Author Topic: Questions  (Read 1317 times)

Offline Degas

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« on: April 20, 2001, 10:06:00 AM »
1.  Having progressed to the point where I can actually hit something from a buff, I'm a little puzzled.

At times, it seems that 1 1K bomb will destroy a hangar.  Other times, I've seen the same bomb directly hit the target, and it only softens it up.

What tonnage destroys a VH/FH/BH?  Was I hitting a hangar that had already been softened when I destroyed it with a single 1k?

2. Is the aim point for bombs the same, irregardless of altitude/speed?  I'm releasing just as the crosshairs pass the target, and seem to be getting good results.  Seems like every time I center the crosshairs on the target and release, I drop short.

3.  How important is straight and level flight in a bomb run, given the Norden "uber sight" that I've heard so much discussion about?  Does it compensate for banks, as well as speed/alt?

4. Is there any quick way to switch gun positions in fleet?  Does someone have a link to some detailed info on Task Groups?  Like how long after the CV is sunk does the TG respawn at the port?  What are the rules/protocol/etiquette for taking command of the TG and moving it?  What are the procedures for setting waypoints, etc.?  I've looked everywhere, with no luck.

5.  When the game prompts me, and I activate my account, are there additional help files that become available?  Frankly, the official help pages are piss poor.  They don't even have many of the dot commands listed.

6.  Is there a way to set my default climb rate in a particular a/c or class of a/c and save it?

7.  Does the fuse time that you see when adjusting salvo settings for bombs mean anything?  Is it adjustable?

8.  When firing 5" from the fleet in AA mode, shouldn't you see flak bursts?  I'm getting no visual feedback at all on targeting accuracy.

9.  Several times, I have knocked down attacking fighters from my Fort, and they have killed me with their last burst.  Invariably they get the victory, even though they just spun in with a wing blown off.  What governs this?  Is it based on who pings the other one first?  I also saw this happen once, and both of us got a victory, lol.

10.  Is there any way to mute the All channel, and leave your country channel active?  I don't need to know what computer someone is running AH on when I'm trying to get a status report during a mission, lol.

I would appreciate any help you can give me here, m8's    

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2001, 10:23:00 AM »
Originally posted by Degas:
1.What tonnage destroys a VH/FH/BH?  Was I hitting a hangar that had already been softened when I destroyed it with a single 1k?
Fighter/bomb hangs require 3000, direct hits. VH require 2,000 (*maybe* 1500, they've messed with this recently)  YOu may have hit a hang with 1,000 that someone in the last 15 min had hit earlier, thus the reason it went down with 1,000 lbs.

2. Is the aim point for bombs the same, irregardless of altitude/speed?  I'm releasing just as the crosshairs pass the target, and seem to be getting good results.  Seems like every time I center the crosshairs on the target and release, I drop short.
I posted this as  a bug along time ago, but nothing ever became of it

3.  How important is straight and level flight in a bomb run, given the Norden "uber sight" that I've heard so much discussion about?  Does it compensate for banks, as well as speed/alt?
Its not important at all, when you go to F6 for the bombsite, the plane automatically levels and autopilot is on, with exception of your bombsite input to correct the fliht path

4. Is there any quick way to switch gun positions in fleet?

Like how long after the CV is sunk does the TG respawn at the port?
The task force stays at the site of the CV sinking for 10 min., then its teleported back to the port with new CV, or ownership is changed if port has fallen to enemy

What are the rules/protocol/etiquette for taking command of the TG and moving it?
None that I know of, but you should warn folks that you are turning the CV

What are the procedures for setting waypoints, etc.?
use the CLEAR waypoints button, select either loop or directional, and right click on map.

5.  When the game prompts me, and I activate my account, are there additional help files that become available?  Frankly, the official help pages are piss poor.  They don't even have many of the dot commands listed.
You need to look harder, all the below found at the help page of HTC    
Dot Commands

    Dot commands are entered into the radio buffer as an alternative to the user interface.

    Commands Available Anytime

    .radio Number Channel   (Tune a radio)
    .squelch GameID
    .unsquelch GameID or ALL
    .wingman GameID    (Highlights your wingman)
    .accept GameID    (Accepting a .join)
    .decline GameID    (Declining a .join)
    .sqdinvite GameID
    .sqdpermission GameID Permissions (See * below.)
    .sqdeject GameID
    .sqdname SquadName
    .jumptg TaskGroupNumber    (Offline, H2H host, CM)

    Commands Available In Flight Only

    .ef   (End flight)
    .speed MPH   (Speed between 100 and 400 MPH)
    .salvo Dropcount   (Valid range between 0 and 100)
    .delay TimeInSecs   (Valid range between 0.05 - 1.0)

    Commands Available When Not In Flight

    .country Number   (The country number must be from 1 to 3.)
    .move Type Number
    .handle YourHandle
    .plane Number
    .fuel FuelLoadIndex    (The fuel load index must be from 0 to 3.)
    .join GameID
    .unjoin GameID
    .changeid NewGameID    (Only case may be changed)

    * Squad Permissions
      Permission Value


                    Can invite new members

                    Can change squad name

                    Can eject squad members

    Adding numbers together gives multiple permissions.
    Ex: If Permissions=6, GameID can invite new members and change

6.  Is there a way to set my default climb rate in a particular a/c or class of a/c and save it?
No way of saving it, you must type it in if you change A/C, then switch back.  It defaults to the auto climbrate determined by HTC each time if you leave that A/C for another, then come back.

7.  Does the fuse time that you see when adjusting salvo settings for bombs mean anything?  Is it adjustable?
.DELAY XXX only spreads the bombs out further, .05 is shortest, and default.

8.  When firing 5" from the fleet in AA mode, shouldn't you see flak bursts?  I'm getting no visual feedback at all on targeting accuracy.
Thats because you are no where near hitting it, when you do get a close shot, you will get a proximity black puff cloud

9.  Several times, I have knocked down attacking fighters from my Fort, and they have killed me with their last burst.  Invariably they get the victory, even though they just spun in with a wing blown off.  What governs this?  Is it based on who pings the other one first?  I also saw this happen once, and both of us got a victory, lol.
Its very rare for both to get victory.  Who hits the ground first, explodes first or hits the silk first, loses.  Also, if the enemy is in close proximity to you and you disco, he will get a kill of you (prevents Gamers from Alt-F4'ing) and if you have just one bullet in you, and you ditch in enemy territory, or near an enemy, he will get kill (again, to prevent unwanted 'gameplay' of those who don't like to lose  

10.  Is there any way to mute the All channel, and leave your country channel active?  I don't need to know what computer someone is running AH on when I'm trying to get a status report during a mission, lol.
You can squelch ch. 1 >>  .squelch 1

I believe you can squelch all the Server Text messages too, I believe its .squelch 5 or maybe .squelch 6..

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 04-20-2001).]

Offline sling322

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« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2001, 10:46:00 AM »
.squelch 6 squelches all kill messages that have nothing to do with you.  ie- your kills will still show up but you dont have to read everybody else's kills.

Offline AcId

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« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2001, 11:00:00 AM »
Thats good to know sling, I'm sick of that thing scrolling from everyone elses kills, thanks.

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2001, 11:06:00 AM »
Originally posted by AcId:
Thats good to know sling, I'm sick of that thing scrolling from everyone elses kills, thanks.

I wonder if this would help ones connect?

I like to keep it on since I fly with squaddies, like to know who to say WTG to  

Offline Degas

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« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2001, 11:34:00 AM »
Thanks for the answers, all    Good info.

Ripsnort, what's the dot command to set climb rate?  I've tried everything I could think of.  This is one of the commands that I can't find in the official help dot commands file (which I DID print out, btw).

I hate to trash up the chat buffer in the Arena with a bunch of "how do I..." questions, LOL.


Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2001, 11:44:00 AM »
It is under the dot command:
.speed MPH (Speed between 100 and 400 MPH)

Then use ALT-X for engaging will (attempt) to hold that if you select  .speed 165  for a light F4U, you will climb Approx 2800 feet per min, until about 20,000 feet.

Offline loser

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« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2001, 03:18:00 PM »
rip just as slight correction,,, as far as i know (which is pretty far when it comes to buffing) it takes:

2k to kill vh at v base
3k to kill vh at a field


Offline pokie

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« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2001, 03:42:00 PM »
Here's a Target/Ord Chart made by flakbait from his post at

Below is direct link to chart.


Offline Broes

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« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2001, 05:23:00 PM »
Also very usefull:

About 200 Osti rounds kills a Hangar, regardless of type AFAIK... meaning one Osti can level at least 4 hangars while a tank needs 30-40 HE rounds and thus can only level 1-2 hangars...weird not?....


Offline flakbait

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« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2001, 11:46:00 PM »
Thanks for the shameless plug Pokie!  

Degas, they are missing some of the dot commands. They are also missing a LOAD of plane/vehicle info on the P_V page. Who cares about climb charts; I need to know the max cruise settings! But, that's just a small gripe. This weekend I'll add a help section with the ord list, dot command list, and maybe a few other things to my site. Heheh I can hear my ISP screaming at me now..."You're only given 5 megs and you're using 12!!!". Ahh, what we do for a little breathing room...I've been reading BOFH too much!

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight School
Put the P-61B in Aces High
"With all due respect Chaplian, I don't think God wants to hear from me right now.
I'm gonna go out there and remove one of His creations from this universe.
And when I get back I'm gonna drink a bottle of Scotch like it was Chiggy von
Richthofen's blood and celebrate his death."
Col. McQueen, Space: Above and Beyond