The Panzer IV may be a perfect match.
If it is then something won't be right

I tend to agree with DoK that scenario design centering on attracting a turnout based on apparent preferences and pre-conceptions by a community that seems to indicate that anything that presents more of a challenge than the MA is to be shunned at all costs is, literally, a shame.
I wasn't suggesting making scenario 'main arena style events' but when you look at Scenarios as compared to SO and CAP both of those 2 events drew more folks then the typical scenario. Scenario's lean a bit more toward the 'realism' side then SO or CAP.
There are however certain realities. Allied folks don't usually turn out for Eastern front scenarios and it’s just as tough getting axis players to sign up for early Pac stuff.
These are patterns that show up again and again. Part of the problem (or maybe most of the problem) is the plane set. Part of it is that the typical player in AH doesn't have any interest in being 'Japanese' or 'Soviet'. Another part of it is there's no 'scenario' community willing to fly what ever side just to ensure a good fun event. So they would just as easy skip an event then go ahead and jump in an a6m2 or Yak. Another part is how they perceive the victory conditions.
I designed Kurland and it was a flop in terms of participation. Every one I talked with afterward had fun but the numbers were way down. The event was planned for 350 players then reduced to 250. Registration was about 100 allied, 70 axis. Actual participation was about 90 Allies and 60 axis.
The slot event was similar but we had decent squads that went out and got people to walk-on (at least on the axis side).
One thing I think that would make events more interesting is Hatred.
Too much back slapping and congratulations. Bring back the Hate...