If I understand correctly, you're talking about the difference between what Shaw refers to as 'one circle' and 'two circle' fights at the headon merge.
As a proponent of angles tactics, I can understand why you like the one circle fight

An angle fighter can surely gain a significant advantage if he's prepared to pull hard on the pole and get around his circle as quickly as possible, with the intent to reverse half way around and establish a rear position on his opponent.
But for those who prefer BnZ or pure energy tactics, the two circle merge has a lot going for it.
1. If you are near corner speed and hold a turn rate advantage over your opponent, you'll be able to get the first, front-quarter shot on the second and subsequent merges.
2. With this advantage, you'll often find you can relax the G a little as the bandit approaches on those merges, allowing you to regain your energy store.
3. In the meantime, your opponent will see you 'just' off his nose, and will be pulling as hard as he can to go for the pure headon shot - further bleeding his energy.
4. After maybe the second or third two circle merge, your opponent will either be dead from continual front quarter shots, or his energy will be so depleted he should be an easy kill.
There is only one problem with trying this in AH - netlag! When your FE shows your opponent about 20 degrees off a headon position, HIS FE may show that he has already achieved the headon, and he can send some bullets your way. That's probably why the one circle merge gets as much play as it does in all online flight sims - its simply a safer way to fly.
In order to be truly effective, the two circle merge requires you to
almost give your opponent a gun solution - just close enough to tempt him to keep pulling Gs and bleeding energy. In this way, it is very similar to the perfect 'rope-a-dope' - just enough E advantage to stay out of his guns, but not so much that he knows he cannot zoom with you.
Hope this helps.
C.O. Phoenix Squadron
http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/phoenix 'feel the heat .......'
[This message has been edited by Jekyll (edited 06-28-2000).]
[This message has been edited by Jekyll (edited 06-28-2000).]