Author Topic: P38 Combat Trim Suicide Device?  (Read 2847 times)

Offline StSanta

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P38 Combat Trim Suicide Device?
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2001, 08:23:00 AM »
Toad: I agree with you. I also think the way trim is implemented in AH has something to say.

I don't know whether trim would help control a plane like say the 109G10 at high speed, when normal controls are locked up. Not sure if this happened in real life.

Having said that, being a 190 pilot, it is exceedingly rare for me to use trim to control my aircraft. . However, getting the trim reasonably right is vital for living and killing.

CT takes away the edge, makes the plane seem dull and bland. It makes you unable to ride the edge, and when you're doing a suicide dive/pullup to save a squaddie where only inches separate you and the ground, that isn't good enough.

I suppose some planes are better with CT on than others. With 190's, it feels like you've neutered them.