Author Topic: This editing and deleting of posts  (Read 548 times)


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This editing and deleting of posts
« on: September 23, 2004, 11:48:10 AM »
The level of political correctness being exhibited by skuzzy and HTC is somewhat disturbing.  I suspect that with the combination of a game that is very flawed plus limiting the free expression of ideas on this board will result in a considerably lightened HTC coffer.  Never mind me though, carry on comrade commisar.


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« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2004, 01:52:12 PM »
[SIZE=10]IN[/SIZE]conceivable!  :D

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2004, 01:59:36 PM »
You going to the con VWE?

Offline Mister Fork

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« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2004, 02:06:50 PM »
Imagine my role Storch.

Here I am,  a proud member of JG54, and someone trash-talks us on the ch1 or in the forum. I'm also a volunteer CT admin.   When I see a discussion in this forum, I often feel like every time I post I'm wearing a muzzle and all I can do is either whimper or growl, but not bite.

Political correctness?  You betcha. Do the CT staff like it? Nope.  Is it going to change any time soon? Probably not.  Will it make us look like we're either policing ourselves and the fanbase, unfortunately.  The reality is having a thread locked, or saying nothing at all (which is probably why I'm going bald - all the hair-pulling-screaming-at-the-monitor fustration I experience daily) is the ONLY method of managing the forums.

Then imagine the hard role of being an actual player AND an employee of HTC.   I'm sure Pyro and HiTech would love to duke it out with the keyboard generals around here online.  Unfortunately, they have to maintain a professional approach which often looks very one-sided or heavy handed.  It's really really hard not being allowed to upset your customer, its like walking a tightrope with discussions about a product you feel passionate with.

In perspective, my real time job is a Service Desk Manager.  My customers are not always right, but they are always the customer and I want to keep them that way.   HTC wants their customers to remain customers, but it's hard to please those who always think they are right.

Finding a middle-ground to monitor the forums is often like a tetter-totter.  Everyone hates getting on with the mean fat kid.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2004, 02:13:28 PM by Mister Fork »
"Games are meant to be fun and fair but fighting a war is neither." - HiTech


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« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2004, 02:12:33 PM »
Yeah Slash, I'll stop by tonight and tomarrow and see who I know. If anyone want my cell phone, email me at

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2004, 02:15:00 PM »
See you there:aok

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2004, 03:03:51 PM »
You guys have no clue what political correctness is and simply use it's negative connotation to play the oppressed victim.

It does not fly sir, it does not fly.
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« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2004, 04:48:56 PM »
Originally posted by Karnak
You guys have no clue what political correctness is and simply use it's negative connotation to play the oppressed victim.

It does not fly sir, it does not fly.

Gwjr posted an opinion albeit a negative one regarding the performance of the CT staff in general.  An opinion that many here probably hold.  I don't think his critizism was overly harsh or out of place.  I think it was an expression of frustration posted in the proper medium.  He was skuzzified for it.  Poor form sir, poor form.  If a player cannot express a legitimate gripe/concern here (and probably solicite support for his position) where can one then?


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« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2004, 04:50:31 PM »
Originally posted by Mister Fork
Imagine my role Storch.

Here I am,  a proud member of JG54, and someone trash-talks us on the ch1 or in the forum. I'm also a volunteer CT admin.   When I see a discussion in this forum, I often feel like every time I post I'm wearing a muzzle and all I can do is either whimper or growl, but not bite.

Political correctness?  You betcha. Do the CT staff like it? Nope.  Is it going to change any time soon? Probably not.  Will it make us look like we're either policing ourselves and the fanbase, unfortunately.  The reality is having a thread locked, or saying nothing at all (which is probably why I'm going bald - all the hair-pulling-screaming-at-the-monitor fustration I experience daily) is the ONLY method of managing the forums.

Then imagine the hard role of being an actual player AND an employee of HTC.   I'm sure Pyro and HiTech would love to duke it out with the keyboard generals around here online.  Unfortunately, they have to maintain a professional approach which often looks very one-sided or heavy handed.  It's really really hard not being allowed to upset your customer, its like walking a tightrope with discussions about a product you feel passionate with.

In perspective, my real time job is a Service Desk Manager.  My customers are not always right, but they are always the customer and I want to keep them that way.   HTC wants their customers to remain customers, but it's hard to please those who always think they are right.

Finding a middle-ground to monitor the forums is often like a tetter-totter.  Everyone hates getting on with the mean fat kid.

I know.  It must be like juggling ostrich eggs on a unicycle while a hot babe kisses your inner thigh.  Enjoy it :D

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2004, 05:40:18 PM »
Originally posted by storch
Gwjr posted an opinion albeit a negative one regarding the performance of the CT staff in general.  An opinion that many here probably hold.  I don't think his critizism was overly harsh or out of place.  I think it was an expression of frustration posted in the proper medium.  He was skuzzified for it.  Poor form sir, poor form.  If a player cannot express a legitimate gripe/concern here (and probably solicite support for his position) where can one then?

That does not describe "political correctness", it describes blunt and simple censorship.

Given that this is a private board that is HTC's perogative.

I have never seen them enforce anything like calling midgets "vertically challenged".  That would be political correctness.

Now, I didn't see the message in question as Skuzzy got to it before I saw it, so I cannot comment on it.  It really is a judgement call as to whether it goes too far.  Personally, if a critique maintains a more or less level tone and avoids personal attacks I don't think it should be censored.  The problem is that too many people can't show the basic respect needed to maintain such a tone.

Now, to go O'Club a bit here, here is the thing that galls me about political correctness and the mislabeling of political correctness.  As a self identified Liberal I abhor political correctness.  I see it as manipulative censorship from the left, a watering down of our language and pushing unhealthy ammounts of "touchy feeling" crap onto us.  Now to the mislabeling of, many Conservatives have gone, or been driven, to the extreme of labeling what was once common curtesey and respect as "political correctness" to justifly wallowing in boorish manners and intentionally insulting language.  Both things are detrimental to any rational discussion.  Uncontroled emotions, be they touchy feely or range and anger, have no place in debate or discussion among peers.
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« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2004, 05:49:20 PM »
Originally posted by Karnak
That does not describe "political correctness", it describes blunt and simple censorship.

Given that this is a private board that is HTC's perogative.

I have never seen them enforce anything like calling midgets "vertically challenged".  That would be political correctness.

Now, I didn't see the message in question as Skuzzy got to it before I saw it, so I cannot comment on it.  It really is a judgement call as to whether it goes too far.  Personally, if a critique maintains a more or less level tone and avoids personal attacks I don't think it should be censored.  The problem is that too many people can't show the basic respect needed to maintain such a tone.

Now, to go O'Club a bit here, here is the thing that galls me about political correctness and the mislabeling of political correctness.  As a self identified Liberal I abhor political correctness.  I see it as manipulative censorship from the left, a watering down of our language and pushing unhealthy ammounts of "touchy feeling" crap onto us.  Now to the mislabeling of, many Conservatives have gone, or been driven, to the extreme of labeling what was once common curtesey and respect as "political correctness" to justifly wallowing in boorish manners and intentionally insulting language.  Both things are detrimental to any rational discussion.  Uncontroled emotions, be they touchy feely or range and anger, have no place in debate or discussion among peers.

Dayum!!!!!! be careful!!!!!! your neoconmember is showing.  :D

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2004, 06:02:03 PM »
Originally posted by storch
Dayum!!!!!! be careful!!!!!! your neoconmember is showing.  :D

Heh.  I think not.  This has been my firm opinion for more than a decade now.  It hasn't changed since the first time I pondered "PC".
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Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2004, 07:16:54 PM »
lol, he must be out sick again and board with nothing else to do. I just got banned from the O'club.

Next will be the CT then AH altogether.


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« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2004, 07:36:03 PM »
Boot'em skuzzy boot'em good!


Offline Slash27

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« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2004, 09:16:50 PM »
Gwjr posted an opinion albeit a negative one regarding the performance of the CT staff in general. An opinion that many here probably hold. I don't think his critizism was overly harsh or out of place. I think it was an expression of frustration posted in the proper medium.
