Author Topic: Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............  (Read 1794 times)

Offline Beefcake

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« on: April 01, 2000, 06:46:00 PM »
Today was bad day in the ever worseing life of a buff pilot. I'll tell you what happened to cause me to explode, but I'm short on time so I'll cut the details. Ok 4 B17's flying a tight box formation VS 1 F4U-1C.
All 4 B17's where shot down.....F4U-1C had a broken radatior. The 4 B17's combined total of ammo spent on F4U- 8000 rounds......F4U's ammo spent on the B17's.......20 rounds. Flight time of the 4 B17's- 2 hours, time for the F4U- 15 mins. Ok I think you can get an idea of what happened.

Now when I exploded today I forgot about the special features that are on the F4U-1C. Like the Star Ship Enterprise Shield Genrator, that can protect the F4U from 2000-3000 rounds of ammo. Also I forgot about the 49 inch armor that it has on it. OO and we can't forget about it's guns......oooo no, they have a range of 100 miles, and can sink a battleship in one hit. Oo and what about it's Jet Engines, and the ability to out turn a F/A 18 Hornet. *sighs*

Guys after thinking about it, if I don't see any inprovement on the buffs then I'm gone. I frankly don't find going up and flying for 2 hours only to get shot down in one hit......."fun".  April 10th is when my month is up. Most likly after that day I will NOT be returning. It is a good game, only there are a few probs that really eat me up. So I'll try watch it from now on. Sry for any little ones that saw what I said. Hopefully they will forget. I'll see you guys in the sky. Till then happy flying.

Retired Bomber Dweeb - 71 "Eagle" Squadron RAF

Offline ra

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2000, 07:41:00 PM »
First off, the F4U doesn't have a radiator.  

Secondly, if your ammo counting was accurrate, this would sound like an example of lousy buff gunnery and very good F4U gunnery/flying.  You know 20 rounds = about .7 seconds of shooting by the F4U.

Is this post a troll or a real whine?


Offline rosco-

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2000, 08:32:00 PM »
 Nahh he is whineing. And i am squelching chnl 1 more and more lately   Whineing getting pretty bad these days.
 Btw do people really think "fix this or I am gone" threats carry any weight??? If combat flight sims are your thing, then this is it, for now at least. If you think you are going to leave and go to a better one....HAAAAAA

Offline SC-GreyBeard

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2000, 09:43:00 PM »
Today, Cobra, 10Bears, and myself were up in 17's,  Nice tight formation. a lone 109 aproached, made his run across the 3-9 line of the lead bomber, and died miserably before getting 1/2 through the formation. (Think the pilot was AKWabbit)

Then a f4u-1? showed, same result.
Bit later a 38 made his run across our 6's,,
He died. Total damage at that time,,  1 elevator gone from lead, (Cobra), 10 bears and I unscathed.

At thhis point I got separated from 10bears and cobra.  (They made bomb run,,(Knits lost their DAR, I ran gun cover, and LOST them). I proceeded to run a couple bogies ragged... Smoked a spit, (he musta ditched or landed, no kill) and evaded a poor p38 for a good 10 minutes, (including his bailing when he ran outta fuel, Me making a still bomb laden b-17 do a full loop, (yes I have film from HIS view) and he, (the 38) replaning on the field (F7) below me, Which I also bombed, and killed me near the volcanoe.)

Point is, the Buffs can be flown successfully. As to your lucky f4u-1c pilot??
it's just that,, he got lucky..  you guys didn't.
While I do agree that the buffs are modeled understrength by a long shot, (ie it takes very little to down 'em), and it's obvious that the f4 pilot was a good shot. I can't agree with your wish to leave. It's your choice, no doubt..  But I also believe you won't find anything to replace AH.

GreyBeard, Squadron Leader
Commander, "E" Flight, Aces High
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"Fly with Honor"[/i]
"Keepin' the Faith"

Offline CptTrips

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2000, 09:58:00 PM »

You should also do all your bombing from 35k like the above mentioned buffs pilots.

It may win you no respect, but it will improve your survivability.  

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline SC-GreyBeard

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2000, 10:18:00 PM »
We was only at 32k Wab...  when you died    
You were higher than we were since you came diving through,(or trying to).

GreyBeard, Squadron Leader
Commander, "E" Flight, Aces High
Senior Staff Council
"The Skeleton Crew"
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"Keepin' the Faith"

[This message has been edited by SC-GreyBeard (edited 04-01-2000).]

Offline Wraith

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2000, 10:43:00 PM »
Aye, I believe the F4C was either on a VERY good position or your buff gunners had a bit too much scotch.

The F4C's cannons have longer range than the .50's... he just has to shoot from 1.2 range and aim well. The disruptors   cannons do heavy damage, a few shots should be enough to kill the buff.

True, its not very fun to get shot down by a few shots, but if you think on it, even a .50 cal bullet hitting the gas tanks is all you need to kill a BUFF.

Also, most of the times I fly against buff pilots they are SLOW and still climbing or are at med alt and fast. The fast ones generally live longer, as fighters can outrun and outclimb the high alt, slow buff. Why do BUFFS going after radar almost always make it home? THey are HIGH and FAST, just like they should be. I almost never fly those crates, I dont have the patience to do it..and frankly, I get bored. But the few times I go up, I get at least 40K and level BEFORE I go into enemy territory. Of course, I miss all the time, I still have to learn where things are on airfields, but hey, I GET there   . My Buff "Sheep Killer" is always on the hangar now...  hehe.


"The only two things that fall from the sky is manna from heaven, and your plane."

Offline CptTrips

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2000, 10:46:00 PM »
Yep.  You didn't hit 35k til you cross over the border.

Its nice that there is a bug that lets you take out the entire air defence network of a country with a single bomb dropped from a single buff flying at 35k at 200knts.  And when ever there is a bug, there is always someone there to exploit it.

Why don't you get JoeMud to show you the volcano trick.  

{.squelch SC-GreyBeard}

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Fariz

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2000, 10:59:00 PM »
I attacked that group of 4 buffs one of which was Beef before f4u emerged, and made 3 runs on them, each time softening one of them. Last one I got one buff and lost wing. I do not know who was guys in the other 3 buffs but gunning skills is quite low. As usually I made my runs from the best angles; I know how to attack buffs, I fly them a lot and know which attacks are most effective, but still 4 buffs in close formation has a terrible firepower, and I should be at least badly creepled first run... 3 days earlier me, Dingy and tk made a run on a hq with 4 nme fighters on us, we were at 28-32k while were attacked by 2 spits, 51 and 38, all capable at that alt, and we got 3 and dammaged 4th, while lost only one buff, and only when we splited for bombing run and tk run out of ammo. Sometime first attacker get me when I am flying alone, other time I got alone 3 fighters and do it to home base undammaged... It is skill of gunner, skill of attackers and luck involved. You can not affect last two, but change what you can and take what you can not change as a man.


Offline SC-GreyBeard

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2000, 11:02:00 PM »
Actually Mr. "holier than thou" AKWabbit, I never went higher than 32k...(at least I don't think I did, I'll look at the 38's film see what he started his camera at...only reference I have currently, and we were inside yer lines when YOU showed up...)

Also,, in case you've forgotten, it takes more than 1 bomb to kill DAR.

So Squelch away Sir, Don't think I've ever said much to ya other than <S> for shooting me down..... and that doesn't take much skill...

GreyBeard, Squadron Leader
Commander, "E" Flight, Aces High
Senior Staff Council
"The Skeleton Crew"
"Fly with Honor"[/i]
"Keepin' the Faith"

[This message has been edited by SC-GreyBeard (edited 04-01-2000).]

Offline Tern

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2000, 11:05:00 PM »
Beefcake, meet Tern.  Tern, meet Beefcake.  Nough said?  

"Live to Fly!  Fly to Fight!  Fight to Live!"

Offline Kieren

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2000, 11:18:00 PM »
There is another possibility you know...

Did you all shoot at the F4U all the way? You are aware that killshooter is on? It is quite possible you helped that F4U shoot you down!

If you are on the left of the formation and shoot at the F4U on the right side, you fire through the right side B17, right? Any one of your rounds that strikes the B17 hurts you.  

Offline AKDejaVu

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2000, 12:49:00 AM »
The 4 B17's combined total of ammo spent on F4U- 8000 rounds

F4U's ammo spent on the B17's.......20 rounds

If you want to make a point.. get up in the training arena and have 4 friends help you.  Have them fly 4 buffs.  Take an F4u-1C and try to shoot down all 4 buffs with 20 rounds of ammo.  I mean take off a wing or a horizontal stabilizer.  Make a recording of it.  Unless I see that, I'm going to have to call BS on this claim.


Offline AKDejaVu

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2000, 12:50:00 AM »
Hey Wab, go easy on Greybeard.  He's shying away from fighters since I gave him and his F4u-1C a lesson yesterday

JK Greybeard


Offline Dinger

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Um....guys..........sorry for blowing up today............
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2000, 03:36:00 AM »
It is quite possible.  I was in a low-alt (climbing through 12k) form of 3 buffs yesterday when a cannon hawg happened upon us.  We were all within 200 yards of each other (I'd say even closer).  Ok, he did die (We're not quite the bad shots as the guys mentioned here), but only after dropping the other two members of my flight and damaging me.
It happens. The solution, "get the buffs to an unrealistic altitude to avoid high-powered basketballs", really isn't much of one.
Ah well.