I'm a bit torn here...
The woman is obviously deranged to even think of doing something like this, but her mind worked well enough to come up with a very complicated plan and execute it nearly flawlessly. The only reason she didn't get away with it was because she trusted in the anonymity of the internet and left enough ties between her various parts of the plan that the FBI could connect the dots.
So do we kill the b**ch because there is absolutely no doubt she's a calculating murderer and a clear threat to society, do we lock her up and pay her room/board for the rest of her life because she looked and acted "normal" even before the complicated and calculated murder/kidnapping, or does the legal system brand her mentally incompetent and turn her over to a system that may be obligated to set her free because by almost every measure she's "normal" except for that little bit about the psychotic murder/kidnap plot?
I'm leaning towards the death penalty because what she did was truly horrifying and knowing she's alive makes me feel quite a bit less safe... My wife and I are trying to have kids and if this psychotic murderer isn't put to death, what's the real deterrent against someone else trying it or even this person getting set free and trying it again? She is capable of highly intelligent and logical thought as evidenced by her complex plan and actions, so it's quite possible she could convince someone to let her free in the future.
I also forsee a miniseries, but it's possible it's just too horrifying to ever get released. Just knowing it actually happened would be enough to traumatize viewers who would see it happen on the tv. Even most horror movies aren't this sick.