Boy, I've missed the fun!

Let me give it a shot at answering the question.
The answer is yes with a caveat of depending on how accurate you want to estimate e factor.
The way I understand that it works the way it does is because Prandtl's lifting line theory makes certain assumptions that ignores the differences between different planform shapes.
"In particular, the lifting-line model ignores the effect of chordwise distribution of vorticity on the downwash distribution since all the vorticity generated at a given spanwise location has been collasped to a single point....
....While lifting line theory is useful for approximating the performance of unswept, high-aspect-ratio wings once the chord distribution is fixed, the method is unable to account for any aerodynamic difference between wings due to different planform shapes."
(NASA-CR-191274 Analysis and Design of Planar and Non-Planar Wings for Induced Drag Minimization, 1992) what it appears to me this was understood but the impact of which was largely ignored because the results are good enough.
"For studies requiring a higher degree of accuracy, lifting-surface theories have been used [as opposed to lifting line theory], but generally it has been found that the additional complexity of these methods has not sufficiently improved the predictions to warrant common use." (NACA Report 921 - Theoretical Symmetric Span Loading at Subsonic Speeds for Wings Having Arbitrary Plan Form). By the way, I've seen in from other sources but explicitly in my copy of Raymer (Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach) he gives as one of the methods of estimating e for straight wing aircraft as:
e = 1.78(1- .045*AR^.68) - .64
The basis for this equation comes from a report I don't have access to which appears to have derived the equation basis empirical results from actual aircraft. ("Subsonic Drag Estimation Methods" Cavallo, B., U.S. Naval Air Development Center Rept NADC-AW-6604, 1966.)
Anway, that's my attempt at an answer to the question!
Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs