Author Topic: Battle of the Coral Sea  (Read 7928 times)

Offline SilverFox

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« on: December 16, 2004, 07:43:21 AM »
Well it's not an "officialy" sanctioned AH scenario yet, but I thought I would generate some interest.   I wanted to wait until the smoke had cleared from Rangoon '42, and wow, what a tough act to follow.   Dok, again, well done sir :aok

The 327th Steel Talons, have developed the mother of all Carrier battles!!

-  We have the design hammered out, and polishing has already commenced.  

-  We have a working terrain, but that too will improve.

-  Team Zulu CO has accepted his commision.  I am pleased to announce that ROC has accepted and I'm absolutely sure his participation will strengthen the immersion of the scenario.

-  Team Alpha CO is pondering the offer.   Both will need 2 subordinate Admirals.

-  Coral Sea is designed as a 4 Frame switch sides, much like Midway.  (Sorry =GB=, hopefully someday we'll have 6 frames)   And its designed with current scenario player attendance in mind... 120 registered.

-  There are many unique elements designed in to enhance the immersion, and lend historical significance to the famous first Carrier Battle.   "What if" Radm Crace's cruiser task force catches the Japanese invation force at Jomard Passage??

So if it sounds interesting lets hear it.  :)

Offline ghostdancer

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2004, 07:54:56 AM »
Actually I am going to have Skuzzy post a quick a radio button poll when you enter the MA to see what the whole player based is interested in.

Proposed scenarios are:

a. Siege of Malta (Axis vs British)
b. Kursk (Germans vs Russians - GVs and Planes)
c. Big Week (Germans vs U.S. - 8th Air Force bombing campaign)
d. Ploesti (Germans vs U.S.)
e. Coral Sea (Japanese vs U.S.)
f. Midway (Japanese vs U.S.)
g. Pearl Harbor (Japanese vs U.S)

I have data on all past scenarios and drop off from frame to frame, but want to get players opinions and find out what they are interested in.
X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
CM Terrain Team

Offline SilverFox

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2004, 11:33:43 AM »
Thanks GD :)

Can we have an "All of the Above" button :D

Offline Delirium

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2004, 11:45:26 AM »
Ploesti would definitely get my vote, more so now that we have a B24 and more P38s enroute.
80th "Headhunters"
Retired AH Trainer (but still teach the P38 selectively)

I found an air leak in my inflatable sheep and plugged the hole! Honest!

Offline Brooke

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2004, 05:29:43 PM »
I'm very interested.  Count me in for any scenario that comes up -- it's what I fly for.  Carrier battles sound interesting to me as does anything with a B-24 in it.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2004, 05:33:31 PM by Brooke »

Offline ROC

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2004, 05:44:05 PM »
Brooke, I would be honored to have your assistance as XO or Co CO on my team.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline Brooke

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2004, 10:01:03 PM »
Thank you, ROC.  Normally, I would be very pleased to do so -- especially to serve with you.  Just coming off CO duty, though, I have used up the portion of non-work time I have available for a while.  I need to be a non-command pilot in the next one.  Thank you very much for the offer, though -- I consider it an honor to be asked.

Offline ROC

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2004, 11:08:14 PM »
Not a problem my friend.

Seeing how I opted out of a command position early in Rangoon, I understand your position completely.

I do look forward to your signing up and flying in any capacity, hopefully within my group.

I almost nearly probabably might not accidently inadvertantly place you in a strategic position based on your needs.

:)  hehehe....
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline ramzey

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2004, 02:47:36 AM »
a. Siege of Malta (Axis vs British)
too similar in design with last we play
b. Kursk (Germans vs Russians - GVs and Planes)
can be nice if we will get more gv's and russian planes  from 1943

c. Big Week (Germans vs U.S. - 8th Air Force bombing campaign)
allways fun

d. Ploesti (Germans vs U.S.)
duck hunting

e. Coral Sea (Japanese vs U.S.)
zekes , no thanks

f. Midway (Japanese vs U.S.)
same , no thanks

g. Pearl Harbor (Japanese vs U.S)
???? Can i be ben aflec? ;) and Tokyo raid is included? ;)

Offline Wotan

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2004, 03:24:28 AM »
Kursk isn't really doable with the current VVS plane set.

The Next eastern front scenario could built off the Niemen, Kurland line.

Like 'Vistula-Oder' or 'Push to Berlin' or  something else along those lines.

Siege of Malta?  What time frame are you looking? '40-'43?

A good MTO / Italian event would be Po Valley.

Ploesti... turkey shoot (or duck hunt as Ramzey says). If not it would just be pretty boring.

Midway was already run and is basically just recycling the plane set from the last one.

Pearl Harbor? Are you kidding?

Coral Sea? I can see it as a snapshot but multi-frame event?

Big Week would bring the scenario numbers back up. Western Europe with plenty of Ami farm bois are always nice. All the planes are there. With the B24, and the addition of the P-38J it adds something different then the last time.

On the LW side the 110G is now in game. It wasn't there last time Big Week was run.

There's a good opportunity to create a new map that is better planned and laid out then the 1st one. No NOE bull**** all the way across Europe.

It seems to me the by far obvious choice would be a repeat of Big Week.

The next choice would be Po Valley, Italy...

Offline ghostdancer

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2004, 07:31:22 AM »
Basically those options are what should be going live today or tomorrow as a poll in the MA. I think we can all agree that the vast majority of players in AH don't visit the BBS. And that is one of the way we can find out what the broad base is interested in and also make them aware of future events.

Thanks for the feedback .. all of it is valuable.

Now to address a couple of points. First none of these have been committed too. I just don't want the scenario team to go off and start working on something if there is no real interest in it. Personally I would love to recreate the Japanese naval raid on Ceylon in the Indian Ocean. Think it would be very interesting to see Japanes and British carrier forces face off. But I also no not tons of interest in it. But I digress

  • Malta: Operation Pedestal took place in the summer of 1942. Basically the LW came close t bombing and starving Malta into submission. The actual Operation was battling to get a large convoy thru to Malta. Convoy was escorted Battleships and CVs. Would be part of an extended campaign of the LW trying to starve out Malta while British try to keep the island intact, get new planes in from CVs, and get convoys in.

  • Ploesti: What comes to mind in Ploesti is the low level B24 attack. Actually Ploesti was attacked numerous times including a long range all P38 attack. So duck hunt .. possible but only one frame and the LW doesn't know what frame. Plus the ducks down all have to come in from the same direction.

    So what is thought here (modelled on a scenario done in AW way in the past) is that Allied commander has conduct one P38 attack and one low level B24 attack with massive amounts of bombers but can choose the frame when to do it. Otherwise allies can conduct the more typical high level bomber and fighter attacks.

  • Coral Sea: Yes might be two short for a four frame. But thoughts here are too conduct a couple frames as one side and then switch and rerun with both sides flying the opposite. Another thought is also possibly having the fighter squads switch to attack planes also during the switch. This way everyone gets to fly a fighter and are not condemned to fly a B5N for four frames. They fly B5N for two frames and then see about flying F4Fs for 2 frames. Problem there is that there are more dive bombers and torpedo planes than fighters.

    Still thinking on that part. But the switching sides might definitely be a go.

  • Midway: Yes we have done it before but it was several years ago (over 2). And while the old veterans have done alot of the new people have not.

  • Pearl Harbor: This was actually done in AW and turned out to be a lot of fun. Basically the U.S. can not up until visual confirmation of IJN planes. But the U.S. is allowed to deploy the few planes on patrol where they want.

    In that event a lone IJN pilot got lossed or ignored orders and bee-lined to Hawaii. A scout spotted him and the full U.S. force was up and waiting for the IJN when they came  in. But if conducted correctly the U.S. should be struggling to get into the air.

    Again this would be a side switch scenario. So while the U.S. most likely will be take a beating first frame they get their shot as the IJN to administer a beating too .. and then its based on the results of all the frames. So who can save how many ships, lose and knock out how many planes, etc.

    Not sure if it appeals but it has been done before and been fun.

  • Kursk: Personally I am not a fan of GVs at all in scenarios but some are so since we have the T34 thought this major battle would be the one too look at. Others thought the Battle of the Bulge but not a lot of air component to that one.

    I agree that we need more GVs and more Russian planes. Then again we are looking at setting the scenarios for 2005 .. so we can hope that midway through or at the end we have more Russian planes.
X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
CM Terrain Team

Offline ghostdancer

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2004, 07:34:20 AM »
Ramzey if that is what it takes for HiTech to model B25s for AH .. hell yeah! ;)

Although Ben Aflec you are not. ;)
X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
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Offline SilverFox

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2004, 07:57:37 AM »
The strength of the community lies in the commitment of its volunteers.  I've spent no less that 200 hours researching and drafting Coral Sea, but if we can't find 120 players with a keen interest in real Carrier operations, then I'll gladly put it on the shelf in favor of another scenario.

Ploesti, on the other hand, has been hailed as one of the best scenarios ever run.  =B17= can tell you how many hours have already gone into it, but I can say that it took four months of very intense work just to create the map/terrain.   And I'm willing to do it again.  As long as I belong to this community, I will campaign for this historic event.  

In fact, I'll sign up for every single scenario regardless of side, or theater.  Strictly on the strength of the month long historical immersion they provide.  :aok


Offline Sikboy

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2004, 02:59:46 PM »
I swear off of scenarios every time I fly one, but if they put together a Coral Sea Scenario, ESPECIALLY one with a side switch after 2 frames.

I believe that the event would be best served in scenario format, given the numbers needed and the oranization involed. I've run several Carrier v. Carrier events over the past year and a half, and would love to see what a larger event could draw in.

I would kill to be a Flight Leader for the Kates :) My unit would be elite! haha! (don't get me started on my guys getting worked over in Kurland lol).

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline ROC

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Battle of the Coral Sea
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2004, 04:51:02 PM »
As this event get's moving, I will be garnering support and building the command base early.  I like to ramp up well in advance, even if it is simply communicating the progress of the concept.

If you are intersted,  please contact me and we can begin to orgainize on a preliminary basis.

I know this is very premature, but again, if nothing else, we can begin to talk it up and encourage interest.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.