Author Topic: Hey Teachers get a real job!!  (Read 1482 times)

Offline Monk

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Hey Teachers get a real job!!
« Reply #75 on: October 22, 2004, 10:52:59 AM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
And she apologized for it.

Because she was told to?

Offline Widewing

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« Reply #76 on: October 22, 2004, 11:59:30 AM »
Originally posted by midnight Target

the Heinz Endowments, of which Teresa Heinz Kerry is the chairman, has granted upwards of $8 million through the Tides Center and Tides Foundation since 1994 to fund high school career programs, environmental protection projects and the like in Pennsylvania (see complete list of grants)

Too bad that it's not HER money she gives away but that of an endowment trust set up by the Heinz family many, many years ago.

How about this from It predates Kerry as the Democratic nominee by a considerable margin. So, it's not October pre-election slamming.


The Heinz Endowments have teamed up with a secretive left-wing group
By Tom Randall
Sunday, December 14, 2003

CHICAGO - Pittsburgh is home to a new liberal funding organization that lists its priorities as the local environment, land use and "sustainability." However, its affiliations raise questions about its real purpose.

Known as the Tides Center for Pennsylvania, formerly the Tides Center for Western Pennsylvania, it is a creation of the Tides Foundation and Center, headquartered in San Francisco, and two Pennsylvania-based foundations -- the Vira Heinz Endowment and the Howard Heinz Endowment-- chaired by Teresa Heinz Kerry, heir to the Heinz food company fortune and wife of Democrat presidential contender Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts.

What makes the pairing with Tides troubling is that organization's secretive funneling of cash from private foundations -- such as Heinz, the Pew Charitable Trusts and many others -- to extreme left-wing activist groups whose interests include exclusion of humans from both public and private lands, anti-war protests, opposition to free trade, banning of firearms, abolition of the death penalty, unlimited abortion rights, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender advocacy, as well as and environmental extremism.

How it's done:

Tides works like this: When a high-profile donor wants to give money to a group with an extreme agenda but doesn't want its fingerprints on the donation, it simply gives the money to The Tides Foundation in the form of a "donor- advised donation." Tides then passes that money on to the desired recipient, masking the real source of the cash. As anti-war activist Drummond Pike (who set up the Tides Foundation in 1976 for the express purpose of keeping donors' identities unknown) told the Chronicle of Philanthropy, a publication for the nonprofit world, "Anonymity is very important to most of the people we work with."

And, the amount of "hidden money" handled by the Tides Foundation is considerable. Since its founding, the relatively little-known foundation has made over $300 million in grants. In 2002 it amassed assets of $139 million and had an income of $59.3 million. Between 1995 and 2001, $4.3 million of that money came from the Howard Heinz Endowment. In 2002, it and the Vira Heinz Endowment blessed The Tides Center, a San Francisco spin-off of the Tides Foundation, with another $190,000 while the two endowments gave $1.6 million to the new Tides Center for Western Pennsylvania.

If all this movement of money between the Tides Foundation, Tides Center, two Heinz Endowments and Pittsburgh's new Tides Center for Western Pennsylvania has you shaking your head, let's talk about your money. You, the taxpayer.

Public underwriting:

Nearly $8 million in taxpayer money flowed into the Tides Center in the form of federal grants made by eight different agencies between 1997 and 2001. They include the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Energy. Does this mean your tax dollars also are going to fund the Tides Center for Western Pennsylvania, a creation of the Howard Heinz Endowment, which in 2001 was worth a breathtaking $788.6 million in 2001? With the Tides Center for a partner, we will likely never know.

What we do know is that, with Tides as a partner, the Heinz Endowments now keep interesting company.

Friends of Heinz:

The Tides Center also manages the Youth Gender Project whose goal is to "empower and support transgender, gender-variant, intersexed and gender-questioning youth and young adults." I freely admit, not all of these terms are in my spell-checker.

Grant recipients also include the Iraq Peace Fund that has so far granted $489,000 to 27 groups to promote anti-war marches and their coverage by the news media, as well as the mission of one of those groups,, whose purpose is to defeat George W. Bush.

While groups such as these and dozens of others organized and/or financed by the Tides Foundation and Center are relatively recent in their origin and transient in their nature, many are more established and pervasive in their influence.

The Ruckus Society, which received over $200,000 in Tides money between 1999 and 2002, was begun in 1995 to train activists in violent protest against biotechnology, globalization and the World Bank. It incited property destruction in the Seattle riots of 1999 and Washington, D.C., the following year. However, Ruckus director John Sellers didn't see the wanton destruction of property as being violent at all. He told Mother Jones magazine, " I make a distinction between violence and destruction of property. Violence to me is against living things. But inanimate objects? I think you can be destructive, you can use vandalism strategically. It may be violence under the law but I just don't think it's violence."

The Natural Resources Defense Council, another Tides project, destroyed many apple farmers in Washington state with its phony Alar pesticide scare. It "leaked" a false report that Alar, used by the state's apple growers there, caused cancer, particularly in children. Even movie stars signed onto the hoax, testifying before Congress about Alar's dangers. Sales of apples plummeted before the hoax could be debunked.

Finally, the American Medical Association concluded, "The Alar scare of three years ago shows what can happen when science is taken out of context or the risks of a product are blown out of proportion." Unfortunately, that conclusion came too late to save the livelihoods of many growers.

Unfortunately, too, it came too late to prevent NRDC from cashing in to the tune of $700,000 from a book on the bogus scare.

But that seems to be what Tides and its dozens of its related organizations are about: money, a flagrant disregard for the truth, and even disdain for the law.

Those capitalistic old American entrepreneurs Howard and Vira must be spinning in their graves.


Let's not assign the Ketchup Nazi too much credit for being generous. And apologies written by campaign lackies don't ring of sincerity... Too little too late. Her foot will have teeth marks for a while....

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #77 on: October 22, 2004, 12:11:08 PM »
I guess the thing is.... with all the squeaky clean environmental and social charities out there....

why does heinz-kerrie give money to such a shady group?  Why them and not more tried and true charities and funds?


Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #78 on: October 22, 2004, 12:49:17 PM »
Originally posted by Widewing
Too bad that it's not HER money she gives away but that of an endowment trust set up by the Heinz family many, many years ago.

How about this from It predates Kerry as the Democratic nominee by a considerable margin. So, it's not October pre-election slamming.


The Heinz Endowments have teamed up with a secretive left-wing group
By Tom Randall
Sunday, December 14, 2003

CHICAGO - Pittsburgh is home to a new liberal funding organization that lists its priorities as the local environment, land use and "sustainability." However, its affiliations raise questions about its real purpose.

Known as the Tides Center for Pennsylvania, formerly the Tides Center for Western Pennsylvania, it is a creation of the Tides Foundation and Center, headquartered in San Francisco, and two Pennsylvania-based foundations -- the Vira Heinz Endowment and the Howard Heinz Endowment-- chaired by Teresa Heinz Kerry, heir to the Heinz food company fortune and wife of Democrat presidential contender Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts.

What makes the pairing with Tides troubling is that organization's secretive funneling of cash from private foundations -- such as Heinz, the Pew Charitable Trusts and many others -- to extreme left-wing activist groups whose interests include exclusion of humans from both public and private lands, anti-war protests, opposition to free trade, banning of firearms, abolition of the death penalty, unlimited abortion rights, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender advocacy, as well as and environmental extremism.

My regards,


You stepped in it again Wide Wing... maybe you should quit playing?

According to Heinz Endowments President Maxwell King:

In recent weeks, The Heinz Endowments has been accused of using its funding of the Tides Center of Western Pennsylvania to advance a laundry list of partisan causes and fringe political groups. This accusation is simply wrong.

It originated in an opinion column written by a researcher for the conservative, Washington, D.C.-based Capital Research Center. The crux of CRC’s argument is that money directed by the Endowments to Tides is "fungible." By supporting projects through Tides, CRC alleged that Heinz has secretly funneled money to every other organization that has ever received funding through Tides Center and the separate Tides Foundation.

Since first being published in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, CRC’s accusation has been picked up and expanded in opinion pieces in a number of newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and the Washington Times. But not even these publications have leveled this allegation in actual news stories.

The reason why is obvious: The charge does not stand up to objective scrutiny. Four facts undercut it completely. First, by legally binding contract, every penny of Heinz’s support to Tides has been explicitly directed to specific projects in Pennsylvania. It cannot legally be redirected and is the exact opposite of fungible.

Second, the Tides Center is a provider of management and administrative services, and we have used it only for those services, not to advance Tides’ grantmaking agenda. Foundations from all across the country-many, like Heinz, with strong centrist agendas-use these services to incubate an array of nonprofit programs. So does the federal government. It is no more accurate to suggest that Heinz supports every one of these programs than it is to suggest that someone who contributes to a specific group through the United Way supports the agenda of every other United Way beneficiary.

Third, the projects we have supported through Tides speak for themselves. They include programs to test the career readiness of area high school students, protect Pittsburgh’s environment and retain young people in our region-hardly an extremist agenda.

Fourth and finally, information about every one of our Tides-related grants is and always has been readily available in our public filings, annual reports and here on our web site. Far from being secretive, we have been consistently open in detailing the nature of our grants to Tides and every other organization we fund.

Offline AKIron

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« Reply #79 on: October 22, 2004, 01:10:19 PM »
The real insult in Teresa's comment is to imply that women homemakers don't have real jobs. If you think women won't notice that or be offended by it you don't know women. I think she cost Kerry a lot of votes with that thoughtless comment.
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

Offline Thrawn

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« Reply #80 on: October 22, 2004, 01:24:19 PM »

Teresa gives millions to charity....bad.

Laura murders her friends....good.

I'm so confused!


Offline john9001

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« Reply #81 on: October 22, 2004, 02:05:14 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn

Teresa gives millions to charity....bad.

Laura murders her friends....good.

I'm so confused!


let me help you.
"Teresa gives millions to charity....bad"

translation:: Teresa gives millions to left wing anti-american groups.

"Laura murders her friends....good."

translation::Laura was involved in a car wreck when she was young.

i know your still confused , but i wanted to try and help.

Offline Widewing

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« Reply #82 on: October 22, 2004, 07:14:25 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
You stepped in it again Wide Wing... maybe you should quit playing?

According to Heinz Endowments President Maxwell King:

LOLOLOL Urban legends website as the source. Cripes, you could have at least gone to and read their entire effort at denial. And, what did you expect them to do? LOLOLOL

So, if I'm playing, this must be the Little League......

Don't worry tho, after the election it will all be investigated. At least a dozen members of Congress have promised it (on C-SPAN, during Special Orders).

In the meantime, I'll continue to check the Foundation Watch newsletters for more information.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline RedTop

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« Reply #83 on: October 22, 2004, 07:32:49 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn

Teresa gives millions to charity....bad.

Laura murders her friends....good.

I'm so confused!


:mad: WHy does it not suprise me on this board to read such things as this.

This is so over the top it's not even worth debating:mad:
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