Originally posted by TweetyBird
>>I also love to see stern and springstein and moore and the other "kingmakers " look as foolish as nash.
Yup today they they go back to a mundane life of money, travel, women, privilege etc...
Bruce is probably working on some project, and I guess Stern and Moore are too. Kerry will probably be a little tired after doing something most will never come close to doing. They'll be licking their wounds as they go by the spectators in the world who rooted for one team or the other.
I'm sure they'll pass small homes, double wides, ranch style houses, and storetop apartments. Security moms with 6 kids hanging on their Walmart dress and Fingerhut aprons will run out and yell "LOSER!!!" Dads in 10 year old minivans, 5 year old Silverados, and 2 year old Cavaliers will cut them off yelling "LOSER!!!" Little kids with runny noses, Nike tennis shoes, crappy hair cuts and even crappier attitudes will run out into the street and yell "YOU SUCK! LOSER!!!!"
Yup, Kerry, Springsteen, Stern, Moore , Mahr, Mellencamp and all the M's (and a's and b's and c') will go though their mundane lives with an audience of millions. But I'm going to post on an internet BBS all day. Because we are one America again - the have and the have nots. And the have nots are basking in glorious victory.
Now once again (in unison) LOSER!!!!!
Don't forget the millions of well-paid professionals who don't watch much TV, listen to stale music or buy into unidimensional, combo-meal propaganda... People who will return from work to their spacious homes this evening, having shouted not so much as one syllable from their shiny gas-guzzlers, and sleep soundly.
It's not always about having or not having. It's about creating.