Author Topic: P-47 Bug & F6F  (Read 1134 times)

Offline Warchief

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« on: December 29, 2004, 09:35:56 PM »
Last night me and a squaddie came across two seperate P-47. I shot one up in a Spit 9 and my squad mate was in B-24's. I shot up the one I was chasing unloading all my ammo and hitting with at least 60% of shots fired. Nothing fell off his plane and made it out of there without any damage. My squad mate fired at a P-47 that was 400 off his tail unloading on it and nothing. He lost all 3 B-24's to a P-47 that stayed level 400 off his tail. But if I was to take one up I can easily die to a bomber with one ping. Tonight dogfighting a F6F. He managed to out man. 2 Spitfires at high alt. I spent half the time blacked out. Now unless there is a way to turn black outs off then it can't be done. I know HiTech or Skuzzy is just going to say that it is my computer. But how can me and a squad mate on 2 seperate computers have the same problem. The only way is that there must be a problem in the game.

Offline Engine

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2004, 09:57:44 PM »
I totally agree, and in fact I think there's an even bigger problem.  There are GREMLINS in my computer, and no one else can see them but that's because they only are visible to those who are endowed with the gift of sight beyond sight.  And these gremlins rip apart the insides of my computer anytime I'm on someone's 6, and my system dies, but then they fix it so when I try to tell people they look at the computer and it's fine.  So HTC needs to do something about your problem, and also they need to do something about the ****ing GREMLINS.

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2004, 02:43:52 AM »
Gremlins are coded into the game.  HT keeps em as pets.  When the whine levels get high enough, he releases them to distract players while he fixes the problems.  Then they get to pretend there never was a problem.  Every so often they target the comps of people on a "hit list".  They love to tear up your plane and make you auger.  BUGS BUNNY TRIED TO WARN US.  Bewa............

Offline SlapShot

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2004, 12:33:38 PM »
Last night me and a squaddie came across two seperate P-47. I shot one up in a Spit 9 and my squad mate was in B-24's. I shot up the one I was chasing unloading all my ammo and hitting with at least 60% of shots fired. Nothing fell off his plane and made it out of there without any damage.

How do you know that you hit with 60% accuracy ?
How far was he out when you fired ?
What gun-package did you have on the Spit IX (303s instead of the .50 cals) ?

The P-47 is one of, if not, the toughest fighter in the game, and just because nothing fell off doesn't mean that he didn't receive any damage. How do you know he didn't have any damage ?

My squad mate fired at a P-47 that was 400 off his tail unloading on it and nothing. He lost all 3 B-24's to a P-47 that stayed level 400 off his tail.

How good of a shot is your squaddie in a buff ?
Did the P-47 take out any of his guns ?

P-47s carry 3400 rounds of .50 cal and can devastate a buff formation very quickly.

Tonight dogfighting a F6F. He managed to out man. 2 Spitfires at high alt. I spent half the time blacked out. Now unless there is a way to turn black outs off then it can't be done.

Who was in the F6F ? Run into the likes of Greebo or Mathman in their F6Fs and you have bit off a large chunk.

If you spent half the time blacked out, then you were definately carrying WAY too much speed through out the fight. The F6F is very nimble and most often underestimated. If he maintained his speed correctly, along with proper use of flaps, while you carried too much speed (blacking out way too often) you will get dispatched very quickly.

Warchief ... dont take this the wrong way.

I checked the stats page and you have only been playing since September from what I can see. Also, when you say that you are/were blacking out half the time in a Spit, that tells me that you were using way too much of the horizontal plane (with speed) and definately not enough of the vertical plane. This is something that most new flyers do instinctivly and only in time do they discover the vertical plane.

Had you used more of the vertical plane when fighting the F6F, the result may have been different with you coming out on the winning end.

There is no bug ... there is no way to turn off black-outs. You just need to keep trying, keep dying, and most of all keep fighting ... it will all come together with patience. Film your fights and then review afterwards ... you be amazed at what you find out.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline Warchief

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2004, 07:47:23 PM »
First thing is first. I have been flying in this for over a year and half. Second thing I saw the flashes as it hit him. Loadout was .50 cal. My squad mate unloaded on him hitting him till he lost his bombers and it is not hard to hit a guy 400 off your six just sitting there not diving or climbing. And the F6f was going faster then I was pullnig away from me long before I blacked out. And I know about vertical plane and everything like that. You need to look further back for about a month or two when we switched to Aces High 2 due to not having a good enough Vid Card.

Offline 214thCavalier

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2004, 08:10:15 PM »
OK first buff guns all converge at 600, so if he was sitting at 400 he knew what he was doing as your bullets would have been scattering around him rather than concentrating on him.

Regarding the F6F fight i think you just got owned.
Spit chasing an F6F, first get fast then drop the anchors on the F6F, it WILL lose speed much faster than the spit. Whilst in this phase the F6F will run rings around spits, N1k's you name it they will die or wonder what the hell happened as they are blacking out trying to follow.
Of course they could just stay fast and manage E better, also did you know at high speed the F6F will out turn spitfires ?
Guess not.

Offline Kweassa

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2004, 09:23:52 PM »
Not trying to be an stunninghunk, just laying down the facts:

1) We (basically) don't believe what you have said, because our experience tells us that people exaggerate a LOT in these sort of complaints.

2) So, we need a film.


Offline GunnerCAF

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2004, 10:35:49 PM »
2 Spitfires at high alt. I spent half the time blacked out. Now unless there is a way to turn black outs off then it can't be done.

Spitfires retain their energy well.  If you were high, there it a good chance you were fast.  The F6F will loose it's energy much faster.  This makes it slower and will turn tighter without pulling high Gs and black out.

If your blacking out all the time, you need to practice some energy management.  

Cactus Air Force

Offline Warchief

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2004, 08:18:55 AM »
OK let us see here. Yes a F6F get whip up on a Spit. Yes the F6F out man and so on. BUt how can he do to 2 of them. Now I do gunner in bombers. If you are sitting 400 behind me I am going to chew you up. AM I blowing this up. NO I have no reason to/ There are so many damn bugs in this game at times it becomes the lest fun thing to do. This forums is to say I had this problem take a look into. And last but not least. If I get owned I fess up to it.

Offline GunnerCAF

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2004, 09:13:52 AM »

I am sure someone at HTC will read your post.  The people replying here are all just players who are trying to help in the mean time.

Bugs are frustrating and take away from the game.  But some of the things you describe are not bugs if you understand the physics.  Each aircraft has strenghts and weakness, these are not bugs, but a representation of the real planes.  Some here know how to take advantage of these weaknesses in air combat.

I'm not telling you there isn't a bug, only HTC can check this out.  But we can tell you the P47 and F6F are two of the toughest planes here that can take damage.  The B26 is tough but it does have weak areas.  A Jug is the most able plane to slug it out with a B26 and take it down if the Jug driver knows how to do it.

The best thing you can do is to film the problem and send it in.  This way there will be less speculation and it will make it easier to find the bugs.

Cactus Air Force

Offline SlapShot

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2004, 10:12:41 AM »
Originally posted by Warchief
First thing is first. I have been flying in this for over a year and half. Second thing I saw the flashes as it hit him. Loadout was .50 cal. My squad mate unloaded on him hitting him till he lost his bombers and it is not hard to hit a guy 400 off your six just sitting there not diving or climbing. And the F6f was going faster then I was pullnig away from me long before I blacked out. And I know about vertical plane and everything like that. You need to look further back for about a month or two when we switched to Aces High 2 due to not having a good enough Vid Card.

Ok ... that is why I said ... "as far as I can see" when it came to trying to understand your total experience.

This I will tell you ... If you are flying a Spit and blacking out 1/2 of the time in a fight, then you are going to FAST and pulling to HARD ... plain and simple ... and you will get "owned" by any plane in the AH hanger under those conditions.

It is not unusual for a decent F6-F stick to whoop-up on mutiples in an engagement ... especially when the others are flying their rides all wrong ... this is what appears to have happened to you and your wingman.

Like Gunner said ... we're just trying to help and shed some light on what you have described. If there was a bug with black-outs and P-47 damage, the posts stating so would be pouring into this forum at a dizzying rate.

Did you film these engagements ? If so, could we see them ? Not only for our own edification, but if there truly is a bug, then it would prove invaluable to HT to solve the problem, if there is one.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline jpeg

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2005, 12:25:02 PM »
No, buff guns converge at 500.

Originally posted by 214thCavalier
OK first buff guns all converge at 600, so if he was sitting at 400 he knew what he was doing as your bullets would have been scattering around him rather than concentrating on him.

Regarding the F6F fight i think you just got owned.
Spit chasing an F6F, first get fast then drop the anchors on the F6F, it WILL lose speed much faster than the spit. Whilst in this phase the F6F will run rings around spits, N1k's you name it they will die or wonder what the hell happened as they are blacking out trying to follow.
Of course they could just stay fast and manage E better, also did you know at high speed the F6F will out turn spitfires ?
Guess not.

Offline Warchief

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2005, 12:16:17 AM »
You know what guys I have yet to see it since we switched off the Orkansas Map. Leaving me to believe there is a bug in that map. Since being off that map have yet to see a repeat of the 47 taking a alot of hits. ONe more thing concernign the bombers. The converge point is talking about tail guns of all three. But other guns such as tail, ball, and maybe waist converge closer.

Offline nirvana

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2005, 03:09:18 PM »
Talking about strange plane acts,  last night my squad was running fighter sweeps, not once but twice and both times when we came into the base there were cons above us (we were 20K) and this was above a friendly base once and an enemy base.  Thats not the strange planes though,  I was killed from a very far distance, as stated by my wingman, from a niki.  Another one of my squad mates dove with an A6M and the Zero dove better then he did in a 109F4, the plane we were all flying.  No videos or anything, just stating another strange occurance in the game.
Who are you to wave your finger?

Offline Clifra Jones

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P-47 Bug & F6F
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2005, 03:44:02 PM »
You have to take the pilot into consideration as some have stated here.

In regards to the dive event. 2 disimilar planes, one a good diver one not (a6m2 NOT) if the poor diving planes pilots puts his plane in a efficient 0g dive and the other pilots does not then I would bet the poor diving plane will perform better.

A zero will drop nicely if you trim it up to 0g wings level and you can let go of the stick and maintain the dive. Not outstanding but nice. A jug will drop like a loony tunes anvil.:D