If you can drop the cash AH is much better than FAII. The only similarities in flight modeling between the two may have been the advanced arena in FA.
There are no full screen views, only the cockpit.
It takes awhile getting used to using your “hat” instead of padlock. That’s ok though, whatever problems you are having with your view, chances are the other guy is too.
Fields can only be taken by cooperation between pilots. There are no AI field captures.
Flying for one side does not limit your aircraft choices. All aircraft are available to all sides.
Be gentle on the stick you will loose control.
Watch your angle and speed on the down zoom, you will compress in AH.
Rockets are only affective on ground objects.
You have to gun for yourself, no AI, on bombers.
Changes and updates are received fairly regular. Not like the year turnaround at FAII.
As a whole though there is really not any comparison. Aces High is a much better simulation then Fighter Ace could ever be.
One other note, when in the game, on the clip board hit “MAP”, then “Change Countries”, select “Knight”