Author Topic: Training room and rules of engagements  (Read 1006 times)


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Training room and rules of engagements
« on: January 29, 2001, 10:53:00 PM »
Hi all,

I am new to AH as far as a subscriber but I have followed this online sim from the beginning. I come from a FAII where I flew there for 2 years.

I was wondering what are the rules for the training room. Some bases seem to be FFA which is fine but is there certain bases designated for this?

I had a rather rude experience because I was a "newbie" and treated as such by other players in this area.

I would like to avoid this in the future and must say it made me wonder if I have wasted $30.


Offline flakbait

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Training room and rules of engagements
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2001, 12:49:00 AM »
When you see a group of people around a certian field, you can pretty much guess it's being used as an FFA. If you have to takeoff from that field, tell them you're not interested in engaging. I've had my own experiences with "lesser life forms" in there. Below I've posted my usual RoE every time I used to fly in the TA. I still use these rules when I fly in H2H.

General Rules of Engagement for the TA:

1.) Don't engage with anyone unless you ask permission first. This saves a load of nerves.

2.) If someone fires on you, they are FREE GAME! Feel free to shoot them down. If they moan and groan, just tell 'em "You fired first".

3.) Don't man the CV ack and shoot everyone down, this REALLY gets people hot under the collar.

4.) Don't pop up in a ground vehicle and fire on everyone in range. See above for the reason.

5.) If someone asks to engage you, and you're not ready, say so. Anyone with half a brain will not open fire.

6.) If someone asks where you are, telling them may result in them engaging you. I've had this happen a few times. If you want company, or a guns "cold" fight, say so. By not saying what you're preference is, you almost invite trouble.

7.) Don't drive a bomber like a fighter, again this is a sure-fire way to get somebody very mad.

8.) Don't up in a PT-Boat and fire on everyone in range. See #4 and #7.

9.) If you get shot down, don't raise merry hell on the radio. Not saying everyone does this, but it's bound to happen. If you aren't the one screaming, it'll be someone else. Just a fair warning that it will happen, nothing more.

10.) Tolerate those who posses a lower IQ than yours. People have been known to do some really dumb things in the TA. Like ignoring the little pop-up message when you go in.

I've got more of this stuff on my site. So if you want to read more on it, hit the link below. Etiquette of Air Combat is the title of the link on the left frame.

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta 6's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High
"During the Battle of Britain the question 'fighter or fighter-bomber?'
had been decided once and for all: The fighter can only be used as a bomb carrier
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[This message has been edited by flakbait (edited 01-30-2001).]

Offline Mark Luper

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Training room and rules of engagements
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2001, 05:27:00 AM »
Hard Scout,
If all you want to do is practice your flying, such as take offs, landings and such you can generally move to another field where no one will bother you.

I admit there are some rude people in there at times, but generaly if you will inform them of the fact you don't want to engage in a dogfight most will honor your request.

I am a trainer and if you need any help, or want any please feel free to drop me a line at and we can set up a time to work together. I live in Ft. Worth so it shouldn't be too difficult to find a time slot amenable to both of us.


Keep the shiny side up!


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Training room and rules of engagements
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2001, 09:09:00 AM »
Thanks to both of your replies. For what it is worth noting, I DID say I DID not want to engage anyone and flew over the ocean plenty far from their action. One individual would not stop tailing me as I requested 2 times that I DID NOT WANT TO FIGHT. THen I repeated this over the ALL CHANNEL ( grey ) and was berated by the other individuals at this base. They all seem to support this pilot's persistence in fighting me.

Made a h2h and DID not fire and he still turned around and got on my tail. I know he could hear me cause earlier Delta ( good pilot and great training with ) trained with me at this base and no one even bothered us. I saw this individual's reply the entire time.

Well it is water under the bridge now and I will remember these rules. I do know about FFA in the training arena but I personally feel it should be for training and not FFA. If you want FFA, add a arena or go to private H2H. Newbies like me will NOT like to be cannon fodder for some regulars who want to FFA in the training rooms.

I wanted someone to help me practice one on one, that is why I go to bases where people are. I forgot radio range is pretty far in AH unlike FAII.

I never engage anyone unless they ask.  But was shot down on take off instantly ( which I thought was ALSO a rule )

Anyways, I would love a training session. God knows I need the help and then I can go exact my revenge on these individuals with my guns and in a PRV match  


Offline Lephturn

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Training room and rules of engagements
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2001, 09:52:00 AM »
No, the Training Arena is not there to be used for FFA.  If there are a group of folks who all agree to training in this setup, then fine, but they have no right to arbitrarily engage anybody they wish.  Please email me privately with the name of the person you had trouble with, and I will deal with it.  (Address in profile and below in message.)

The rules in the TA are simple... do not engage other players unless you ask first.  If there are folks in the TA breaking this rule, it is not OK, for any reason.  If any player refuses to follow the rules and persists in engaging you even when you ask them not to, please take a screenshot or film and email me at with the details.

The TA is for training, and folks WILL follow the rules in there.  If they refuse to do that, let me or another trainer know and we will have it dealt with.

Lephturn - Chief Trainer
A member of The Flying Pigs
"A pig is a jolly companion, Boar, sow, barrow, or gilt --
A pig is a pal, who'll boost your morale, Though mountains may topple and tilt.
When they've blackballed, bamboozled, and burned you, When they've turned on you, Tory and Whig,
Though you may be thrown over by Tabby and Rover, You'll never go wrong with a pig, a pig,
You'll never go wrong with a pig!" -- Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"

[This message has been edited by Lephturn (edited 01-30-2001).]


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Training room and rules of engagements
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2001, 11:24:00 AM »
Well to me the matter is over with. I do not wish to extend this any further. But I just wanted to clarify the rules of the training room so I know and others know what to expect.

Now Lephturn, I WOULD like to take you up on an offer for training help   That is why I go to the training room. To fight a duel so I can learn from mistakes and get tips from the experts. So I fly generally at night 8:30pm or 9pm to later.


Offline RangerBob

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Training room and rules of engagements
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2001, 08:13:00 PM »
This has been a constant problem in the training area for some time, and it really could be fixed quite easily.

The problem is that when a bunch of pilots get together and agree on having a free for all, someone new invariably comes in and unknowningly takes off into a free for all. The others are engaging each other and just aren't aware that this new pilot isn't in the free for all. All communication messages aren't always noticed by everyone during combat. Well you know the rest.

It can easily be fixed by including in the short introductory message when entering the training area a notice indicating that all free for all fighting is reserved for field #xyz. That field should not be the default field, and should be another country other than the default country.

That way everyone looking for a free for all would know right away, without having to ask, that if they go to field #xyz they can immediately join in the free for all. They can also tell at a glance how many pilots are in the free for all by looking at the radar.

Constant problem with a simple fix.

Ranger Bob

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Training room and rules of engagements
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2001, 11:12:00 AM »
Yo HARD_SCOUT   , WeLCOME to AH guy . There's lots of ex FA dudes here now as you likly well know . Glad to see you are making the jump . The trainers are a nice bunch IMO and helped us some when we first came etc .

Is most of the HARD guys coming too ? We lost quite a few on this jump . This game has a very long learning curve IMO , very very long for me anyway  

Anyway , if you fly for bishups look us up ( air_squadron dudes ) we mostly fly missions .

cheers spro

air_rules = Play fair ....Don't worry about points......Keep a sense of humor......Drink Jim Beam......and don't let the fediddlein cat walk on the keyboard.......!!!" TARGET=_blank>

[This message has been edited by airspro (edited 01-31-2001).]
My current Ace's High handle is spro


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Training room and rules of engagements
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2001, 01:03:00 PM »
RangerBob, I think that is an excellent suggestion. Make one airfield the FFA field and have this explained on the menu upon entering the room like now. This would definitely clear up alot of the confusion. Good idea!

Hey thanks Airspro! Probably will fly both FAII and AH. One has something to offer as well as the other. If your paying 30/month to play why not ten more for 2 sims? hehe.

Anyways, I am the only HARD at AH right now. I tell the guys about it but I think they will be keeping with FAII for financial reasons. Still, I would like to team up with you guys or the other FAII pilots in AH. VTAS_VLAD is trying out AH now as well. His nick here is UncleBuck.

I would love to be part of some missions since I am learning the mission editor and need someone to help me out there as well  

Anyways, I know what you mean about learning curve...hehe...But I like that challenge of starting over and learning something new.

So hope to see you guys too...I am hrdscout in AH.



Offline airspro

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Training room and rules of engagements
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2001, 02:23:00 PM »
OK we be looking for you then , hrdscout .

Mail me anytime too , . I pass the word on to my mates .

cheers spro
My current Ace's High handle is spro


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Training room and rules of engagements
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2001, 02:45:00 PM »
Hey SCOUT....

Good to c u over here. Like u, I am spending all my time moveing between both sims, as one is very much more different to the other. The 'learning curve' is never ending in this room. Some days ya get a lot of kills, and others NOE, but plenty of deaths    

For training room, I gave up in there for the very reason you have found it frustrating. Im not sure which part of "Do not shoot, I am practiceing" they dont understand. I guess 'practicing' because it is more than 5 letters long    

Any time u find me in AH or in FA, look me up and we can both learn from our errors in AH. RW or BC to talk the process because I HATE the typing and flying (usually my gear drops, flaps go up, stall warning buzz, engine turns off, speed brakes deploy, bombs drop and blow the crap outta me because no delayed timer   ) so voice only tosser  

C ya soon m8


air_borg the assimilator
We fly 4 fun

[This message has been edited by air_borg (edited 01-31-2001).]