Okay. THIS memo is for all those NEGATIVE people that have posted. Go buy the magazine, or stop by and read it and you will understand WHY these planes were chosen.
THere choices are very logical, but then again, what would they know .. its not like WWII history IS there full time JOB and Passion and yours is????
I just Made this POST because I figured you all would find it interesting reading for the WWII aviation enthusist.
And as For FD SKI :roleyes:, I am not going to waste time with your statemt because..well your not worth my time or effort. Your statement goes to show your lack of open mindness and your historical WWII aviation intellegence...NOT THERE.
Your BBS etiquette ranks up there with your online flying skill. PISS POOR!.
Get a life FD SKI,
All other pilots I encourage you to go read the article, very good reading and educating. The article talks about a make of airplane overall and its value it played to the WWII aviation history.
Good luck and God speed