Author Topic: Which candidate can possibly fix the US's trade deficit and government spending?  (Read 511 times)

Offline Thrawn

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Yes tax cuts are good, but did you even read what I wrote about GDP, government spending and economic growth?  Because it doesn't seem like it.

"You can stimulate the economic growth...with increased government spending."

Nope, and I just remembered another reason why.  You are forgetting about where the money is coming from, I already discussed why taxes are bad.  There is a short term reason why deficit spending is bad.  Where is the money coming from?  It's coming from banks.  If the government didn't offer them a quaraunteed return on investment where would it have gone, it wouldn't have just sat in the bank.  It would have been invested commerically-econonomically viable ventures that were meeting a demand (thus stimulating growth), instead of a bull**** government make-work, special interest project.  Great, now you have an immediate misallotaction of a ****load of wealth.

"You learn that in the first week of any Macroeconomics class."

Yeah, that's the same economics that got us here today.  Specifically in this case supply-side economics.  Didn't work for Reagan, the economy didn't do great under him, it did okay.  But that was due to the lowering of interest rates at the end of Carter's term.  Boom, bust, boom, bust.  The only thing you can thank Reagan for economically is a crapload of debt.

"To me, a balanced budget is not the goal, just a positive result of the larger goal of getting the government out of our wallets and out of our jobs."

Unfortunately you will need quite awhile of surplus budget to pay your debt.  But the more you payoff your debt, the more you can payoff your debt, because the less you have to service your debt.

Economics in One Lesson - by HENRY HAZLITT
« Last Edit: October 30, 2004, 04:50:42 AM by Thrawn »

Offline FUNKED1

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did you even read what I wrote about GDP, government spending and economic growth?

I tried.  When you say things like "GDP does also take into account capital investments and that is really the only measure that we need to look at to determine grow, so we might as well just toss the GDP."  I can't follow you.  I can think of many ways that business can grow without capital investment.


Yeah, that's the same economics that got us here today. Specifically in this case supply-side economics.

No it's not.  The "supply side" idea attributed to Reagan was that reducing tax rates would create so much income growth that tax revenues would increase.

The macroeconomic concept I am referring to is that the definition of GDP means that government spending will increase it and taxation will decrease it.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2004, 05:23:07 AM by FUNKED1 »

Offline lasersailor184

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I haven't had a chance to study the more advanced Macro economics yet.  However, with my basic stuff, all the things you said you want to do will kill this economy.  You want to put a gun to it's head and pull the trigger.

While I agree with you about the government's level of involvement, pulling out everything or doing it all at once will be horrible.

One last thing, I haven't really studied past economics.  I have looked at how Clinton and Bush handled themselves during their periods.  It's pretty much straight out of the book.  Not only that, but it worked.  Now, if you want to make the conclusion that the economic principles were the key to success, you can.  I definately am.
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Offline Thrawn

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Originally posted by FUNKED1
I tried.  When you say things like "GDP does also take into account capital investments and that is really the only measure that we need to look at to determine grow, so we might as well just toss the GDP."  I can't follow you.  I can think of many ways that business can grow without capital investment.

I'm probably using a more generic definition of capital investment.  By capital investment I mean any investment that increases production.

I apologise for my poor explanation, I tend to make it over simplistic because I know what I'm thinking.

The GDP measure takes several indictators into account, most of them are meaningless as far as a measure of production increase is concerned.  Because the GDP has meaningless indictators in it, the measure of GDP is itself meaningless.  The only meaningful indicator that is used to calucate GDP is capital investment.

Capital investment increases production, wether it be producing goods or services.  When people invest in increase in production more goods and services more of these are available at cheaper prices and the standard of living goes up, the country becomes wealthier, and the economy increases.

One of the meaningless (as far as increase in production is concerned) is speed of currency circulation.  People spending a little or alot of money in and of itself does not mean the economy is growing.  It might mean that companies increase their profits, but if those profits aren't invested back into the company or elsewhere, the economy doesn't grow.  If they are invested than the economy grows, but there is no garauntee that they will be.  That is why speed of currency circulation is a poor indicator of economic growth.

People spend more money---> companies make more profit---
--> (assumption!)companies invest profit---> economy grows.

People spend more money---> companies make more profit---
--> (assumption!)companies pay dividends---> sharholders
spend money, not invest it.

Both cases are likely.  In the first case the economy (production) has grown because of captal investment.  But we would measure that anyway and just cut out the preceeding steps.  In the second case production capacity hasn't been increased, the economy hasn't grown.  

Consumption bad, captial investment good.  Consuption does lead to a growing economy, that just leads to increase in speed of currency circulation.  Capital investment leads to wealth and increase in production.

No it's not.  The "supply side" idea attributed to Reagan was that reducing tax rates would create so much income growth that tax revenues would increase.

You're right, I don't know where he got the idea of spending tons of public cash.  According to supply-side economics, "To the supply side economist, reallocation away from consumption to private investment, and most especially from public investment to private investment, will always yield superior economic results".

The macroeconomic concept I am referring to is that the definition of GDP means that government spending will increase it and taxation will decrease it.

I think I have shown that government spending won't increase the economy, but in fact hurt it.  If the government spends money, that means either the taxpayer and/or the banks have less money to spend or invest on viable production increaseing ventures that meet demand, or on goods and services market actually demands.

lasersailor184, NP.  I'm just being a dick about asking for your response because your, "It's called Economics bud. Study it.", statment pissed me off.  Of course I could have not been and ******* and told you it pissed me off at the beginning.  My apologies.  

It sounds like I'm not explain my arguements very well to you eitherwise you wouldn't say, "However, with my basic stuff, all the things you said you want to do will kill this economy. You want to put a gun to it's head and pull the trigger.".

I urge you to pick up the book I linked above as it explains these issues much more clearly.  If you have any specific questions regarding my position, feel free to ask.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2004, 03:21:25 PM by Thrawn »

Offline Delirium

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All the other subjects are debateable, except for this one.

Let me get this straight, you would legalize cocaine, LSD, crystal meth, and heroin?

Volunteer at a hospital, a soup-kitchen, or a inner city youth organization to see what some of these drugs have done to the populace.

Originally posted by GtoRA2
Decriminalise the rest of the drugs.
80th "Headhunters"
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Offline Thrawn

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Originally posted by Delirium
All the other subjects are debateable, except for this one.

Let me get this straight, you would legalize cocaine, LSD, crystal meth, and heroin?

Yes, it's called freedom, and personal responsibility.  Wacky idea, I know.

Volunteer at a hospital, a soup-kitchen, or a inner city youth organization to see what some of these drugs have done to the populace.

Yeah, hard drugs are bad, that's why I have chosen not to do them.  I don't see why it's the tax payers responsibility to bail people out of thier stupid choices, or someone elses children out of it because the parents haven't invest time in learning successful parenting skills.  Those people made poor decisions and they have to take responibility for them.  If I make a poor decision and invest everying in a shoddy business venture should the government bail me out?  Of course not.

However if one feels that it's a problem that they personally want to help with, then they are free to chose to donate thier own personal time and wealth to help.  They shouldn't be coerced by the government to have to spend wealth on it.

Offline Gunslinger

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If Miko were here still he'd prove ALL of you wrong.  he was teh intardnet economics master!

Offline Silat

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Originally posted by Thrawn
Yes, it's called freedom, and personal responsibility.  Wacky idea, I know.

If I make a poor decision and invest everying in a shoddy business venture should the government bail me out?  

Only if you are Chrysler:)

"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." — Maya Angelou
"Conservatism offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future." B. Disraeli
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Offline Silat

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Originally posted by Delirium
All the other subjects are debateable, except for this one.

Let me get this straight, you would legalize cocaine, LSD, crystal meth, and heroin?

Volunteer at a hospital, a soup-kitchen, or a inner city youth organization to see what some of these drugs have done to the populace.

Del from all the gov stats Ive read over the last 30 years the incidence of hard core addiction has remained a stable percentage of the population. So it seems that there will always be addicts and such. But with the money saved by eliminating the DEA and such we would have more than enough $ to provide programs for those that wanted to partake of them.
"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." — Maya Angelou
"Conservatism offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future." B. Disraeli
"All that serves labor serves the nation. All that harms labor is treason."

Offline Thrawn

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Originally posted by Gunslinger
If Miko were here still he'd prove ALL of you wrong.  he was teh intardnet economics master!

Propably not although he might correct some of my misunderstandings, miko is the one that intruduced me to these economic concepts.  More specifically, the Austrian School of economics, which is the foundation for libertarianism.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2004, 05:01:07 PM by Thrawn »

Offline Delirium

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Originally posted by Silat
But with the money saved by eliminating the DEA and such we would have more than enough $ to provide programs for those that wanted to partake of them.

Some of these drugs don't have an 'antidote', like Heroin/Methadone and cause irrepairable damage on the very first dose. How the heck is a program going to fix that?

Look at paint sniffing/huffing for example, legal to buy and its use is on the rise and its the same thing with cold remedy abuse. The only thing legalizing illegal drugs will do is drop the price on the street and lower crime rate at the cost of more lives destroyed.

Originally posted by Thrawn
Yes, it's called freedom, and personal responsibility. Wacky idea, I know.


I don't see why it's the tax payers responsibility to bail people out of thier stupid choices, or someone elses children out of it

By your logic, should we abolish speed limits? Again, volunteer somewhere and you'll see what I am talking about.

Can't believe people actually want to legalize drugs...
80th "Headhunters"
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Offline lasersailor184

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I couldn't give two flying ****s what a drug addict decides to do on his own time.  But the moment he steps out of the door under the influence he's on our terf.

His mind is shot and he's lost most of his decision making abilities.

I think I'll give up my freedom for drugs to keep these ****heads from killing people because of their own irresponcibilities.
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Offline Toad

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Originally posted by Thrawn
I don't see why it's the tax payers responsibility to bail people out of thier stupid choices, or someone elses children out of it because the parents haven't invest time in learning successful parenting skills.  Those people made poor decisions and they have to take responibility for them.  

Mayday! Mayday!

Republicanism disease has been identified in CANADA!



First known case appears to be Thrawn!

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Thrawn

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Originally posted by Delirium
By your logic, should we abolish speed limits?

Yes.  By libertarian logic there wouldn't be public land, but private land were owners could set whatever speed limits that cause the least amount of hassel/generate the most profits.  Delirium, it seems you have an interest in this issue, lets come up with a term for this interest, let's call it a special interest.  Now how about people with this special interest form a lobby, steal money from other Americans to fund it...oh wait already been done.  

You have a problem with hard drugs, so be it.  You go ahead and do what you can to help.   But where do you get off making other Americans pay for it as well.

Again, volunteer somewhere and you'll see what I am talking about.  

You know, you are making a huge assumption here.  That I don't know current/past drug users, abd that I don't know how it effects lives.  That assumption is wrong,

Toad, I...I don't want to be a commie anymore.  ;)
« Last Edit: October 31, 2004, 09:27:59 AM by Thrawn »