Just bought the X-45 and I like it a lot, but it seems to have one issue.
The rudder is very sensitive. It seems by watching the window in the
slider-scale set-up that the rudder goes from no input to full input at the slightest touch of the rudder. Have tried messing with the rudder scaling and the only way to see a marked improvement (in the scale window)is to put dampening way up. BUT, when jumping into the game, this obviously just delays the response time.
Anyone have this prob with the X-45 and can direct me on how to fix this prob?
I attempted to calibrate it in Win XP before playing, but it appears there is no option to calibrate in Windows. And I did calibrate it in game before I messed with the slider scaling. Roll and Pitch work just great.
Oh, and a nice tip (at the risk of sounding pornographic)..the joystick shaft had the tendency to like to sick a little to the base.. put a little vaseline on the shaft and that really smoothed things out.