Author Topic: Spit V vs Nikki  (Read 1580 times)

Offline TexMurphy

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Spit V vs Nikki
« on: January 07, 2005, 08:39:03 AM »
Ok been trying to learn the Spit V as of late and I have one main issue. The Nikki.

It outruns me, it out turns me, it outclimbs me (below 8k) and if Im not wrong it also retains E better then I do.

Ok so obvious answer is to fight it over 8k. But that aint always the option one has.

At 8k will the climb advantage make me able to E fight the Nikki?

Below 8k? what do I do?


Offline Redd

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Re: Spit V vs Nikki
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2005, 08:54:41 AM »
Originally posted by TexMurphy
Ok been trying to learn the Spit V as of late and I have one main issue. The Nikki.

It outruns me, it out turns me, it outclimbs me (below 8k) and if Im not wrong it also retains E better then I do.

Ok so obvious answer is to fight it over 8k. But that aint always the option one has.

At 8k will the climb advantage make me able to E fight the Nikki?

Below 8k? what do I do?


Hiya Tex

get that spit turning a little better, you should be able to out turnfight a niki

I haven't had a lot of experience in the niki but I think the the spit is nimbler and rolls a little better as well , which you may be able to use.

you might be running in to some of the better niki pilots.
I come from a land downunder

Offline SlapShot

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Spit V vs Nikki
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2005, 09:32:20 AM »
The Spit V, in all intances and if flown correctly, will eat the N1K for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

If it is out turning you, I have to ask ...

Do you have the "Stall Limiter" turned on ?

Are you using flaps at the correct time ? Even without flaps, the Spit V should turn inside the N1K easily.

The N1K will out run the Spit V ...

As a matter of fact, most planes will out run the Spit V. Do not run from the N1K ... make him play in your "world" ... turn fighting. If you have some separation from the N1K, turn back into him and force him to start turning with you.

The N1K will out climb the Spit V ...

Unless you have a pocketfull of E, do not try to follow the N1K up. Turn in the opposite direction ... get some speed and E back and be prepared to turn back into him if he brings the fight back to you. Like above, try to get him into your "world".

Co-alt and Co-E, the Spit V is probably the most dangerous fighter in all of AH.

When I encounter a late war machine, that is carrying alt and E over me, I try to maintain my Spit V in its most dangerous envelope ... somewhere around 275mph.

If they make a BnZ approach, I will cause them to miss, but I will not follow them. I will continue on my heading (after the miss) and get my speed back up. If they extend slightly and turn back to attack (still with more alt and E than me), I will do the same thing again ... cause them to miss and build my speed back up while they re-think and extend. If I can continue to avoid the attacks and maintain this envelope, they will eventually bring themselves into the Spit V "world". At that point, they are in deep yogurt.

If you want to see the Spit V at its finest, go here ...

I have watched many, if not all, of Leviathn's movies and they are invaluable for learning how to fly and get the most out of the Spit V.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2005, 09:34:24 AM by SlapShot »
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline Flyboy

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Spit V vs Nikki
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2005, 09:41:20 AM »
hey murph.

if th nikki is out turning you, you must be doing something wrong.
give me a call, we need to spend some time in the DA or TA.

Offline TexMurphy

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Spit V vs Nikki
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2005, 10:18:17 AM »
Thanks for the replies guys.

I dont have the stall limmiter on.

I think the reason I dont get tight into the turns is that Im not used to just how tight I can pull this plane yet. Also I dont use flaps and that is something I really have to work on and find where and when to use em. I would really appriciate it if you could help me with that in the DA, flyboy.


Offline humble

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Spit V vs Nikki
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2005, 11:05:13 AM »
I'd guess your not doing two things....

1) working the have to get off the gas to max out the spittie in a T&B fight....

2) Rudder....

The spitty is night and day with rudder and without, I used to spend a fair amount of time getting schooled by Lev (was DMF then) back in the TA. Rudder Rudder Rudder....

I'm also curious how well you use the "vertical oblique"...not true vertical (loop fight) but three demensional fight...if you look back thru some of the stuff I posted there is a Ki-61 vs nikki clip where he's got E and angles (climbing right up my prettythang)...anyway its a good example of using what you have...

I've got a fight between me and a pretty well flown spitty (Ki-61 vs spit (V I think)...I'll post it on this thread...maybe it'll give you some ideas. In the end he pulls a bit to hard and gets the AH2 "sink" stall....basically I got us both down the the ragged edge and he happened to crap out 1st....

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Offline SlapShot

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Spit V vs Nikki
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2005, 11:24:57 AM »
Originally posted by TexMurphy
Thanks for the replies guys.

I dont have the stall limmiter on.

I think the reason I dont get tight into the turns is that Im not used to just how tight I can pull this plane yet. Also I dont use flaps and that is something I really have to work on and find where and when to use em. I would really appriciate it if you could help me with that in the DA, flyboy.


Also, remember that the Spit V DOES NOT want to fight fast.

You have to maintain a speed that will allow you to use your control surfaces to their maximum as humble as alluded to with use of the rudder. Using the rudder on rolls and in the vertical is of utmost importance.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline humble

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Spit V vs Nikki
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2005, 12:24:03 PM »
no flaps in the spit V to speak off...think I might pop em once in 100 fights. IRL they were for landing only. Sounds to me like your carrying way to much speed in your fights....the nikki will slow down faster slapshot said the spittie is finicky about speed....rudder throttle rudder throttle rudder throttle...

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Offline SlapShot

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Spit V vs Nikki
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2005, 12:40:30 PM »
I typically use the flaps when engaged with another Spit or Zeke.

If popped at the right speed, they will get you inside real quick especially when trying to gain a deflection shot on a turning Spit/Zeke from a lead pursuit perspective ... if popped when too slow, they can make you a sitting duck.

Popping the flaps on the top of a loop gives you many more options from that point cause it will come over real quick.

I do also agree that throttle control is very important when fighting in a Spit ... its amazing what that plane will do with just throttle control only.

I tend to use the rudder mostly when in the vertical ... I find that it really bleeds serious E when in the horizontal plane and if a Spit V gets too slow, it can't get out of it own way.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline humble

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Spit V vs Nikki
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2005, 12:56:28 PM »
curious where you define slow...if I remember flaps come out at 160....I like spitty in the 125-175 zone (i'm almost always flying verticals of some kind...probably is why I'm all throttle & rudder...only time I'll pop flaps is for lead on a real good shot opportunity. I'm probably up higher speed wise than I think since it keeps speed so well...

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline TexMurphy

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Spit V vs Nikki
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2005, 01:05:40 PM »
Ok done better today... won my first 1v2 fight today... vs spit and p40... also managed to live long enough through a 1v2 against another spit and a 109 till I got help and scoored one of em and RTWoodrd scooring the other..

That said.

Yes I need to work my rudder controlls. That is actually something I dont do all that much and really dont know all that well how to do. I do use em when I am in a scissor situation and need to bring my plane around fast to the other side.. but thats about it...

Some info on how to propperly use rudder would rock.

Next thing is cross axis movement. I do use alot of immels and loops. High YoYo´s I tended to use more when flying the Yak.

True multi dimentional is mostly due to enemy forcing or giving me the situation. As in me spiraling up or down for deflection shots.


Offline SlapShot

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Spit V vs Nikki
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2005, 01:22:20 PM »
curious where you define slow...

Don't know what the speed is but its when I have fought a tuff knife fight ... down on the deck ... get the kill ... and thats when a buddy shows up ... and I have no aileron or rudder control to create an angle that will cause a miss. Seems/feels like I am just hanging there in mid-air spinnin' my wheels. Probably under 100mph ?
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline mars01

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Spit V vs Nikki
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2005, 02:24:35 PM »
Seems/feels like I am just hanging there in mid-air spinnin' my wheels.

Thats the problem Slap, put your gear up and stop spinnin them wheels. :D

Offline TequilaChaser

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Spit V vs Nikki
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2005, 03:54:16 PM »
anyone ever notice how long the spit takes to put flaps down or bring them in?

if I recall it is around 20+- seconds to go from in to out and 20+- seconds to go from out to in, if you're a using flaps you definitely need to use throttle control.........
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Offline Roscoroo

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Spit V vs Nikki
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2005, 04:24:40 PM »
ill put up my film for ya too

Roo vs bishland

It doesnt have the best gunnery .. but remember its a 15 vs 1 and i was doing my best to survive and cause chaos and mayhem .  

now about flaps in a spit 5 .. i never touch them unless im landing on a cv .. its all throttle, rudder, E management , and stay out of the blackouts compleatly .(if your blacking out your flying the spit 5 wrong ) youll have to watch the film for my trade secret of what i use instead of flaps ...

for the rudder it can be and is the biggest life saver in the spit  i quick stab to the right or left will cause alot of guys to miss there shot , and applied at the right speed in a vertical manuver the spits rudder is what gets you around and on there 6 alot .   its part of the spits "Snapshot" also .

as for beating up on niki's hell yea .. kill that darn pesky thing right away and then go after the others . the niki is faster then the spit but cant outturn or fight as well at the spits speed .

something that also help me get better in the spit 5 was to fly it without using wep  .. Fly it like you would normally but try all the dogfights without it ... it sort of turned it into a mini Uber spit when i went back to wep on and off mode .this helped me define different speed management conditions in the spit .

Ok Spitdweeb chant mode off

Roscoroo ,
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