i have a real disturbing problem.
If i release back pressure on the stick i get a short but very violent upward spike on the x-axis.
That means if i am pulling some Gs, than ease of, the plane will 1st pull even more Gs.
Only way to avoid this is by easing of the backpressure on the stick in ultra slowmotion.
You can imagine how serious this problem ist, because it spoils any guns solution, kills every smooth maneuvers, and everything were pulling back on the stick is involved.
I use a CH F16 Combatstick (Gameport) combined with CH Throttle (Gameport) and F16 Simpeds (USB).
I already set the Damping to max, but it didnt help much. The spike is now less pronouced, but strong.
To give you an idea of the spike size, with damping at max here how it looks in the Stick setting.
When i pull the stick back so that the pitch curve shows 50%, than move back to center, the curve will 1st spike out to about 75%.