And you're 100% absolutely correct. I could not agree more. Somewhere in the later end of AW the scenario output increased from a couple mega-events per year to the "scenario of the month club". This mentality seems to have crossed seamlessly in AH with another "special event" around every corner.
Aside from the fact that the core talent can't keep giving 100% over and over again - I personally feel (and made my feelings known loud and clear way back then) that the very abundance of these type of little events "cheapens" the genre as a whole. Alas (tm BB) there are always a few scenario junkies that can't give it a rest - ever.
So.... If you *really* wanna show them what it was supposed to be all about, wha tit used to be all about, then design a "Mega-Event" on *your* terms and schedule it to start in late Sept 2005 or mid-january 2006. (IMHO the "after Labor Day" or the "After the holidays" doldrums is prime time for a body count.
The bad news is you have to wait a long time to get the idea to fruition. The good news is that you get almost a year to market it, build the terrain, generate interst, and get that "buzz" going. You can bill it as "something the likes of which has never been seen" because the fact is 90% of the AH peeps have never seen it.
Plus that far out, scheduling is a snap.
Once you design the ulimate "mega scenario" - you get to define the rest of them as "mini scenarios" - and *you* define the genre, as opposed to the current genre defing your event.
PS: Speaking of a 7 game series... "How 'bout those Red Sox?"

Originally posted by DoKGonZo
Hate (tm) is one of the reasons I wanted this thing running 8 missions or more.
It takes 2 or 3 missions for everyone to learn their jobs and the enemy's tendencies. Then the middle missions each side usually scores one major victory ("those %$#!ing bastards"). Then the last third the Survivors battle it out to the bitter end. You really need that "7-game playoff series" feel to build Hate. With only 4 missions it's just barely not a learning experience anymore by the time it's over.