Author Topic: Military Veterans Squad  (Read 948 times)

Offline Gumshoe

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Military Veterans Squad
« on: October 01, 2004, 12:51:08 PM »
I am considering starting a new squadron which would be limited to military veterans.  Any nation, any status (active, reserve, retired, guard).  This is an "interest check."

The reason:  I want to lead a squad that will be mission focused, disciplined, and strategically as well as tactically oriented.  I am a retired Army officer and a former AW/AH Squadron Commander - it's an active squad and I left under favorable circumstances so I don't want to reveal which one at this time so it doesn't appear that I'm raiding the squad for members.  

I take a fairly serious approach to my AH game and I know that many don't.  This would be a fairly serious squad.  However, I play to have fun - I just find that winning IS fun.

As far as country affiliation in AH, it doesn't matter that much to me.  My principal loyalty has always been to the squad in which I fly - and I am not currently in any squad.  In other words:  Country affiliation "TBD."

If you are at all interested, please feel free to touch base with me on line, by reply, or in the forum.

Offline 101ABN

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« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2004, 02:13:01 PM »
MI Crest avatar!   im at the 311th BTB (MICO)

Offline o0Stream140o

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« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2004, 07:57:07 PM »
I could have had a spot for you Gumshoe... we are the same way... just not all military

Colonel Stream14
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Offline 101ABN

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« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2004, 06:53:26 AM »
where in pittsburgh are you stream?

Offline Preon1

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Re: Military Veterans Squad
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2004, 05:14:52 AM »
Originally posted by Gumshoe
II want to lead a squad that will be mission focused, disciplined, and strategically as well as tactically oriented.

I take a fairly serious approach to my AH game and I know that many don't.  This would be a fairly serious squad.  However, I play to have fun - I just find that winning IS fun.

Exactly what I'm looking for.
When I was at USAFA, I led the cadet squadron.  It was awesome for the very reasons you stated above.  Sadly, the club all but disbanded when my class graduated and I've been in and out of this game looking for a squadron that flies together like we did.

If there's a squadron that does this, then my wing is theirs.

Offline Gumshoe

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Wild Blue Yonder
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2004, 08:01:56 AM »
Preon:  What country are you currently flying?  I'll be looking for you on line.  Just getting started, but you have to start somewhere.  A zoomie grad would be a good place to start.:aok

Offline Preon1

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« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2004, 10:31:11 AM »
I'm not exactly flying for any country right now.  I just reinstated my account on Friday.  I've been signing on, saying hi to people I used to fly with, switching countries, and winging up.  I like the setup.  I don't plan on really settling down with any country until I've found a squadron that I fly with on a regular basis.

I'll keep your name in mind when I scan the roster tonight.

Offline SPIKER

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« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2004, 08:51:30 PM »
    Sounds like a team that would get the job done and enjoy it too.
  I haven’t flown in several weeks due to traveling; I served in the United States Air Force, Air Force Reserve and the Army National Guard in Kelly AFB TX, Keesler AFB MS, Incirlik AB Turkey, Pope AFB NC and Kimhey Korea.  
  My Squadron broke up once I started traveling so I disbanded the Carolina IronHeads about a month ago, and when I’m on I miss the teamwork that we had.  
  I would look forward to that teamwork again, I will be back from a trip on Sat and come online about 9EST.
Look forward to a talk.


Offline XrightyX

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Re: <S>
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2004, 09:02:39 AM »
Originally posted by SPIKER
    Sounds like a team that would get the job done and enjoy it too.
  I haven’t flown in several weeks due to traveling; I served in the United States Air Force, Air Force Reserve and the Army National Guard in Kelly AFB TX, Keesler AFB MS, Incirlik AB Turkey, Pope AFB NC and Kimhey Korea.  
  My Squadron broke up once I started traveling so I disbanded the Carolina IronHeads about a month ago, and when I’m on I miss the teamwork that we had.  
  I would look forward to that teamwork again, I will be back from a trip on Sat and come online about 9EST.
Look forward to a talk.


Not trying to hijack here...

I was wondering what happened the Carolina Ironheads.  I hated fighting you guys .  I grew up in SC so I always noticed when you guys were on (especially when the bombs started dropping!)

Sorry to see the squad go,


Offline SPIKER

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<S> XrightyX
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2004, 09:20:16 PM »
We had built ourselves to where we were going to have sister squadrons, starting to promote good pilots to commanders of the sister squadrons broke a link we had.  
  I started traveling and was not able to diplomatically hold the peace between some of the newer pilots and the senior pilots did not have the patience.
  The Carolina IronHeads were a strong group for 3 years and I salute all friends and foe.


Offline BigMax

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« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2004, 09:54:18 PM »
Sounds like an interesting idea...

20 Year Navy CPO, I have my own squad but would be happy to do some joint squad stuff with yas...  Not too many Assassins left though, we're getting a little thin.

Good luck with your new squad!

Offline 68KO

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« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2004, 08:04:39 PM »
The 68th has about 60% of the guys are either active duty or ritired from Service.347th/FG 68th Lightning Lancers you can see picks of the guys. Who was not in the military are pilots.
We fly in formation and together we also are in all events.
~Sue~ Mrs68KO!
My hubby (68KO) founded The 68th Lightning Lancers. :)

Offline Ramrod

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« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2004, 10:01:39 PM »

Sounds like a good idea. Count me in.
