Are you sure about this one? Think about it...
The resupp system is designed so that each resupp knocks off a certain amount of regeneration time required to reup a certain facility.
The system is intended so that the players must spend a certain time and effort to resupply something. It's designed so that the resupply attempt is not too difficult, but not too easy.
For instance, you can't just fully resupply a field with only one or two people - at least, fast enough to matter. It takes many people and continuous effort to cover the distance back and forth, to resupp something.
The resupp at port, is different. Instant resupplying at the spot, on water. One person with a repeated click of a button can prevent many people who took the time to hit acks, knock VH, clear GVs, even kill the CV nearby.
The objections to this is beyond the 'within the game' level - its possible in the game, but it should not be, because, it does not make sense in terms of reasonable gameplay.
I wouldn't have to explain the whole deal like this for someone to know that the Port resupp thing is an issue that must be addressed. So, don't play dumb.
Not sure what there is to take care of. You could resupply a field from the water since back in AH1 days. Many knew of it. Heck lots. P47 isn't the only port where this happens. ANY port I have tried to take w/ a nme cv offshore had this issue. Been like this for awhile.
Except in AH1, supplies landed on water didn't take. They had to drive over to the port and land the supplies.
Or, if it was the same even in AH1, then that sort of ironically proves that this thing wasn't something that everyone knew. It may have been possible from the days of AH1, but it has never been an issue until now because personally, I've never seen somebody actually exploit it to the full like this.