Author Topic: Questions for Andy Bush & the AH comunity  (Read 1234 times)


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Questions for Andy Bush & the AH comunity
« on: July 11, 2000, 04:40:00 PM »
Hello Sir I am yor confused newbe and i was wondering if you would be willing to train me  some in the H2H arinea. I have been reading thes threads and so far your the first person i could half way understand.
I dont know why   if you have time and want to mess with it could you email me at to set a time for some ACM in H2H? i have RW and can fly almost any time

Ok on to the rest of the post here.
i have playd AW3 for about a year so im not completly new i playd here for the first few tours (im broke right now or i would still be playing ) i see a lot of terms for ACMs that i have no idea what they are or how to use them and when they should be usd could we get some info going on any thing and every thing you all use? as an example ill through out some terms i have read maby you could help me with them 1.snap roll? 2.cubin 8? 3.rolling scissors? and what is E fighting?

what i know! The basics split S loop imelman
the hammerhead great when i do it right.(mostly i just stall it or flat spin ouch   )
the simple stuff i do ok with an advantige
but im dead without an advantige. I have gone in to some fights with more then 1 advantige and wound up low alt low e with what i thought of as an easy kill all in my prettythang and then im back in the tower wondering WHAT HIT ME? well thats the end of my rambeling thanks for any info you care to give.
edit 1 i have been surfing this help forem looking for all ACM BFM? info i could find
now im adding circle fight? 5.two circle fight? to my list of stuff i know nothing about! The more i read the more i see i dont know   i would also like to add that now my head hurts! i think ill go have a nap :P~~  

[This message has been edited by Thor^ (edited 07-11-2000).]

Offline RAM

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Questions for Andy Bush & the AH comunity
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2000, 06:15:00 PM »
Thor contact me I'll be proud helping you.

Send me a mail to and we'll set the training whenever you want.

<S!> and see you soon!

Offline Jekyll

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Questions for Andy Bush & the AH comunity
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2000, 05:02:00 AM »
Same here thor.  I don;t know what timezone you are in, but I'd be happy to help at a mutually convenient time.

I'm in the Asia/Pacific timezone (GMT + 10)

C.O. Phoenix Squadron
'feel the heat .......'

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Questions for Andy Bush & the AH comunity
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2000, 06:27:00 AM »
As stated by these other Gentlemen, I will be glad to help. If you see me in the MA or TA--generally, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings, 8-10 pm eastern. cept for wednesday, can't get in there till 9pm . All times are Eastern USA for me.

Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
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Offline terracota

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Questions for Andy Bush & the AH comunity
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2000, 11:49:00 AM »
Hello thor!
look I cant help you because I'm a newbie too, and sometimes I feel that too, now I have some concepts more clear .
that is what I suggest you
1) contact any trainer (this is to me the first step)
2)annotate all the questions you have just to dont forget nothinig when you be there
3) if you have the money try the mr. shaw's book this book is really a must have to any newbie that want to get into the simulators seriously
4) just dont get mad if you are shoted every 3 seconds this is the only way we learn.

5) try to join a squad they will help you a lot  

6)try  them go to the "air combat corner" there is a lot of good articles about fighters tactics, Andy Bush has wroten an awesome  T&B and B&Z tactics articles (this ones rock's) this will help you a lot

7)fly for the "knights"  

hope this help a little


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Questions for Andy Bush & the AH comunity
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2000, 07:03:00 PM »
For thos who have offerd to help me thanks.
i am in central time as far as seting up a time im going to be on tonight around 7:30
central time. I fly only on the H2H ariena right now do to some money problems so the free part of the game is all i can play at this time  

i have most the basics down and do ok what i need is a little more advanced traning and that is why i was asking questions
i have about 5 things at this point i would like to know more about. could we start with the snap roll? what is this and why/when is it usd?

[This message has been edited by Thor^ (edited 07-13-2000).]


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Questions for Andy Bush & the AH comunity
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2000, 08:29:00 PM »
Well that dident work to well  
i tried to start my own room in the H2H
but my computer keept locking up. i guse ill be flying in some one elses room.

Offline RAM

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Questions for Andy Bush & the AH comunity
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2000, 06:21:00 AM »
as I said   email me and we'll set the training. I will host the H2H if you want me to.

see ya!

Offline Andy Bush

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Questions for Andy Bush & the AH comunity
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2000, 03:51:00 PM »

Sorry about the delay in answering your post...I had to fly an airline trip to pay the bills!

AH does have a good training capability, particularly when one of the trainers can ‘fly’ with you to observe and demonstrate proper maneuvering. I would recommend that you get some ‘stick time’ with one of AH trainers or one of the folks that have answered this post. I would not be your best bet since I really don’t have a lot of experience with this sim...but maybe I can help with some basic suggestions. Here are some tips for getting started in A2A in any sim:

1. Engage with an advantage.  In AH, climb out to at least 10,000 or so before you accept combat with anyone. Most of the large fights seem to take place at or below this altitude. In any case, plan to get a couple of thousand feet above any fight if you can. Then, give yourself enough time to accelerate to a fairly high speed before you jump into the fray...250mph might be a bare minimum, 300-350 is better depending on aircraft type.

2. Fly to the ‘Elbow’.  One of the most common mistakes is for newbies to point right at their target and then attack. This often leads to a high angle overshoot where their target is able to reverse on to them. To prevent this situation, I suggest you use the ‘fly to the ‘elbow’ or ‘high six’ technique. This simple lag pursuit technique tends to slow things down in an attack and limits the ability of the target to generate an overshoot. By flying to the ‘elbow’, you can eventually work yourself into a favorable six o’clock attack position. For a discussion of this technique, see my ‘Perspective’ series of articles in the Air Combat Corner at

3. Execute an effective gun attack.  The greatest BFM in the world won’t do you a bit of good unless you can hit something when you shoot! Effective A2A gunnery has three parts...getting in range, in plane, and in lead. See my A2A Gunnery articles at SimHQ for some tips and info.

4. Develop proficiency with snap views.  The High Yo-Yo is most likely the most often flown BFM maneuver...particularly when flying to the ‘elbow’. Practice flying this BFM maneuver profile using your side views before you try to fly BFM with another pilot. One way is to use the training area in AH. Pick a spot on the ground as your reference point. Starting from above, dive at the point and plan to fly so that it passes off to one side or the other. As the point passes your wingtip, begin a climbing turn back towards the target. Try to regain some altitude to repeat the pass over again. As you do this, practice switching from your forward views to your side and rear views to keep the target in sight. As you bring your nose back around to the target, switch back to your forward views. This practice drill does two things...helps you gain a feel for energy conservation...and gives you a familiarity with view use.

Then, once you have these concepts down, you are ready to start your flying. Put in a little bookwork on these areas...particularly the ‘fly to the elbow’ and gunnery areas...before you fly. Learning ‘on the job’ is fine, but things go much easier if you have a plan in mind before you start. Then, hit the practice field and put in some serious view use training before you go flying with anyone. Not only will this get you off on the right foot, but it will make your ‘instructor’s job much easier since he will not have to correct too many basic errors.

Keep me in mind for other questions...feel free to fire away!

Good luck.
