Lmao -
They're lucky I guess - They're on the recievieng end my projects / learning experiements...plus it's fun to do - it enhances my enjoyment of the game, as well as others.
I've had the last 2 months off, due to the seasonal / fickle business(music industry) that I'm in, so I've been using that time to try to learn stuff and get my hands dirty with different things. Hence the time to whip out skins / buildings, ect.... ( actually i was supoosed to be learning how to build 3d architectural buildings for an in-law's company who needs help to do mock-ups and visualisations)
Been contemplating a career change, but don't know if I could stand going to an arts school, or what not. But it is something that interest me..That's how I got this last carreer - just fell into it because I liked doing it....Can't complain. Good pay, fun ,travel , cute girls- low hours

But the last 5-6 months, I've been kicking around the idea of doing something else...the last 10 years I've been traveling on /off and it gets "old" sometimes. I guess its like anything.
Also come to realize that family/friends are really important..my mother passed away over the holidays...and dad (ret. Airforce) is going through alot of stuff, on top of some health issues. I missed alot of things in my parents life due to travel, and it also took its toll on personal relationships. So the idea of being based in one location sounds appealing. Guess I'm just getting older...lol
Right now - I've got alot of options...., and I like that.
At least if I try to go the artist route - I wont be too "green" - but I still have tons to learn.