Well it's not an "officialy" sanctioned AH scenario yet, but I thought I would generate some interest. I wanted to wait until the smoke had cleared from Rangoon '42, and wow, what a tough act to follow. Dok, again, well done sir
The 327th Steel Talons, have developed the mother of all Carrier battles!!
- We have the design hammered out, and polishing has already commenced.
- We have a working terrain, but that too will improve.
- Team Zulu CO has accepted his commision. I am pleased to announce that ROC has accepted and I'm absolutely sure his participation will strengthen the immersion of the scenario.
- Team Alpha CO is pondering the offer. Both will need 2 subordinate Admirals.
- Coral Sea is designed as a 4 Frame switch sides, much like Midway. (Sorry =GB=, hopefully someday we'll have 6 frames) And its designed with current scenario player attendance in mind... 120 registered.
- There are many unique elements designed in to enhance the immersion, and lend historical significance to the famous first Carrier Battle. "What if" Radm Crace's cruiser task force catches the Japanese invation force at Jomard Passage??
So if it sounds interesting lets hear it.