Author Topic: Storch...  (Read 1422 times)


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Re: Re: Re: In response to Cobra
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2004, 01:08:29 PM »
Originally posted by Furball
I would love to learn how to duel, i have no qualms about admitting i suck at duelling, although i feel confident in nearly any situation in the CT/MA.

And storch called me ghey, and a ghey limey yesterday :(  

think i will have to quit aces high after that.

Don't forget ghey pommie too

Offline Shane

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« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2004, 01:11:28 PM »
Originally posted by storch
Well Shane I did wax your arse plenty though I don't know if that makes me good or lucky.  

it makes you a ganging, cherrying dweeb.  nothing new there, tho'

anytime u feel you want to see just how good you are, ask me to the DA.


and deej!!! stop stealing my material!!!  :mad:   or at least get it right... it's "send more , last lot defective"

<2nd edit> and cobra needs to, in the words of wotan (see, *I* attribute!), BUTCH UP!!  :aok
« Last Edit: October 03, 2004, 01:14:27 PM by Shane »
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
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« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2004, 02:07:09 PM »
Originally posted by Shane
it makes you a ganging, cherrying dweeb.  nothing new there, tho'

anytime u feel you want to see just how good you are, ask me to the DA.


:D I guess I'm ready any time I see you.  I'll I ask polietly.

Offline Furball

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« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2004, 02:14:33 PM »
you gonna ask shane if he will let you get your necessary 20k alt adv. ?
I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know.

-- The Blue Knights --

Offline Cobra412

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« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2004, 02:57:57 PM »
Storch if the language filter was off and your memory was a little better you'd remeber what you said.  I'll refresh your memory a little "Moscarholes" is what you said and we hadn't been in there for more than 5 minutes.  

Frankly the only time I got spanked by any of you in the CT is when it was 2 on 1 or more.  I also find it funny in that group of 109s and 190s you never seemed to find me.  It wasn't like I was hidding.  I'm sure my bird stuck out considering I didn't see anyone flying that skin either.  I also found it amusing Storch considering how much watermelon you were talking when there was 2 or  3 allied birds in the area compared to your 8 or 9 and then start talking smack.  Prior to that you hardly said a word except for the comment I already posted above.  Which ofcourse was not long after I killed you.  I guess you just weren't looking hard enough for me.

Also nowhere did I make any comments about the skills of anyone in the CT.  I specifically stated what you had said and the fact that your a class act when it comes to the CT.  Treat people like watermelon and they won't come back.  I can see now though the friends you hold and why your attitude is the way it is.  Really doesn't surprise me one bit now that I see it first hand.  Funny how you use to be a decent guy when I use to fly the CT and now you behave like this.

Shane you are already aware of why I would never ask you to help train me.  I'm sure you've already talked to Yucca too.  It's not ego that stands in the way maybe more like my pride.  I'd much rather not be affiliated with someone who treats every last person they come into battle with the way you do.  Again all you know are insults.  Your an awesome stick but frankly never know when to shutup and just fly.  Your consistant remarks about "geldings" and "good in a pack" never seem to end.  It's also rather amusing how so many of your friends have blinders on.  Making such remarks as "Why is everyone picking on Shane".  So you can keep your
I keep hoping cobra will take me up on my offer to learn him in the DA , but his ego seems to stand in the way, as it does so many of the "good" MA "sticks."
 It is teach someone, not learn someone.  Purely how you stated that makes it negative and that your only trying to boost your ego or something to that affect.  If you were in fact wanting to help or teach me you'd have stated so.

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2004, 03:11:53 PM »
Sounds like storch has a new fan.



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« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2004, 04:20:28 PM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
Storch if the language filter was off and your memory was a little better you'd remeber what you said.  I'll refresh your memory a little "Moscarholes" is what you said and we hadn't been in there for more than 5 minutes.  

Frankly the only time I got spanked by any of you in the CT is when it was 2 on 1 or more.  I also find it funny in that group of 109s and 190s you never seemed to find me.  It wasn't like I was hidding.  I'm sure my bird stuck out considering I didn't see anyone flying that skin either.  I also found it amusing Storch considering how much watermelon you were talking when there was 2 or  3 allied birds in the area compared to your 8 or 9 and then start talking smack.  Prior to that you hardly said a word except for the comment I already posted above.  Which ofcourse was not long after I killed you.  I guess you just weren't looking hard enough for me.

Also nowhere did I make any comments about the skills of anyone in the CT.  I specifically stated what you had said and the fact that your a class act when it comes to the CT.  Treat people like watermelon and they won't come back.  I can see now though the friends you hold and why your attitude is the way it is.  Really doesn't surprise me one bit now that I see it first hand.  Funny how you use to be a decent guy when I use to fly the CT and now you behave like this.

Still the same guy cobra buck up a bit.  none of what is said should be taken seriously.  At the end of the day it's a game.  Stay gone or come back it doesn't matter.  If you come back, come back with a grain of salt.

Offline Grits

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« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2004, 04:21:46 PM »
Dont mind Storch, he is like your grumbling cranky old Uncle at the family reunion, its not personal, he's ALWAYS like that. :)

Cobra, we had some fun earlier this year in the CT, I hope you dont give up. Next time you come, I'll switch to your side and we can witch hunt Storch, it'll be a hoot!

Offline RTSigma

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« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2004, 04:37:37 PM »
I get frustrated and insulted plenty of times in online games. From DoD, CoD, to IL2, there are always those kinds of people.

Your best bet is to keep playing, learn new tactics and hope Storch doesn't cancel his account the day you are ready to hand it to him :lol


Offline allmetal

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« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2004, 06:43:14 PM »


:rofl :rofl :rofl

COBRA if stuff like this bothers you then you need to find a new hobby or up your meds.Trash talk is part of most games,whether its AH2 ,hockey, baseball,football,soccer..................need i say more?Trash talk makes the game funny.Learn to laugh a little.

Offline Shane

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« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2004, 06:52:33 PM »
cobra....    you don't get it, do you?

you have absolutely no idea, zero, zip, zilch, nada, idea how i am in the DA - all you have are your assumptions.  

nor do you have any idea why i act the way i choose to act in the arenas, be it ma or ct. i have my reasons, and trust me, you're not gonna understand.  i care neither for your understanding nor approval.

just ask *someone* for help, eh? and loosen up a little, i swear you're headed for a bottle of ex-lax a day... in the emantime, remember what your mommy taught you not too long ago?  "sticks and stones may break...."

what is it with noobs these days, wanting everything handed to them on a silken pillow?, not willing to put forth with honest effort and take their lumps?

storch...  see ya soon.  :D
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline Cobra412

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« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2004, 08:20:59 PM »
Shane I have yet to have anyone actually train me when it comes to this game.  Everything I have learned is from reading books and trying to apply some of that to the arenas.  I have taken my "lumps" for the past year in AH.   I have never asked for anything on a silver platter and never will.

Just as you have said it's obvious you don't have a clue about me or what I've gone through to get where I'am.  I took my bumps and bruises when I first started here and I'am still taking them today.  Some folks have had the luxury to actually be trained by someone unlike the rest of us who are self taught.

 The first person to give me some tips was Yucca only a few nights ago.  I've had some tips here and there given to me prior to that but the majority of those tips I already knew from what I had read.    

When the "vets" act like jerks who would want to go to them for help?  What so we can be belittled when we are putting up an honest effort to get better?  You see it one way and I see it another.  I see how you treat folks in the arenas and then I hear how great of a person you are on the side.  The actions we see out in the open are the actions we have to base our decisions and opinions off of not the here say of your buddies.

Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #27 on: October 03, 2004, 08:26:42 PM »
Originally posted by Gary26
Except Oldman. You could shoot him down and then kick him in the nuts and he is still quick to give u a congrats or a .

After awhile, you get used to it.

- oldman

Offline Shane

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« Reply #28 on: October 03, 2004, 09:02:05 PM »
no one's ever trained me... there was only one invaluable piece of advice i received back when... about using lead turns....

why don't you ask some good sticks to go to the da with you, simply for the experience you'll obtain from it... doesn't even have to be me.  bnz is merely a skill that can be acquired over time, but how to defeat a bnz or make a reversal, well, those take a lot of dying to learn - no one has to learn them, but if they don't they'll be at a disadvantage vs those who do.

answer me this, how would you describe the style you fly? an honest assessment, if you will. and more telling, what do you do when you're at a disadvantage?
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline Cobra412

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« Reply #29 on: October 03, 2004, 09:55:36 PM »
It's hard to say a particular style that I fly.  If I would call it anything it would be an aggressive BnZ coupled with TnB.  

My initial pass is to guage what I'm up against and get some damage prior to full commitment.  My second pass typically tells me what if any habits they may have (turning flat, in the vertical and aggressive/nonaggressive) along with a little inflicting a little more damage.  My third is typically when I committ fully depending on what I've seen in the first 2 passes.  I may or may not committ earlier depending on what my first opinion is of the opponents flying style though and the bird they are flying.  If I've ran into that same bird a few times I may just jump right in on the first pass.  Hidding my energy state and then saddling up forcing them to go to a highly defensive posture.

As far as when I'm at a disadvantage.  This again depends on what plane I'm against and the way they choose to attack me and current alt/speed situation.  I will at the least try to keep at maneuvering speed.  I typically keep patient and allow them to BnZ me to death.  Every last pass I try to judge if they are egressing the same and if they may be setting me up to finally saddle up.  I will use anything from uncoordinated rolls, flat turns, out of plane turns, split S, lag rolls, and I will even from time to time do a crossed up tail slide in any direction.  

The biggest thing though is I stay patient waiting for that chance to get off a shot.  Any shot that presents itself within D400 I take but only for a short burst.  I'm also trying to get them frustrated due to the fact that their BnZ attempts are failing.  I'm hoping in the end they will become frustrated enough to try and saddle up.  This is when I'll try and reverse them and go to the TnB.  

Reality is though I'm flying on instinct for the majority of it all.  The only time I really use any specific move is when it's against a specific bird in a specific situation.  I use what has been known to work in the past.