 PM »
Part of the problem from my perspective,  as a predominantly CT player that is in an MA squad,  is I dont know which side should be changed too. I never fly sunday nights so I dont see the RJO imbalance, but the rest of the week when I do fly the MA I dont see the Rooks as always the most numbers. Sometimes they do, sometimes the Bish do, sometimes the Knights do, and many times it swings back and forth over several hours. I honestly dont know which country my squad should change to from the numbers. I do know that for me personally, and I think the Hells Angels squad in general, like to fly in the style of the BK's and the 13th TAS (IE not base capture, but lowdown dirty furballing) both of which are Knights squads.

In any event, even when the Rooks do have numbers, I always seem to be able to find 5 Bish or Knights to fight by myself somewhere away from the horde. :)

Offline DoKGonZo

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #326 on: September 10, 2004, 12:18:38 PM »
The only night I see Rooks with a serious numbers edge is Sunday. The rest of the time it's as you say - it sways back and forth with one side maybe having as many as 20 more than the weakest - but only for a couple hours.

But I'm looking forward to Sunday - hopefully reset this damn Baltic map with an Uberhordenbasenporkenbrewster buffaloenringen.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2004, 12:44:44 PM by DoKGonZo »

Offline Arlo

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #327 on: September 10, 2004, 12:25:29 PM »
I'm recommending to whatever squad I'm with in the MA to consider automatically switching to the side with the lowest numbers at the start of organized squad operations (be that after everyone is gathered in place and rollcall it taken - if the squad does that ... or just when the player with authority says "everyone switch to _____." Make it a rule that nobody in the squad switches for 12 hours prior to squad operations kickoff time.

Yes .... numbers fluctuate. I expect them to. But this accomplishes two things. Getting the squad together as a unit at the beginning of squad operations and promoting squad level arena balancing (which is tons easier to do in the highly populated MA than it is in the CT). If numbers flip the other way after the hop - oh well - the squad did it's best. If it's a regular thing it'll still end up working towards arena balance. If other squads do it too (certainly they'll have different days and times to log on - except the RJO thing) - then they'll make up for it.

Offline TBolt A-10

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #328 on: September 11, 2004, 12:12:14 PM »
Just to clarify, that Sunday horde isn't an RJO.  A lot of Rooks just happen to fly that night - with or without their squads.


What about a new arena for squad duels (no...not squad ops).  A small map with enough stuff for 2 competing squads to duke it out for a few hours...this might pull a couple squads from the MA on any given night & have a similar effect to Arlo's country swapping - without the dirty feeling.  ;)  :D   j/k, Arlo.

Offline Rino

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Rooks Win Reset Despite ENY
« Reply #329 on: September 11, 2004, 02:31:36 PM »
Originally posted by Elfie
Armageddon moved to Rooks, but has since moved to Knights and merged with the +Nomads+

     And someday we may forgive you for that ;)
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