Author Topic: Hellcat anyone?  (Read 3797 times)

Offline Booky

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Hellcat anyone?
« Reply #30 on: October 06, 2001, 02:49:00 AM »
All I have to say is, I AM TOO DAM HAPPY WITH NEW F6F.  1.08 has made this beast wonderful   :D   It can now do a full loop without a hint of the wingstall.

Ofcourse, I have to say that I still will not encourage fighting with it at a speed less than 200 or greater than 300. 200-300 IMHO is the best operational speeds for the F6F.

Other than dinking around in the new planes, if I and taking a MG plane the F6F is it.

BTW, you guys want to tell me how you kill those pesky la7's? I still seem to have a problem with them, but I don't have problem with Niki, which I know tht is backwards to what you said above. lol, maybe my flying is totally backwards   :eek:

Offline CJ

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Hellcat anyone?
« Reply #31 on: October 07, 2001, 11:26:00 PM »
   I had a bit of luck in the F6F against an N1K2 today.  I don't know if the results are repeatable, but the guy just kept his speed up above about 250 and I was able to stay with him through it all including hard grey/black out turns, vertical maneuvers and scissors.  We just kept this up for about 2 minutes and i simply reeled him in and sawed his wing off.  It's possible that he could have gotten slower and done some kind of spiral and lost me, but he didn't even try.  At high speeds, the F6 is now very agile and OH so forgiving!


Offline Am0n

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Hellcat anyone?
« Reply #32 on: October 08, 2001, 07:48:00 AM »

One thing that i have noted with the new F6F is the turning ability using flaps is awesome, you dont need to apply much stick at all to make tight turns at low speeds.

I wont give much more tips than this, i had a REAL bad weekend in AH, saturday morning/afternoon was hell in Rook land and we paid the piper. At one point it was 60-80-40 (us being 40) and the bish/knights were not holding back from double teaming us. That seemed to set the tone for the whole weekend until late sunday night.

Offline 214thCavalier

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Hellcat anyone?
« Reply #33 on: October 08, 2001, 10:30:00 AM »
At high speed the F6 has always out performed the N1k, that is nothing new.
The N1k aeleron roll at High speeds is nowhere near as good as the F6's. Hi speed low G scissors are a good way to work an advantage or to engineer an escape route vs the N1k.
Best way to fight the N1k is from above they can be roped same as all the others, keep your E advantage and be prepared to kiss him goodbye before it equalises.
As for the flaps i avoid them like the plague and always have, maybe I am too used to the old F6 but its always been a case of the added lift (if any) was not worth the loss of E that follows.
As for killing La7's Booky i still say the best way is to shoot the ones that dont see you  :)
If your lucky enuf to find one and you have the E advantage best way is keep your speed HI and make a run at it, if you get a hit fine stay and play, if not keep running  :)
If you dont make it count very quickly they will very quickly gain the E advantage.
As Aamon is finding out (1 - 7  v LA7) 1 lucky kill of an La7 who never see's you does not make the F6 an easy LA7 killing machine.
It is possible to beat or at least hold your own in a prolonged 1v1 v LA7 (even pre 1.08)but if that pilot knows how to fight then your gonna sweat staying alive.
Currently I am 7 - 3 v the LA7 in my F6F-5 so I must be doing something right, but i would never claim its easy  :)

[ 10-08-2001: Message edited by: 214thCavalier ]

Offline Am0n

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Hellcat anyone?
« Reply #34 on: October 08, 2001, 10:47:00 AM »
Do check it out Cavalier, i was able to work a LA7s E down and stay on his 6 for a good amount of time using the flaps to out turn him, eventualy after numerous pings he stalled out and crashed.

Then again could be back to the old argument of pilot quality, if he was a less better stick than me, then hes a free kill for all!!  :D

I my self didnt use them before so i cannot argue if they changed the ability to turn or not, i know one thing for sure they sure help when making loops at low speeds.

Im interested to here some of the Vetern pilots perceptions of the new F6.

Have you got a chance to fly it much since the new version Cavalier?

Offline 214thCavalier

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Hellcat anyone?
« Reply #35 on: October 08, 2001, 11:23:00 AM »
Am0n apart from a few flights trying the hurri and mossie, for several tours now i have done nothing but fly the F6F-5.
So the answer is yes i have been trying the new F6F-5 model but no I rarely use the flaps, for the flaps to make any appreciable difference you have to be flying slow enough for blackouts not to be a problem, that in itself is a problem   :)
If you can turn hard enough to blackout then using flaps is a waste all it does is deplenish your valuable E.
I shall keep the flaps in reserve for when i am in deep toejame but until then i have no problems looping as Booky seems to or any other move without flaps.
The squad I am in is primarily ground attack, base capture oriented, which tends to destroy your Attack stats but when i fly the F6 as fighter on my own this tour i think i am 28-6 so I figure I am doing ok without flaps so far  :)

Offline Am0n

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Hellcat anyone?
« Reply #36 on: October 08, 2001, 12:08:00 PM »
Originally posted by 214thCavalier:
for the flaps to make any appreciable difference you have to be flying slow enough for blackouts not to be a problem, that in itself is a problem    :)

Good point, and i do agree not to ever use them until you have got your self in that bind.

And indeed that is MY problem.  :D

Trying to break my self of that horrible habit of chasing people when i should just keep my E and extend for another attack.