Great stuff, thanks.

BTW, Aces High does model rudder properly IMO, so not only will use of the rudder increase your roll rate, it will also increase drag a bit from it's deflection, and a high yaw angle will increase drag significantly. Some rudder will help you roll faster. Stomping the pedal to one side and holding it will increase your yaw rate and slow you down very quickly as well. I use it when slowing for landings as well as for last ditch guns defense.

Well, those planes are pretty different, so the answer is a combination of "it depends" and "don't do that".

Lets tackle the various planes.
1. vs. La7 (La6 pretty similar?): It's very similar to the FW in many ways. Great accelleration, high speed, doesn't turn too good. It will retain E a bit better but isn't a great turner either. It's so fast you don't want to try to extend away from it. Ideally you want an E advantage to fight this one since it's very similar to your FW but better in key areas. If you are in the A5, you may want to go hard angles on him since the A5 turns pretty well. Although the FW burns E quickly, this allows it to have a very high instantaneous turn rate from medium to high speeds. You can use that to kill him. If it goes to a longer more drawn-out fight, you may die as he E fights you to death. Know how to use lag pursuit moves to saddle up and stay there, and don't pull lead until you have a really good kill shot. Don't miss.
2. vs. Spit V: Completely different from your FW, so you can exploit that. Again, start with an E advantage. If you can't, take a quick snapshot and extend. Come back with an E advantage and BnZ him to death. If you get in trouble, extend away and you'll leave him in the dust.
3. Vs. Spit IX: Also a better turner, but faster and a decent accellerator. Have an E advantage to start. If you don't have at least E parity, get the heck out, fast. If you can't get enough separation or are too slow to escape, use all your E fighting skills. See my comments on lag pursuit above. But if you are in a knife fight down low with a Spit IX at an E disadvantage... expect to die.
Bottom line... the FW is an E fighter. That means that you need an E advantage at the start of a fight even more than other planes if you expect to win. It rolls very well, accellerates very well, and turns not bad. (The A5 anyway, the F8 less so?) It's moderately fast in this planeset, and it handles very well at high speeds. Leave yourself some altitude to work with, and try to stay above 250 Mph at all times to give yourself E to work with when you get in trouble. Get to be a good gunner, as the FW's great instantaneous turn rate can follow break turns fromo slower aircraft and give you snapshots. The true FW aces are the guys that can make those snapshots count.