Hello everybody I just write this post because I have found some thingns in this community that could de better:
1) This game is just great , but is too hard to learn by people that is a complete newbie and don't now nothing about aviation, to other guys with some simulators experince is not to hard,but what happens with all the people that want to explore the world of simulators?, the other day in a H2H chat with other newbie like me I realize about the urgency of a good trainnig structure < what is this ? well here I go:
this guy say to me that this nigth will be his last nigth playing this cr... of game because the game is great but is to hard, and the training system is just very poor(thats was he saids), ok Hi-teck loosed one future client, and a little bit more of money, if HTC have more money we have a better game :-) .
and these are our conclutions about the trainig system of this game:
I have founded great people that help me a lot (dingy,ram,redwing,etc.) I have learned many things that they tell me. other ones like the general theory about the flying art
I have learned by all the web seaching in 1 site them other, etc. I have founded a lot of information but all tthis information is spreaded for all over the web and don't have a logical learning system(how u teach a guy how to park a car if he don't now how to start it?)they talk about maneuvers , enrgy , etc. but this people suppose that everybody nows something about fly, this is totally wrong. all this information could be very confused and a guy like this "lik.." (that was his nick name) end furstrated and just go back to Quake . there are other people like me that don't want to take down and I want to learn this game its to hard yes, but I will do it :-) that need a logycal structure of trainig. that what is what i mean:
1)first somebody must have to create a page or site where all the newbies should go first
2) in this home page shold be a descritopn about the flying course,
3) a list of available trainers, with a description of their free time to teach, best moves, contact info , if he is available in various languages , etc.
4) all the trainer must be clasified by best moves, language, etc
5)thetm a description of the course for example:
day 1
-this day is to talk about general aviation
day 2
- this day is to talk about advanced aviation
- day 3
- this day to energy
and with this structure the trainer and the trained go to the TA to cover this day content, of course some good pilots may do the structure of the course.
in the courses sesions there will be some lectures ej,
my trainer tell me about some good article in the Red Dragons page about radio understand, well in the home page of thr fying school must be a link just next to every day training that takes me to a suggested lecture about that day, etc, ect
well, here could be many more usefull things, that a combination of experinced players and newbies could make and develop a great fligth school, in this way the entrance of the newbies to this game will be more easy , and we will have a lot of pilots=more HTC clients=more money to HTC=better game.
if some one want to try this suggestion I can help because i'm a newbie and I now what we need. maybe Hi teck can make space on to their hard drive availble to load the course there ,and this will be the official AH fliying school.
please excuse my funny english and the big post .