Author Topic: chat session for Trainers & Newbies(good)  (Read 639 times)

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chat session for Trainers & Newbies(good)
« on: August 22, 2000, 08:41:00 PM »
here is a little chat session about aces hi a long time friend and fellow aw3 pilot had about AH. i think it is some pretty good stuff for the newbies and trainers alike.
please dont take this as a flame or a know it all it is just a couple things i've learned over the last couple years playing simms that seem to work for me.

P.S. dont laugh at the screen name (r7698ky1)it was the first aol screen name i ever had when i got my first computer.

ChrisMohr1: Hi !
r7698ky1: hello
r7698ky1: lol
ChrisMohr1: hehe
ChrisMohr1: Did I tell you of my cool trick in AH ?
r7698ky1: no
r7698ky1: what is it ?
ChrisMohr1: hehe
ChrisMohr1: very funny story
ChrisMohr1: I was flying Spit at A5
ChrisMohr1: above me was P-47
r7698ky1: rgr
ChrisMohr1: on his first attack I was flyng right above
the hill so, he was forced to make a long BnZ approach
r7698ky1: rgr
ChrisMohr1: I didn't want to belled my alt so I went
over the hill
r7698ky1: using the ground huh ?
r7698ky1: i do that all the time
ChrisMohr1: well he passed me
ChrisMohr1: yep
r7698ky1: over shoot
ChrisMohr1: the funny thing is coming now
r7698ky1: auger
r7698ky1: ?
ChrisMohr1: after circling above and me flying away
from the hill he tried it again
ChrisMohr1: well I turned over to hill the hill again
nose down to gain some speed
ChrisMohr1: flying straight to the site of the hill
r7698ky1: rgr
ChrisMohr1: right into the white
ChrisMohr1: he was still chasin my six
r7698ky1: cc
ChrisMohr1: short before the hill I made a smoth turn
so that my wings were parallel to the hill's side
r7698ky1: rgr
r7698ky1: he tried to lead turn ya ?
r7698ky1: and wammm
r7698ky1: lawn dart
r7698ky1: :-)
ChrisMohr1: he was able to turn as I did and didn't
make it to pull up hard enough and crashed right into the
ChrisMohr1: he wasn't !
r7698ky1: awwwwww
ChrisMohr1: not he was rofl
ChrisMohr1: I couldn't stop laughing :-)
r7698ky1: i like it when they come
barrelling down on ya with major smash
ChrisMohr1: blinded by the white <g>
r7698ky1: and you fly strait to a hill
ChrisMohr1: lol
ChrisMohr1: made 11 kills in Ah now
r7698ky1: if you time it just right you can
chop the throttle and turn but they cant
ChrisMohr1: most of 'em in the Spit
r7698ky1: cc
ChrisMohr1: yep
ChrisMohr1: I really wish AH wouldn't be that
r7698ky1: heehh i made triple ace the other
day in the H2H
ChrisMohr1: COOOOL WTG !
r7698ky1: they were all trying to kill me in
the end
r7698ky1: lol was great fun
r7698ky1: brb
ChrisMohr1: I bet !
r7698ky1: my brother was crying to other
day about them ganging up on him
r7698ky1: i told him it was part of it
r7698ky1: and that he would learn faster if
they kept it up
ChrisMohr1: cc, right ! :-)
r7698ky1: now he's kicking there arses
every time
ChrisMohr1: rofl!
r7698ky1: he's only been playing for 3
r7698ky1: he takes the 2 and 3 on 1's all
the time now
ChrisMohr1: cool!
r7698ky1: course he flys spit
ChrisMohr1: rofl!
r7698ky1: i like spit but i have a awful
tendancy to die in it
ChrisMohr1: heck, when I flew P-38 good in RR, i
even loved 4 on 1<g>
r7698ky1: yep
r7698ky1: i believe that
ChrisMohr1: lol, when I started flying Spit in AH i
made 2 kills / flight
r7698ky1: yep spit is very good
r7698ky1: plane
ChrisMohr1: no kills in the 51 and 2 in the 38 :-(
r7698ky1: matter fact it is the second most
hated plane for my 51
ChrisMohr1: rofl
r7698ky1: 51 you have to know what i can
and cant do
ChrisMohr1: I don't like spits when I am in 51
r7698ky1: nose low with 20% flaps it will
turn inside a spit
ChrisMohr1: do you use flaps in AH ?
r7698ky1: yes
r7698ky1: !!!
ChrisMohr1: humm
r7698ky1: specially when im trying to go
nose up when im slow
r7698ky1: they say you need 225 ias to loop
r7698ky1: with 20% flaps you can get
away with about 170
r7698ky1: ias
r7698ky1: brb need something to drink
ChrisMohr1: cc
ChrisMohr1: I've been flying AW yesterday in order
to get not addicted to AH <g>..never sucked like that in
r7698ky1: you here ?
r7698ky1: say you dont like aw anymore ?
ChrisMohr1: here
ChrisMohr1: I like AW
ChrisMohr1: I am flying like confused overthere
ChrisMohr1: no SA, no clue what to do etc etc <g>
r7698ky1: you know what i really what
r7698ky1: want
r7698ky1: in a simm
ChrisMohr1: A P-51 ? :-)
ChrisMohr1: go ahead !
r7698ky1: i want planes that fly as close to
the real thing as you can get on a pc
ChrisMohr1: hehe
ChrisMohr1: you mean,  every single part ?
ChrisMohr1: all buttons and problems which can
happen ?
r7698ky1: i think aces hi could use some
FM tweaking
r7698ky1: something like that
ChrisMohr1: FW tweaking, what's that ?
r7698ky1: i want the engine management
ChrisMohr1: err FM
r7698ky1: flight model
ChrisMohr1: rgr
ChrisMohr1: yup
r7698ky1: you ever seen zeno's warbirds
ChrisMohr1: no
r7698ky1: i want to check the magnetos
and oil pressure and stuff like that
r7698ky1: wow
ChrisMohr1: ROFL :-)
ChrisMohr1: that's no flight sim anymore..that's a
check sim <bg>
r7698ky1: he has all the old WWII films
there for the planes that the pilots use to
watch when they were in training
ChrisMohr1: ah I think I remember that page
ChrisMohr1: heck I wish I would be 38 and 51 like
you're :-)
ChrisMohr1: 51 ace ,, sorry
r7698ky1: im no ace
ChrisMohr1: <---
r7698ky1: there are alot better pilots than i
in a 51
ChrisMohr1: sure you are
r7698ky1: me too
ChrisMohr1: I'll remain flying AW FR 51 until
everybody is scared seeing my name on the roster and a
green Cz P-51 up, :-)
ChrisMohr1: <--- dreaming
ChrisMohr1: Are you working on a new page ?
ChrisMohr1: just asking ?
r7698ky1: no
r7698ky1: havnt even started
ChrisMohr1: cc
r7698ky1: not sure what i want to put on it
r7698ky1: i think im going to wait til the
1.04 comes out
ChrisMohr1: You could write lots of texts about the
AH 51 ??????
ChrisMohr1: cool
ChrisMohr1: P-51 facts, ACMs, P-51 tricks (only the
easy ones:-), lots of 51 help stuff ?
ChrisMohr1: just an idea
r7698ky1: cc
r7698ky1: you want to know the #1
mistake i see in aces hi
ChrisMohr1: sure
r7698ky1: most ppl are way to slow when
they start a fight
r7698ky1: if you are at top speed in a 51
when you enguage another plane you
have a big advantage
ChrisMohr1: cc
r7698ky1: if im at top speed and i attack a
spit that is slower than its top speed they
will almost always die
ChrisMohr1: hehe
r7698ky1: aces hi is like aw3
ChrisMohr1: even better <g>!
r7698ky1: if you can get above the other
guy you have a great advantage
ChrisMohr1: cc
ChrisMohr1: E-Management again :-) !
r7698ky1: yep
ChrisMohr1: that's the key to all Flight Sims I think
ChrisMohr1: except jane's WWII Fighters <g>
r7698ky1: yes
r7698ky1: why is that ?
ChrisMohr1: 51 rules other planes suck :-)
r7698ky1: cc
ChrisMohr1: lol, I flew like a mad person in the wwii
and made kills <g>
ChrisMohr1: well I still haven't managed that Ah 51
yet <g>
ChrisMohr1: but flying the Spit is great fun, although
ammo load is a little bit too small
r7698ky1: yeah
ChrisMohr1: Do Trainer's get free ah accounts ?
ChrisMohr1: I am asking because, you told me of your
trainer offer once ?
r7698ky1: yes
ChrisMohr1: hey, why aren't you trainer yet ? :-)
r7698ky1: if you get an account and play in
the TA alot you can send in an
application to be a trainer
ChrisMohr1: cc
r7698ky1: another thing
ChrisMohr1: rgr, i can understand that
r7698ky1: when you are a trainer you need
to know what to do to help ppl
ChrisMohr1: I know that from my TA times
r7698ky1: most thing you can just play
some H2H fights and it will help them
r7698ky1: this is not true
r7698ky1: first you need to know if the
guy/gal can fly at all
r7698ky1: some ppl can even do that
ChrisMohr1: yep
r7698ky1: once you get a feel for how they
fly you make them get behind you and try
and follow you
ChrisMohr1: well I think you have to tell them the
basics and the rest will come with time
r7698ky1: but not to shoot at you
ChrisMohr1: rofl, sure they'll shoot ya :-)
r7698ky1: this is one of the best training
things i've found
r7698ky1: \you can't kill til you've learned
how to stay with the enm
ChrisMohr1: same thing I did on AOL
r7698ky1: if they shoot at me when im
trying to help they will recieve no more
help from me
ChrisMohr1: rgr
r7698ky1: gunnery is secondary to me
ChrisMohr1: cc :-)
r7698ky1: if i teach you how to get 10 good
shots you will hit 2 of the 10
ChrisMohr1: You're creating peaceful players man
r7698ky1: after you learn to get so many
shots you will learn more about gunnery
r7698ky1: because you will be shooting
ChrisMohr1: yep
r7698ky1: but if you can't saddle up a enm
plane and stay behind him you are in big
r7698ky1: next thing i do is let them get hi
over me
r7698ky1: then they have to drop down and
get behind me
r7698ky1: this is the best attack practice
ChrisMohr1: rgr nice idea
r7698ky1: once there behind me they have
to stay there
r7698ky1: once they get that down comes
the hard part
r7698ky1: most ppl fly well when there at
an advantage
r7698ky1: then i tell them to get low and
try to get behind me
r7698ky1: this is the hardest thing
ChrisMohr1: I bet
r7698ky1: but in aces hi it is very easy
r7698ky1: once you know what to do
r7698ky1: if i were above you and you were
low what would be the first thing you
would do
ChrisMohr1: trying to gain and wait what you're doin...
ChrisMohr1: ...even tryin to make you attack me
r7698ky1: in aces hi you want to get lvl and
r7698ky1: and run like a mad man
r7698ky1: if i follow you keep running and
dive alittle
r7698ky1: what you are doing is extending
ChrisMohr1: cc
r7698ky1: and costing me e while you are
r7698ky1: when they get to about 2.0 to
2.5d you make a low g turn back to them
ChrisMohr1: rgr
r7698ky1: and go for the head on merge
ChrisMohr1: cc
r7698ky1: as you go by them make a e
conserving climb
r7698ky1: and extend again
ChrisMohr1: rgr that
r7698ky1: do this a couple times and you
will be co E
ChrisMohr1: cool
ChrisMohr1: I bet !
r7698ky1: in aw3 you can reverse and
attack in the first pass ....but in aces hi
you cant
r7698ky1: you have to make the E
conserving extensions serveral times
ChrisMohr1: I see
r7698ky1: wish i had some films of it
r7698ky1: i tell ya alittle secret
ChrisMohr1: well , i never had films of good runs :-(
r7698ky1: when you start your reversal
watch the guy behind you
ChrisMohr1: sure
r7698ky1: most all the ppl in aces hi will
emediatly pull up when they see ya start
your turn
r7698ky1: if they do this you make a 90
degree turn and keep going
r7698ky1: this will give ya more seperation
again and they have to keep chasing ya
ChrisMohr1: cc
r7698ky1: basically what you are doing is
draggin them down
ChrisMohr1: yep
r7698ky1: another key thing after you
reverse and go head on you shouldnt go
below the enm plane if you can help it
ChrisMohr1: rgr
r7698ky1: when you pass if the enm plane
goes vertical you have a good pilot on
your hands
r7698ky1: and you need to be very careful
ChrisMohr1: jup
r7698ky1: if the enm pilot make a
horizontal turn you need to turn 90
degrees in the same direction this make
him turn more than 180 degrees
r7698ky1: which burn his e even more
ChrisMohr1: ah I understand
r7698ky1: because he has to turn more to
follow you
r7698ky1: lol i rambling
ChrisMohr1: lol
r7698ky1: course all this helps if you have
a fast plane
ChrisMohr1: only flying fast planes so :-)