Originally posted by DoKGonZo
In all my years doing events in AW and WB, the only reason I ever heard for people "swearing off" scenarios was that it was too much flying time for not enough shooting - they wanted the quick fix of the MA. There is clearly something else going on with AH scenarios.
The Same things that you saw in Rangoon are what usually keep me away from Scenarios. You sit down and come up with a plan, you put down some rules, and you go get some players.
Then the **** hits the fan, players whine about how the rules are set against them (and who knows, maybe in some cases they are), then people cant even be bothered to play within the established rules, and there's more whining.
Frankly it just seems like a long run for a short slide. I cannot imagine the patience that you and the Scenario CMs must have to deal with this crap. While I'm a huge fan of events, Scenarios start to become too much like work, and a lot less like fun. If it wasn't for the Weekley events, I'm sure I would be more interested in Scenarios.
This is all rather funny, considering you're scenarios were the big reason I bought the SVGA Airwarrior Box (Yes, I was one of the 1,000 dweebs).
We had an "Alternate History" Event running for about 2 years. It was derailed when we Came over to AHII, and lost the terrain base that we had, but in the CAP event, there was a frame or two with the Graff Zepplin. It's amazing how easy it is to land a Stuka on a CV lol.