Author Topic: ki84 speed????  (Read 16098 times)

Offline Grits

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ki84 speed????
« Reply #180 on: November 08, 2004, 09:40:00 AM »
Total production of all J2M variants was 476 +/- a few, or in other words, similar to the Niki and the C.205.

3 J2M1 prototypes
155 J2M2 production aircraft
260 J2M3 production aircraft
21 J2M3a production aircraft
2 J2M4 prototypes
34 J2M5 production aircraft
1 J2M6 production aircraft

If we can have the Niki and the 205, I dont see (provided Pyro can find the flight data he needs) why we shouldnt have the Jack too.

Offline busa

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ki84 speed????
« Reply #181 on: November 08, 2004, 12:01:17 PM »
Thank you, F4UDOA

The reports which I have are as follows.
TAIC No.17&No.38 and INTERMIM REPORT NO.2 Project No.NAD-25 have an original thing.
In addition, since it was translated, the report may be summarized.

There are three data about A6M2.
One is a report of a control system of A6M2 called the preparation-report of Type00 pursuit plane.
However, I do not know the title of English original.
Another is Cracking the ZERO mystery of James Reardon writing.
And there is a comparison report with SaeFire.

The report of KI84 is summarized and the whole sentence is not introduced.
INTERMIM REPORT NO.2 Project No.NAD-25 were this time very useful data.
And I have just been going to translate in order to utilize the precious data which you gave.

Although the report of J2M is comparatively detailed, it thinks that a few is omitted by it.
I am looking for the report of original of this.
It is because it is thought only J2M that there is a detailed report by fighter other than A6M and Ki84.
If there is a report detailed otherwise, they will be the big profits for us.

And it has Japanese aircraft TAIC manual of Planes of Fame issue.
But since the data obtained by espionage are contained, this data is not practical.
Since it must verify in case this book is quoted, it is inconvenience.
I do not understand this book for why the data which are not the newest were edited.

The maximum performance of C6N, Ki44,N1K1-J and other airplanes which TAIC measured,  is also introduced to others in Japan.
If these data are right, the maximum speed of the airplanes which installed Homare of TAIC measurement is reported as follows.

Ki84          427MPH.
C6N          430MPH.
N1K1-J      416MPH.

Incidentally, in the state of MP+350RPM3000, the flight engineer of Nakajima controlled engine and C6N recorded the maximum speed of 393MPH.
C6N carried out first flight and performance measurement, when almost the same as Ki84.
I think that this measurement value precisely controlled by the engineer of Nakajima serves as a standard which guesses the performance of Homare.
And C6N recorded the official maximum speed of 378MPH in the state of MP+250RPM2900 after that.

I think it clear what to be required for Ki84 to record 409MPH and 427MPH.
I think that it is the same as what IJNAF gave to C6N and N1K2-J for the emergency or the special situation.
I do not have the authority to give them to Ki84 and N1K2-J in AH.
I can only do reporting those facts.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2004, 10:52:58 AM by busa »

Offline Widewing

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ki84 speed????
« Reply #182 on: November 08, 2004, 07:03:18 PM »
Originally posted by Karnak
If you test other aircraft you'll find the same kinds of things.  The Spitfire Mk XIV for example only hits 446mph, not 448mph.

Yes, but that falls into the normal deviation. One ill-fitting panel can make a substantial difference in drag. Whether or not the ground crew keeps the aircraft clean, fills gaps with filler and waxes the aircraft are all factors that can have a cumulative effect on maximum speed. Waxed, unpainted P-51s were routinely faster than dirty, greasy, fully painted Mustangs, sometimes by 5-10 mph.

We also must not overlook the state of engine tune. Some mechanics were more careful or skilled than others. There are a great many variables that cannot be accounted for in a game. Minor deviations in speed from actual test data should be expected.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Karnak

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ki84 speed????
« Reply #183 on: November 08, 2004, 09:49:08 PM »

That was kinda my point.  I was just using the Spitfire Mk XIV as a comparison to the Ki-84 in AH because I knew it's AH number vs. it's "official" number.

I was simply pointing out to Mitsu that the Ki-84 was hitting its numbers.

Though I wound't have complained if they'd been hitting them high instead of low.;)
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Offline Nashwan

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ki84 speed????
« Reply #184 on: November 09, 2004, 05:42:48 AM »
Waxed, unpainted P-51s were routinely faster than dirty, greasy, fully painted Mustangs, sometimes by 5-10 mph.

The RAF tested a Mustang III (P-51B) as a V-1 chaser. It was pulled out of squadron service. They stripped and repainted the leading 2 ft of the wing, rubbed down the rest of the aircraft, and got a 12 mph speed increase as a result.