Rednose Reindeers - VirtuaaliLentoLaivue Icebreakers
1994 - 2004
Now in virtual fighter command reserve
VLeLv Icebreakers -
http://icebreakers.compart.fiVirtual Flying Squadron Icebreakers, the oldest Finnish online flight simulator squadron, steps down at November/December 2004 after 10 years of operating in the online skies of various flight simulations. Our history spans from the original Rednose Reindeers squadron formed in 1994 and ends in 2004, after flying Air Warrior UK/US, Confirmed Kill, WarBirds I/II/III, World War II Online, IL-2/Forgotten Battles and even a bit of Aces High.
Reason for moving the squaron into virtual fighter command reserve is lack of activity in squadron level and lack of energy on the commanding level, with no replacement CO available.
We thank all our past friends and foes. We'll see each other again, as members of other squadrons, in whatever sims.
Pictures from ICE history: