**please excuse me if this post sounds like a whine or a sweety-&-moan type of thing. it's not. i'm just trying to point something out**
I've seen the plane "reviews" at Help->Game Overview->Planes,Vehicles, Boats, and I'm pretty disappointed to see such an incomplete section considering how great the rest of this game is.
I can understand that HTC may be more concerned with the actual game rather than the supporting material, like websites, etc. But, there's no real excuse for not providing a detailed, in-depth write-up on EACH and EVERY plane. It's critical for newbies to have a reference to fall-back on when trying to learn a new plane.
HTC, please hire someone to complete that section! It is important!

Thank you, again.
P.S.: Citabria did a nice job with the P-38L write-up! 
[ 08-27-2001: Message edited by: Enduro Rider ]