Author Topic: 369th Synergy Corps  (Read 448 times)

Offline TexMurphy

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369th Synergy Corps
« on: January 12, 2005, 05:53:53 AM »
Hi there Aces High Community.

I just wanted to take some time to make a presentation of who we are.

The 369th Synergy Corps is a Chapter in the Synergy Online Gaming Family. Synergy is a group which features a wide variety of games from FPS's to MMPOG's. We in Synergy always value good maners, friendliness and fair play. We always strive to have mature players who know how to behave respectfully to both friends and enemies. Since we always strive for this our group largely consists of older players and we have an 18+ rule in effect.

Our Aces High Chapter is currently in the stage of taking off and it's led by Wolf14. Wolf is a seasoned AH vet and a Synergy vet from playing Jumpgate with us. Currently, the Squadron consists of old friends from the Jumpgate Chapter and other Synergy Chapters as well as a few of Wolf's old friends he has met in AH.

Our goal is always to be a tight bunch of friends who fly together to have fun. Currently we have quite a few dweebs in the squad since we are mainly focusing our recruitement on friends from Jumpgate and other Synergy Chapters. We feel that this is a good way to strike two flies at once, first we build on the tight group of friends we feel is very important and second we bring in new blood to the game. This doesn't mean we won't be recruiting from within the Aces High community, as we will. Our recruitment is invitation based as we want to keep the group chemistry and only recruit people who we have fun together with and who have fun with us.

We fly as Rooks and we live at Channel 114. Everyone is welcome to our channel and to fly, die and share some laughs with us or to help our new pilots out. You are also very welcome to come and visit us over at our home in Syn City.

Also I please urge you, since most of us are new pilots, please tell us if we do something lame or stupid in any way. We are here to learn and have fun. Please tell us directly so that we can learn, it's never our intent to do anything lame.

Have fun and see you in the skies of Aces High.

On behalf of Synergy.