Author Topic: Q: Arena with relaxed physics?  (Read 1462 times)


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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« on: April 24, 2000, 12:24:00 PM »

Donīt know if it is a already discussed issue, but as a newbie at AH I really miss a "Beginners" arena with relaxed physics. I love the realistic flight models but I think there are too many things to learn at the same time. Learn all the commands, the game itself and to handle a WWII plane....ough...thatīs tough even for a online flight sim veteran.

Regards from Germany


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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2000, 12:50:00 PM »
There is actually no training arena here.
The "named" training arena  is actually a Free For All arena where Vets and fresh newbies alike fly. The concept is that his arena will help you learn much faster then a conventional training arena. Trainers  log on there to help out from time to time and they're pretty good at that. The occassional Vet will log on and help youout too. But there is NO "Training" arena here.

BTW, Take it from a 1.5 week old player. Don't complain about being unable to take off because your getting shot down. It only makes it worse.  

Oh, when you enter the arena you will be in the field where most congragate. If you "Breath" there, you are a valid target.
To move to a field where you can practice, you do this...
1. Hit ESC to bring up your clipboard.
2. Make sure its on the Map view.
3. Pick a "A" field like, "A11"
4. move to it using the following method.

1. Make sure your not in pvt chat. Do this by typing "/.radio 1 1" without the quotes.
2. type "/.move field#" without the quotes and substatuting "Field#" for the field you want to move to. Remember, The field # ONLY, not the A

That should take you to your choosen field where you shoudl be able to practice in piece.

I Hope that helps  

[This message has been edited by WW (edited 04-24-2000).]

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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2000, 12:55:00 PM »

I take that one as an insult, as someone who is making an effort to help AH grow that broad brushed condemnation is uncalled for.

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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2000, 01:37:00 PM »
Well, no insult intended, just the facts. I was complementry of all of the trainers as a whole cause you are good trainers.

I identified that the arena is an FFA. That's what all the players say and you yourself said you thought the FFA aspect in the training arena was a welcomed thing becuase it accelerates leaning.

Finally he was informed about the possiblity of being shot off the runway. It does happen and complaining about it just makes it worse.

Nothing said here was anything you yourself have not already said in other threads.

I just repeated it in a complimentry and helpful way.

There was no condemnation either. No one said it was bad or good. What was said was it was not a "Training Arena" it was a free for all. Which it is.

These ARE the facts. Put simply, the brush ain't mine. I just did the painting.

[This message has been edited by WW (edited 04-24-2000).]

Offline easymo

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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2000, 01:46:00 PM »
 Nash tried to explain to you that F1 has become more or less the FFA field. You can go to any other base and you wont be bothered by vets. He offered to go with you and train with you.

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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2000, 01:50:00 PM »
Thanks Easymo.
Actually I missunderstood the purpose of the arena. It was my fault.  

BTW, was that beofre or after the "Whaaaaaa!"

[This message has been edited by WW (edited 04-24-2000).]

Offline Kieren

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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2000, 01:57:00 PM »
Now I have not verified this, so please, no blasting me if it's wrong.  

If you start an H2H game, then go to arena settings (on the map page) you will see many settings that can be set by the host. One of them refers to an "easy mode". You might try setting this one and flying.

Now don't take this as an insult, but let me warn you; if ever you wish to fly in the Main Arena it is far better to start with the full realism flight model to begin with. Yes, it is frustrating at first. But if you get used to the easymode and go to the Main Arena, you are going to climb that learning curve all over again.

As for the Training Arena- yes there are problems. There has been quite a bit of discussion on the topic the last few days. Both sides have presented very compelling points. But, as in any argument, the truth probably lies in the middle. There needs to be a place where players can go for melee matches (perhaps H2H, SEA, or an arena separate from the existing ones). There needs to be a safe environment where new flyers are introduced to the game.

This last point is where we trainers have failed. We have not been able to control the atmosphere as we possibly should. I think we have all been sincere in our efforts, but the end result is the same. The best bet for a new person in the Training Arena is to set up a specific time with a trainer. Let the trainer take you to a remote base and help you there. The last thing a new guy needs to do is to pop into a base full of people flying overhead, because the new guy is going to get shot on the runway. To be fair to us (trainers) we are not there all the time, and the community needs to be able to police itself, too. I don't have "the" answer to this problem; if I did, you would have heard about it before now. All I am fearful of is that if we collectively can't find some way to make it work, we will lose it altogether. No one wins that way.

In that vein, let's put the fueds aside and try to find a way we can correct the problem together. I'm pointing the accusing finger back at myself and asking "What can I do to improve the situation?"

Offline daddog

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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2000, 02:19:00 PM »
Hello Chak.

I am not a trainer, but I enjoy helping out those new to the sim. As do many in my squad.

Feel free to contact me or any of those that posted here. I am sure they would be glad to help out.

Also Kieren is right, I would avoid the "easy mode" and stick with the realistic.  

daddog C.O.
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Offline WW

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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2000, 05:48:00 PM »
Heres a tip Chak,
I'm cancelling my account over whats been going on in the TA.

Good Luck

Offline humble

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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2000, 06:12:00 PM »

For every WW, they're are 10 or more folks who do well in the TA (that is just my personal opinion). The TA is a small part of the overall community. you'll find plenty of folks willing and able to help you make the transition to AH.

Yes, you will have an occasional problem. Almost all will be easily reolved, a few may not be. Any/all of the trainers can and will help you to the best of our ability.

AH as a whole is a work in progress, those of us with a few years or more of online flight recognize it for the labor of love it is. As it grows and the voice of the community ways in it will continue to shape itself into a mature and polished product.

Those unable or unwilling to work for the common good in a constructive manner may very well be better hiding in their glass house.

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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2000, 06:16:00 PM »
For goodness sake Chak, Don't do anything here for the common good. Thats what I did and got well pounced for it.

Like I said, complaints here are considered whining. Just read the Ettiqute topics and you'll see.

2 accounts have just been cancelled now as a result of all this.

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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2000, 06:31:00 PM »

Fas as I can see, you've contributed nothing.
You brought up some very legitimate issues, but instead of building on the dialog you created you chose to use it in an attempt to discredit lot's of well meaning people. No one including me has discounted the problems in the TA. I spent at least 15 hours there this week, so I have a decent feel for the reality's.

All in all, I do feel it's a great place to learn about combat flying in a controlled and friendly enviornment. Is it perfect,
of course not, but it's evolving. From comments I see in the threads I feel alot of folks agree with me...and many don't. Obviously a realistic middle ground will need to be reached...and I think it will.

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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2000, 07:09:00 PM »
As a newbie, I found the TA to be a little of all the above comments, but to base the overall game/sim and players on what happens in the TA is a bit, well, short sighted.

I spent approximately 60 hours in the TA before entering the MA.

The two arenas are very different in many ways.

Overall, I have to say the community here is pretty awesome.

As I have stated before, you are going to have people that just will not abide by any rules of etiquette or show a modicum of respect or class.  This is just the nature of online gaming.

I think you are over-reacting a bit WW, but that is certainly your perogative.

This is a complex sim, and to get good at takes some effort.  I thank all the pilots here who have given me help.  This is my first flight sim experience and overall, I have to say I am impressed with the quality of players here.

Oh, in the TA i was vulched off the runway many times.  Once, 3 times in a row, but I politely asked if they would allow me to get off the runway before shooting I would appreciate it.
They stopped, I flew and got blown out of the sky a few seconds later.

Instead of allowing myself to get frustrated with it all, I just migrated to another field and practiced on my own.  

I am still not a very good pilot, but I am having a ball with everyone in the main arena.

Just my 2 cents worth,.....

Roy "Skuzzy" Neese
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Offline easymo

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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2000, 07:23:00 PM »
 To get back to the origenal post. There are 2 or 3 planes that are as good as easymode. If you want to learn to TnB fly the spit. BnZ fly the P51. Ive had multi kill sorti,s in both without ever touching the trim buttons, once they were trimed to speed. once u get use to the views ect. You can start useing the elevator trim in these planes and expand there range quite a bit. From there experiment with flaps(not on the spit) and different throttle speeds. By then you will be ready to branch out to planes like the FW 190. Yes, you can turnfight in it, but you have to trim your prettythang off  . Its big fun.

Offline maik

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Q: Arena with relaxed physics?
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2000, 09:50:00 AM »

Hello fellow countrymen   .

First take the game like it is and believe even i learned to take of in a 109   , so stick on it.

I'm no vet, but if i can help u out, even in german just drop me a mail.

When ur in TA just ask for 1 of the trainers, they do 1 hell of a job, also chk their Website (geez forgot the url, can somebody post plz)

I don'T give any comments to WW here.



[This message has been edited by maik (edited 04-25-2000).]