The only problem with the article is, they seem to have made up the numbers.
There were more than 25,000 shootings and gun-related offences last year in England and Wales - which works out at more than 50 incidents a day. Last year's total was double that for 2002-2003.
I suspect they've added the air eapons figures to the firearms figures for this year to get that number.
From the Home Office figures on crime in Britain 2003/2004:
The changes in both homicides and firearm offences were small in 2003/04: there was an
increase of less than one per cent in firearm offences, and a fall of around two per cent in
homicides (after excluding retrospectively recorded Harold Shipman murders from the
2002/03 total).
In 2003/04 there were a provisional 10,340 firearm offences in England and Wales. This was
an increase of less than one per cent since 2002/03 (Figure 5.6). The number of offences has
risen each year since 1997/98, but the 2003/04 rise is the smallest.
The full figures for this year aren't out yet, but the air weapons figures for last year were just under 14,000, so add them to the 10,000 firearms offence figures and it's pretty easy to see where the 25,000 figure comes from.
Surprisingly, the number of fatalities only increased from 81 to 97.
2000-01 19 deaths
2001-02 49 deaths
2002-03 81 deaths
2003-04 97 deaths
I'd really like to know where those figures come from, because they appear to be entirely made up.
I've got the Home Office figures from 2002, and they are:
2000-01 64
2001-02 90
The Home Office figures from 2004 are:
2000-01 63
2001-02 92
2002-03 58
Those figures are from the murder statistics. They count cases where someone was murdered with a firearm.
There is a second set of figures, under the firearms offences section, which counts cases where a firearm was involved in a murder, but not necasarily as the murder weapon (for instance, two men carry out a robbing, one pulls a gun, one pulls a knife, the one with a knife stabs someone who dies, the gun is counted in this table, not in the first one). This table also includes crossbows, and cases where someone is battered to death with a gun, rather than being shot.
2000-01 73
2001-02 97
2002-03 81
2003-04 68
Where the Telegraph's figures come from, I don't know. They vastly understate the early years, and appear to have swapped 2002's figures for this year's.
I can provide the sources (fairly large pdfs) to anyone who wants to check the figures.