Author Topic: Bf109x FM messed up?  (Read 816 times)

Offline Kweassa

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Bf109x FM messed up?
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2004, 06:02:30 AM »

one thing i do think is messed up overall with LW planes is there flaps, they deploy at a way to low speed than what i feel they should.

 Or, it could be the competition the 109s are up against, has way too much flap efficiency. Personally I suspect this.

 Your comments mostly revolve around the Bf109F, but what we are really talking about is the Gustavs.

 I've been flying the 109 exclusively since AH 1.05. I've tried a lot of different planes but when in tough situations, I'd always take out a 109.

 During a course of several versions and changes through the years I have never, ever seen a 109 so clumsy as this version. Or rather than 'clumsy' you could say unstable.

  Like you said, 200mph is the 'crossing point'. The difficulties faced with stabilizing the plane in the yaw axis - this is actually not uncommon for AH2 planes. Spit9s or 5s, and N1K2s and Zeros and Hurricanes... even these planes suffer delicate balancing issues when the speed drops down under 200mph.

 But the P-51, P-47, F4U - no difficulties in stability right upto 100mph flat during hard maneuvering - once flaps are engaged.

 When a 109G is outturned by a P-47 and a decisively outturned by a P-51, then there's issues.

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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Bf109x FM messed up?
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2004, 12:56:34 PM »
Agreed.  If I'm flying over 300mph and go into a turn and a pony drops his high speed flaps and pulls into a firing solution on me, I have no complaint.  I was fighting his fight and not mine.  But when I'm low and slow, and a plane like a P40/P47/P51 can out turn me I have a problem.  And I'm not talkin about one that dives in and pulls a firing solution, I'm talking doing at least 2 full 360 degree turns with one of these planes.  I also understand the 109 is going to have torque issues to deal with, but this is just silly.  And this thing with the slats..............the stall horn doesnt even go off until they pop out.  I can repeat this over and over.  Cross 3 Gz, slats pop out, stall horn goes off.  Let up to less than 3 Gz, slats go back in, stall horn is silent.  3 Gz, stall horn, slats.  Less than 3 Gz, no slats, no stall horn.  The G10 seems to have the fewest problems, which I dont understand since its the heaviest.  At really low speeds, even with the extra power, it should be harder to control.